Lecture 1
1. Low per-capita income
- Low income (GDP)
- Low productivity (why?)
- Low saving and investment
- Old technology, inadequate infrastructure
- Large population
2. Large-scale unemployment
- Underemployment
- Disguised unemployment
- Addition of a worker does not raise output
- Family consideration, not "profit maximization"
- Scant data on unemployment
3. Income distribution
- How do we measure income inequality?
- Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient
- Severe income inequality, poverty
- Leads to economic/political/social instability
4. Predominance of agriculture
- Low productivity
- Fragmented land ownership (what is the problem?)
- Old technology, lack of good seeds and fertilizers
5. International trade
- Exports of primary commodities (tea from Sri Lanka)
- No control over terms-of-trade
- Imports of intermediate goods, capital goods
- Problem of debt service
- Fixed exchange rates
- Official and black market rates
6. Financial markets
- Mainly commercial banks; small equity markets
- High reserve ratios, interest-rate ceilings
- Credit rationing
7. Dualism
- Urban and rural sector
- Rural: Small-scale, labor-intensive, low-wage sector
- Urban:
- Formal sector: Modern, capital-intensive, high-wage industrial sector
- Informal sector: Small-scale, merchants, low-wage
8. The government sector
- Large degree of government intervention
- Active role in production
- Tax revenues:
- Limited role of direct taxation (income taxes)
- Reliance on import duties
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