Inorganic Chemistry: Texts & General Coverage

Updated: September 09, 2021



A. Bakac, ÒPhysical Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 2010 (2 volumes; ISBN 978-0470580226).


P. Ball,  ÒThe Beauty of Chemistry: Art, Wonder, and Science,Ó MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2020 (ISBN 978-0262044417).


J. Barrett, ÒInorganic Chemistry in Aqueous Solution,Ó Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2003.


J. Barrett and M.A. Malati, ÒFundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry: An Introductory Text for Degree Course Studies,Ó Wiley/Chichester/Albion, NY, 1998.


J.R. Bowser, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó Brooks/Cole, CA, 1993.  Answer key available


I.S. Butler and J.F. Harrod, ÒInorganic Chemistry: Principles & Applications,Ó Benjamin/Cummings, CA, 1989.  Answer key available


D.K. Chakrabarty, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó 3rd ed., New Academic Science, 2013 (ISBN 978-1781830079).


S. Chandra, ÒComprehensive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers, 2004 (ISBN 978-8122415124).


T. Chivers and I. Manners, ÒInorganic Rings and Polymers of the p-Block Elements: From Fundamentals to Applications,Ó RSC Publishing, London, 2009.


F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C.A. Murillo, and M. Bochmann, ÒAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 6th ed., Wiley/Interscience, NY, 1999.


F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, and P.L. Gaus, ÒBasic Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 3rd ed., Wiley, NY, 1995.  Answer key available


P.A. Cox, ÒInstant Notes: Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., BIOS Scientific Publishers/Taylor & Francis, NY, 2004.


M.C. Day Jr. and J. Selbin, ÒTheoretical Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Reinhold, NY, 1962.


B.E. Douglas, D.H. McDaniel, and J.J. Alexander, ÒConcepts & Models of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 3rd ed., Wiley, 1994.  Answer key available


P.J. Durrant and B. Durrant, ÒIntroduction to Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 1970.


E.A.V. Ebsworth, A.G. Maddock, and A.G. Sharpe, ÒNew Pathways in Inorganic Chemistry," Cambridge University Press, NY, 1968 (first paperback edition, 2011).


P. Enghag, ÒEncyclopedia of the Elements,Ó Wiley-VCH, NY, 2004.


A. Ghosh and S. Berg, ÒArrow-Pushing in Inorganic Chemistry: A Logical Approach to the Chemistry of the Main Group Elements,Ó Wiley, NY, 2014 (ISBN 978-1118173985).


R. Gopalan, ÒTextbook of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2012 (ISBN 978-1466518148).


N.N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw, ÒChemistry of the Elements,Ó 2nd ed., Butterworth/Heinemann, MA, 1997.


R.B. Heslop and K. Jones, ÒInorganic Chemistry: a Guide to Advanced Study,Ó Elsevier, NY, 1976.


N.S. Hosmane, ÒAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry: Applications in Everyday Life,Ó Academic Press, NY, 2017 (ISBN 978-0-12-801982-5).


J.E. House, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Elsevier, NY, 2012 (ISBN 978-0123851109).


C.E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó 5th ed., Pearson, NY, 2018 (ISBN 978-1292134147).  Answer key available


J.E. Huheey, E.A. Keiter and R.L. Keiter, ÒInorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure & Reactivity,Ó 4th ed., Harper & Row, NY, 1994.  Answer key available


J.E. Huheey, E.A. Keiter, R.L. Keiter, and J.R. Shapley, ÒInorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure & Reactivity,Ó 5th ed., Addison-Wesley, NY, 2014? (ISBN 032102169X;  978-0321021694).


W.L. Jolly, ÒModern Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1991.


T.M. Klapotke and M.J. Crawford, ÒSmall Molecules & Ions in Inorganic Main Group Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 2000.


T.M. Klapotke, R.D. Harcourt, and A. Schulz, ÒQuantum Chemical Methods in Main-Group Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 1998.


J.J. Lagowski, ÒModern Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Marcel Dekker, NY, 1973.


