Lecture 5
1. Assumptions
- Output depends on two factors of production and technology:
Y = AF(K,L)
- Constant-returns-to-scale technology:
y = Af(k), where y=Y/L, k=K/L
- Saving equals fixed proportion of output:
S = sY (s is the savings ratio)
- Labor force grows at the rate of n
2. Model
- Saving (in period t) equals investment (in period t):
S(t) = I(t)
- Investment leads to addition to capital stock:
I(t) = K(t+1) - K(t)
- Change in capital-labor ratio over time:
dk/dt = sAf(k) - nk
3. Results
(a) Steady state
- In steady state, capital and labor grow at same rate:
- Capital-labor ratio = k*
- Higher savings ratio leads to greater capital-labor ratio:
k* increases with s
- Higher population growth leads to lower capital-labor ratio:
k* decreases with n
- Higher savings ratio does not lead to faster growth:
In steady state, output, capital and labor all grow at the same rate, n.
(b) Technical progress
- One-time improvement in technology
- Increase in A leads to higher k*
- No increase in growth rate of output
- Continual technical progress
- Leads to increase in growth rate of output
4. Criticism
- Model does not explain why technical progress occurs
- Model does not explain what determines a country's savings ratio
- Increase in savings ratio has no effect on economic growth (Questionable)
5. Convergence hypothesis
- Consider two countries with same technology, savings ratio and population growth
- Let Country A's initial capital-labor ratio be less than Country B's
- A given increase in capital stock will produce a larger increase in output in Country A than in Country B (why?)
- Result:
- Country A will tend to grow faster than Country B
- In steady-state, both countries will:
(a) Grow at the same rate
(b) Have the same per-capita income
- Evidence from developing countries?