Lecture 18
1. Characteristics of the industry
- Several sellers
- Freedom of entry and exit
- Perfect information
- Heterogenous products
2. Basis for product differentiation
- Physical attributes of the product:
"Where is the beef?"
- Location:
One gas station may be conveniently located
- Type of service:
One dry-cleaner offers 2-hour service, the other 1-day service
- Perceived difference in quality:
Quality of MOBIL's oil may be different from others
3. Why is product differentiation important?
- Each firm has some monopoly power in the market
- Each firm has a downward-sloping demand curve
4. Profit maximization under monopolistic competition
- Choice of optimal price and output combination
- Output is determined by MR=MC criterion
- Price is obtained from the demand curve
5. Profits
Short run:
- An individual firm may make profits
Long run:
- Demand curve is tangent to the AC curve
- Firms make zero profits (Why?)