J.D. Lee, ÒConcise Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 5th ed., Chapman & Hall, NY, 1996.


G.W. Luther III, ÒInorganic Chemistry for Geochemistry and Environmental Sciences: Fundamentals and Applications,Ó Wiley, NY, 2016 (ISBN 978-1118851371).


K.M. Mackay, R.A. Mackay, and W. Henderson, ÒIntroduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 6th ed., Nelson Thornes, London, 2002.


A.G. Massey, ÒMain Group Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 2000 (Inorganic Chemistry: A Wiley Textbook Series).


G.L. Miessler, P.J. Fischer, and D.A. Tarr, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó 5th ed., Pearson/Prentice Hall, NJ, 2013 (ISBN 978-0321811059).


D.M.P. Mingos, ÒEssentials of Inorganic Chemistry 1,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1995.


D.M.P. Mingos, ÒEssentials of Inorganic Chemistry 2,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1998.


T. Moeller, ÒInorganic Chemistry: a Modern Introduction,Ó Wiley/Interscience, NY, 1982.


B. Murphy, C. Murphy, and B.J. Hathaway, ÒBasic Principles of Inorganic Chemistry: Making the Connections,Ó Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1998.


J. Nentwig, M. Kreuder, and K. Morgenstern, ÒGeneral & Inorganic Chemistry Made Easy,Ó VCH Publishers, NY, 1994.


S.M. Owen and A.T. Brooker, ÒGuide to Modern Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Wiley/Longman, NY, 1991.


L. Pauling, ÒNature of the Chemical Bond,Ó 3rd ed., Cornell University Press, 1960.


L. Pauling, ÒGeneral Chemistry,Ó W.H. Freeman, CA, 1970 (reprinted Dover 1988, ISBN 978-0486656229).


L. Pauling and R. Hayward, ÒThe Architecture of Molecules,Ó W.H. Freeman, CA, 1964.


B.W. Pfennig, ÒPrinciples of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-1118859100).


C.S.G. Phillips and R.J.P. Williams, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1965, two volumes


R.A. Plane and R.E. Hester, ÒElements of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1965.


W.W. Porterfield, ÒInorganic Chemistry: a Unified Approach,Ó 2nd ed., Academic Press, NY, 1993.


K.F. Purcell and J.C. Kotz, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó Saunders, PA, 1977.  Answer key available


K.F. Purcell and J.C. Kotz, ÒAn Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Saunders, PA, 1980.


G.E. Rodgers, ÒDescriptive Inorganic, Coordination, and Solid-State Chemistry,Ó 3rd ed., Brooks/Cole Thompson, CA, 2012.


R.T. Sanderson, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó Reinhold, NY, 1967.


R.T. Sanderson, ÒSimple Inorganic Substances: a New Approach,Ó R.E. Kreiger, Malabar, FL, 1989.


A.G. Sharpe, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó 3rd ed., Wiley/Longman, NY, 1992.


D. Shriver, M. Weller, T. Overton, J. Rourke, and F. Armstrong, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó 6th ed., W.H. Freeman, NY, 2014.  Solution manual by Alen Hadzovic is available (ISBN 1-4641-2438-8).


M.J. Sienko and R.A. Plane, ÒPhysical Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1963.


D.W. Smith, ÒInorganic Substances: a Prelude to the Study of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Cambridge University Press, NY, 1990.


J.J. Stephanos and A.W. Addison, ÒElectrons, Atoms, and Molecules in Inorganic Chemistry: A Worked Examples Approach,Ó Academic Press/Elsevier, NY, 2017 (ISBN 978-0-12-811048-5).


T.W. Swaddle, ÒInorganic Chemistry:  An Industrial and Environmental Perspective,Ó Academic Press, NY, 1996.


B.K. Vermani, K.S. Vermani, and V. Pathania, ÒComprehensive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Laxmi Publications, 2005 (ISBN 978-8170086871).


