Lecture 3
The Production Function
1. Production Function
- Q = AF(K,L), where Q is output, K is capital, L is labor and A is technology.
- Example: Cobb-Douglas production function
- Q = 20K1/4L3/4
- Constant returns to scale
- Diminishing marginal product of each factor (labor, capital):
- As L increases, ceteris paribus, additional output decreases.
- Alternatively: As L increases, ceteris paribus, MPL decreases.
2. Labor force (L)
- Quantity and quality
- Human capital: Education, skills and health
3. Capital stock (K)
- Physical capital; accumulates over time as result of investment
- Link between national saving and investment
- National saving = Private saving (S) + Govt. saving (T-G)
- Role of foreign saving in boosting domestic investment
- Private capital inflows
- Official development assistance (ODA)
3. Technology (the 'A' parameter)
- Technical progress
- Innovation and imitation
- Labor productivity
4. Institutions
- Property rights, rule of law
- Rent-seeking activities: Corruption
- Threat of nationalization
5. International trade
- Imports
- Need for imported inputs:
Capital goods, oil, fertilizers
- How to pay for them? Foreign-exchange earnings through:
- Exports
- Remittances from workers abroad
- Foreign investment
- Foreign aid
- Exports
- Makes domestic firms more competitive
- Speeds up adoption of new technology, management techniques
6. Macroeconomic environment
- Policy objectives: Low inflation and low unemployment
- Suitable fiscal and monetary policies
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