21-256 Multivariate Analysis and Approximations

Department of Mathematical Sciencess
21-256 Multivariate Analysis and Approximation, Fall 1998
Instructor: B. Doytchinov
Office: WeH6213
Ofice hours: Mo, We 10:20-11:50am


The course consits of three main parts: Text: Both the book and the notes should be available at the campus bookstore.


Homework is assigned each week, and is due on the Tuesday of the following week.

A complete list of all homework assignments for the semester can be found in the schedule of the course.

The homework will be collected in recitation, at the beginning of the session. No late homework will be accepted.

Homework is a required component of the course. Working the exercises will help you learn, and your graded homework will give you some feedback on your progress. You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with each other; however, the work handed in must be your own. In particular, to avoid any perception of copying, you should not read anybody else's work or show your work to anybody else.


There will be four in-class tests and a Final exam. The lowest of the four test scores will be dropped. The grade will be calculated in the following way:
50% of the grade come from the three best Tests,
40% of the grade come from the Final Exam,
10% of the grade come from the 10 best homework scores.

No makup tests will be given. If you miss a test, that will be the one dropped when computing the semester score. Anybody caught cheating on any of the tests or exams will be assigned a failing grade for the course. Note that the finals session ends on December 15, so you should plan on being in Pittsburgh until then.

The exact day, time, and location of the final exam will be announced by the registrar's office.

Multivariate Analysis and Approximations Fall 1998.

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