M.T. Weller, ÒInorganic Materials Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


M.T. Weller, T.L. Overton, J.P. Rourke, and F.A. Armstrong, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó 7th ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2018 (ISBN 978-0198768128).  Solution manual available.


N. Wiberg, Ed., ÒHolleman-Wiberg Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Academic Press, NY, 2001.


B.E. Wilcox, ÒFundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1997.


M.J. Winter and J.E. Andrew, ÒFoundations of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2000.


G. Wulfsberg, ÒInorganic Chemistry,Ó University Science Books, CA, 2000.


G. Wulfsberg, ÒFoundations of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó University Science Books, CA, 2018 (ISBN 978-1-891389-95-5).


C.H. Yoder, ÒIonic Compounds: Applications of Chemistry to Mineralogy,Ó Wiley/Interscience, NY, 2006.




Acids & Bases


C.A. VanderWerf, ÒAcids, Bases & the Chemistry of the Covalent Bond,Ó Reinhold, NY, 1961.


R.S. Drago and N.S. Matwiyoff, ÒAcids & Bases,Ó D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1968.


V. Gutmann, ÒThe Donor-Acceptor Approach to Molecular Interactions,Ó Plenum Press, NY, 1978.


C.W. Hand and H.L. Blewitt, ÒAcid-Base Chemistry,Ó Macmillan, NY, 1986.


T.A. OÕDonnell, ÒSuperacids & Acid Melts as Inorganic Chemical Reaction Media,Ó VCH Publishers, NY, 1994.


M. Santelli and J.-M. Pons, Eds., ÒLewis Acids and Selectivity in Organic Synthesis,Ó CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996.


C. Laurence and J.-F. Gal, ÒLewis Basicity and Affinity Scales: Data and Measurement,Ó Wiley, NY, 2010.


L. Pauling, ÒWhy is Hydrofluoric Acid a Weak Acid?Ó, J. Chem. Educ., 33, 16-17 (1956).


R.G. Pearson, ÒHard & Soft Acids & Bases,Ó J. Am. Chem. Soc., 85, 3533-3539 (1963).


F. Szabadvary and R.E. Oesper, ÒDevelopment of the pH Concept,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 41, 105-107 (1964).


R.G. Pearson, ÒHard & Soft Acids & Bases,Ó Survey Prog. Chem., 5, 1-52 (1969).


T.-L. Ho, ÒHard & Soft Acids & Bases (HSAB): Principle & Organic Chemistry,Ó Chem Rev., 75, 1-20 (1975).


R.T. Myers, ÒStrength of the Hydrohalic Acids,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 53, 17-19 (1976).


W.B. Jensen, ÒLewis Acid-Base Definitions: A Status Report,Ó Chem. Rev., 78, 1-22 (1978).


R.G. Pearson, ÒRecent Advances in the Concept of Hard & Soft Acids & Bases,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 64, 561-567 (1987).


A.M. de Lange and J.H. Potgieter, ÒAcid & Base Dissociation Constants of Water & Its Associated Ions,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 304-305 (1991).


R. Schmid and A.M. Miah, ÒThe Strength of the Hydrohalic AcidsÓ, J. Chem. Educ., 78, 116-117 (2001).


T. Akiyama and K. Mori, ÒStronger Bronsted Acids: Recent Progress,Ó Chem. Rev., 115, 9277-9306 (2015).




Bonding & Forces


C.A. Coulson, ÒValence,Ó Oxford University Press, 1961.


G.E. Ryschkewitsch, ÒChemical Bonding & the Geometry of Molecules,Ó Reinhold, NY, 1963.


G.M. Barrow, ÒStructure of Small Molecules,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1964.


A.L. Companion, ÒChemical Bonding,Ó McGraw-Hill, NY, 1964.


Y.K. Syrkin and M.E. Dyatkina, ÒStructure of Molecules & the Chemical Bond,Ó Dover, NY, 1964.


H.B. Gray, ÒElectrons & Chemical Bonding,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1965.


R.M. Hochstrasser, ÒBehavior of Electrons in Molecules,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1965.


P.F. Lynch, ÒOrbitals & Chemical Bonding,Ó Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, 1966.


W.J. Orville-Thomas, ÒStructure of Small Molecules,Ó Elsevier, NY, 1966.


M. Orchin and H.H. JaffŽ, ÒImportance of Antibonding Orbitals,Ó Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, 1967.


H.B. Gray, ÒChemical Bonds: Introduction to Atomic & Molecular Structure,Ó Benjamin, CA, 1973.


J.C. Speakman, ÒHydrogen Bond & Other Intermolecular Forces,Ó The Chemical Society, London, 1975.


E. Cartmell and G.W.A. Fowles, ÒValency & Molecular Structure,Ó 4th ed., Butterworths, London, 1977.


N.N. Greenwood, ÒPrinciples of Atomic Orbitals,Ó revised ed., The Chemical Society, London, 1980.


G.C. Maitland, M. Rigby, E.B. Smith, and W.A. Wakeham, ÒIntermolecular Forces: Their Origin & Determination,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1981.


R.T. Sanderson, ÒPolar Covalence,Ó Academic Press, NY, 1983.


R.L. DeKock and H.B. Gray, ÒChemical Bonding and Structure,Ó 2nd ed., University Science Books, CA, 1989.


N.W. Alcock, ÒBonding and Structure: Structural Principles in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry,Ó Ellis Horwood, NY, 1990.


W.G. Richards and P.R. Scott, ÒEnergy Levels in Atoms & Molecules,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


T.P. Softly, ÒAtomic Spectra,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


M.J. Winter, ÒChemical Bonding,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


P.A. Cox, ÒIntroduction to Quantum Theory & Atomic Structure,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1996.


C. Lawrence, A. Rodger, and R. Compton, ÒFoundations of Physical Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1996.


J.K. Burdett, ÒChemical Bonds: A Dialog,Ó Wiley, NY, 1997 (Inorganic Chemistry: A Wiley Textbook Series).


N.J.B. Green, ÒQuantum Mechanics 1: Foundations,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1997.


K. Akiba, ÒChemistry of Hypervalent Compounds,Ó Wiley-VCH, NY, 1998.


N.J.B. Green, ÒQuantum Mechanics 2: Tool Kit,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1998.


V. Gil, ÒOrbitals in Chemistry,Ó Cambridge University Press, NY, 2000.


J. Barrett, ÒStructure and Bonding,Ó Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2001.


J.S. Ogden, ÒIntroduction to Molecular Symmetry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2001.


A. Vincent, ÒMolecular Symmetry & Group Theory,Ó 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 2001.


I.D. Brown, ÒThe Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry: The Bond Valence Model,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2002.


D.O. Hayward, ÒQuantum Mechanics for Chemists,Ó Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2002.


S. Inagaki, Ed.ÒOrbitals in Chemistry,Ó Topics in Current Chemistry, Vol. 289, Springer Verlag, NY, 2010.


I.D. Brown, ÒThe Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry: The Bond Valence Model,Ó 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2016.


K. Fajans, ÒDegrees of Polarity & Mutual Polarization of Ions in the Molecules of Alkali Fluorides, SrO, and BaO,Ó Structure and Bonding, 3, 88-105 (1967).


C.H. Yoder, ÒTeaching Ion-Ion, Ion-Dipole, & Dipole-Dipole Interactions,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 54, 402-408 (1977).


J. Vincente, ÒSimple Method for Obtaining Russell-Saunders Term Symbols,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 60, 560-561 (1983).


M. Whitman, ÒUpdating the Atomic Theory in General Chemistry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 61, 952-956 (1984).


C. Glidewell and D. Lloyd, ÒArithmetic of Aromaticity,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 63, 306-309 (1986).


J. Hurwic, ÒReception of Kasimir FajanÕs Quanticule Theory of the Chemical Bond,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 64, 122-123 (1987).


R.L. DeKock, ÒThe Chemical Bond,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 64, 934-941 (1987).


J. Mullay, ÒEstimation of Atomic and Group Electronegativities,Ó Top. Curr. Chem., 66, 2 (1987).


R.T. Sanderson, ÒPrinciples of Electronegativity. Part I,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 65, 112-118 (1988).


R.T. Sanderson, ÒPrinciples of Electronegativity. Part II,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 65, 227-231 (1988).


A.D. Buckingham and T.W. Rowlands, ÒCan Addition of a Bonding Electron Weaken a Bond?,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 282-283 (1991).


A. Haim, ÒRelative Energies of Molecular Orbitals for Second-Row Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 737-738 (1991).


G.D. Sproul, ÒElectronegativity & Bond Type. I. Tripartate Separation,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 70, 531-534 (1993).


T.L. Meek, ÒElectronegativities of the Noble Gases,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 72, 17-18 (1995).


K.B. Wiberg, ÒRole of Electrostatic Effects in Organic Chemistry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 73, 1089-1095 (1996).


R.J. Gillespie, ÒCovalent & Ionic Molecules: Why Are BeF2 and AlF3 High Melting Point Solids whereas BF3 and SiF4 Are Gases?,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 75, 923-925 (1998).


G. Parkin, ÒValence, Oxidation Number, and Formal Charge: Three Related but Fundamentally Different Concepts,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 83, 791-799 (2006).


A. Millevolte, ÒNuclear Stability and Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions in Introductory and General Chemistry Textbooks,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 87, 392-395 (2010).


G. Parkin, ÒApplication of the Covalent Bond Classification Method for the Teaching of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 91, 807-816 (2014).




Comprehensive Multivolume Treatises, General Coverage


J.A. McCleverty and T.J. Meyer, Eds., ÒComprehensive Coordination Chemistry,Ó Elsevier, NY, 1987.


J.A. McCleverty and T.J. Meyer, Eds., ÒComprehensive Coordination Chemistry II,Ó 2nd ed., Elsevier, NY, 2004.


J.C. Bailar, Jr., H.J. EmelŽus, R. Nyholm, and A.E. Trotman-Dickenson, Eds., ÒComprehensive Inorganic Chemistry," Pergamon, NY, 1973.


J. Reedijk and K. Poeppelmeier, Eds., ÒComprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II,Ó 2nd ed., Elsevier, NY, 2013.


G. Wilkinson, F.G.A. Stone, and E.W. Abel, Eds., ÒComprehensive Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Pergamon, NY, 1982.


E.W. Abel, F.G.A. Stone, and G. Wilkinson, Eds., ÒComprehensive Organometallic Chemistry II,Ó 2nd ed., Pergamon, NY, 1995.


R.H. Crabtree and D.M.P. Mingos, Eds., ÒComprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III,Ó 3rd ed., Elsevier, NY, 2007.


J.E. Macintyre, Ed., ÒDictionary of Inorganic Compounds,Ó Chapman & Hall, NY, 1992.


J.E. Macintyre, Ed., ÒDictionary of Organometallic Compounds,Ó Springer, NY, 1984.


J.E. Macintyre, Ed., ÒDictionary of Organometallic Compounds,Ó 2nd ed., Chapman & Hall, NY, 1995.


R. Edmundson, Ed., ÒDictionary of Organophosphorus Compounds,Ó Chapman & Hall, NY, 1997.


R.B. King, J.K. Burdett, R.H. Crabtree, and C.M. Lukehart, Eds., ÒEncyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 1994.


R.B. King, Ed., ÒEncyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 2005.


D.W. Allen, D. Loakes, and J.C. Tebby, Eds., ÒOrganophosphorus Chemistry,Ó RSC Publishing, London.


I.J.S. Fairlamb and J.M. Lynam, Eds., ÒOrganometallic Chemistry,Ó RSC Publishing, London.


J. Yarwood, R. Douthwaite, and S.B. Duckett, Eds., ÒSpectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds,Ó RSC Publishing, London.


R. van Eldik and J.A. Olabe, Eds., ÒAdvances in Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Elsevier, NY.


P.J. PŽrez, Ed., ÒAdvances in Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Elsevier/AcademicPress, NY.


M. Beller, J.M. Brown, P.H. Dixneuf, J. Dupont, A. FŸstner, F. Glorius, L.J. Goosen, T. Ikariya, S. Nolan, J. Okuda, L.A. Oro, and Q.-L. Zhou, Eds., ÒTopics in Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Springer, NY.


K.D. Karlin, Ed., ÒProgress in Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY.




Coordination Chemistry, Organometallics & Bioinorganic


J. Lewis and R.G. Wilkins, ÒModern Coordination Chemistry: Principles & Methods,Ó Wiley-Interscience, NY, 1960.


L.E. Orgel, ÒIntroduction to Transition-Metal Chemistry: Ligand Field Theory,Ó 2nd ed., Wiley/Methuen, NY, 1960.


C.J. Ballhausen, ÒIntroduction to Ligand Field Theory,Ó McGraw-Hill, NY, 1962.


F. Basolo and R.C. Johnson, ÒCoordination Chemistry,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1964.


R.K. Murmann, ÒInorganic Complex Compounds,Ó Reinhold, NY, 1964.


E.G. Rochow, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry,Ó Reinhold, NY, 1964.


E.M. Larsen, ÒTransitional Elements,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1965.


B.N. Figgis, ÒIntroduction to Ligand Fields,Ó Wiley/Interscience, NY, 1966.


G.E. Coates and K. Wade, ÒOrganometallic Compounds, Volume 1: The Main Group Elements,Ó 3rd ed., Chapman & Hall, NY, 1967.


M.L.H. Green, ÒOrganometallic Compounds, Volume 2: The Transition Elements,Ó 3rd ed., Chapman & Hall, NY, 1968.


S.F.A. Kettle, ÒCoordination Compounds,Ó Appleton Century Crofts, NY, 1969.


R.B. King, ÒTransition-Metal Organometallic Chemistry: An Introduction,Ó Academic Press, NY, 1969.


J.V. Quagliano and L.M. Vallarino, ÒCoordination Chemistry,Ó D.C. Heath, MA, 1969.


C.A. Pearce, ÒSilicon Chemistry & Applications,Ó The Chemical Society, London, 1972.


K. Burger, ÒCoordination Chemistry: Experimental Methods,Ó CRC Press, OH, 1973.


F.R. Hartley, ÒElements of Organometallic Chemistry,Ó The Chemical Society, London, 1974.


B.J. Aylett, ÒOrganometallic Compounds, Volume 1: The Main Group Elements, Part 2- Groups IV & V,Ó 4th ed., Chapman & Hall, NY, 1979.


G.L. Geoffroy and M.S. Wrighton, ÒOrganometallic Photochemistry,Ó Academic Press, NY, 1979.


I. Haiduc and J.J. Zuckerman, ÒBasic Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Walter de Gruyter, NY, 1985.


C.M. Lukehart, ÒFundamental Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Brooks/Cole, CA, 1985.


A.J. Pearson, ÒMetallo-Organic Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 1985.


F. Basolo and R.C. Johnson, ÒCoordination Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Science Reviews, Wilmington, DE, 1986.


S.E. Kegley and A.R. Pinhas, ÒProblems & Solutions in Organometallic Chemistry,Ó University Science Books, CA, 1986.


A.W. Parkins and R.C. Poller, ÒAn Introduction to Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Macmillan/Oxford University Press, NY, 1986.


A. Yamamoto, ÒOrganotransition Metal Chemistry: Fundamental Concepts & Applications,Ó Wiley/Interscience, NY, 1986.


J.P. Collman, L.S. Hegedus, J.R. Norton, and R.G. Finke, ÒPrinciples & Applications of Organotransition Metal Chemistry,Ó University Science Books, CA, 1987.


E.G. Rochow, ÒSilicon & Silicones,Ó Springer-Verlag, NY, 1987.


P. Powell, ÒPrinciples of Organometallic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Chapman & Hall, NY, 1988.


J.S. Thayer, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry: An Overview,Ó VCH Publishers, NY, 1988.


R.C. Mehrotra and A. Singh, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach,Ó Wiley/Interscience, NY, 1991.


Ch. Elschenbroich and A. Salzer, ÒOrganometallics: A Concise Introduction,Ó 2nd ed., VCH Publishers, NY, 1992.


G. Gonzalez-Moraga, ÒCluster Chemistry: Introduction to the Chemistry of Transition Metal & Main Group Element Molecular Clusters,Ó Springer-Verlag, NY, 1993.


M. Gerloch and E.C. Constable, ÒTransition Metal Chemistry: Valence Shell in d-Block Chemistry,Ó VCH, NY, 1994.


I. Bertini, H.B. Gray, S.J. Lippard, and J. Valentine, ÒBioinorganic Chemistry,Ó University Science Books, CA, 1994.


M. Bochmann, ÒOrganometallics 1-Complexes with Transition Metal-Carbon s-Bonds,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


M. Bochmann, ÒOrganometallics 2-Complexes with Transition Metal-Carbon ¹-Bonds,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


C.E. Housecroft, ÒCluster Molecules of the p-Block Elements,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


S.J. Lippard and J.M. Berg, ÒPrinciples of Bioinorganic Chemistry,Ó University Science Books, CA, 1994.


M.J. Winter, Òd-Block Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


D.E. Fenton, ÒBiocoordination Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1995.


R.B. King, ÒInorganic Chemistry of Main Group Elements,Ó VCH Publishers, NY, 1995.


R.J. Errington, ÒGuide to Practical Inorganic & Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Chapman & Hall, NY, 1996.


A. von Zelewsky, ÒStereochemistry of Coordination Compounds,Ó Wiley, NY, 1996.


C.E. Housecroft, ÒMetal-Metal Bonded Carbonyl Dimers & Clusters,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1996.


F. Mathey and A. Sevin, ÒOrganometalic Chemistry: Introduction to Molecular Chemistry of Transition Elements,Ó Wuerz Publishing Ltd., Canada, 1996.


S.F.A. Kettle, ÒPhysical Inorganic Chemistry: A Coordination Chemistry Approach,Ó University Science Books, CA, 1996.


J.A. Cowan, ÒInorganic Biochemistry: an Introduction,Ó 2nd ed., Wiley-VCH, NY, 1997.


F. Mathey and A. Sevin, ÒThe Molecular Chemistry of the Transition Elements,Ó Wiley-VCH, NY, 1997.


G.O. Spessard and G.L. Miessler, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry,Ó Prentice Hall, NJ, 1997.


P.C. Wilkins and R.G. Wilkins, ÒInorganic Chemistry in Biology,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1997.


M. Bowker, ÒThe Basis & Applications of Heterogeneous Catalysis,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1998.


T.R. Crompton, ÒOccurrence and Analysis of Organometallic Compounds in the Environment,Ó Wiley-VCH, NY, 1998.


N.J. Long, ÒMetallocenes: An Introduction to Sandwich Complexes,Ó Blackwell Science, Malden, MA, 1998.


I. Omae, ÒApplications of Organometallic Compounds,Ó Wiley-VCH, NY, 1998.


A. Togni and R.L. Halterman, Eds., ÒMetallocenes,Ó Wiley-VCH, NY, 1998.


E.C. Constable, ÒCoordination Chemistry of Macrocyclic Compounds,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1999.


C.E. Housecroft, ÒThe Heavier d-Block Metals: Aspects of Inorganic and Coordination Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1999.


N. Kaltsoyannis and P. Scott, ÒThe f-Elements,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1999.


J.A. McCleverty, ÒChemistry of the First Row Transition Metals,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1999.


B.N. Figgis and M.A. Hitchman, ÒLigand Field Theory & Its Applications,Ó Wiley/VCH, NY, 2000.


L. Que Jr., Ed., ÒPhysical Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry: Spectroscopy & Magnetism,Ó University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 2000.


C.J. Jones, Òd- and f-Block Chemistry,Ó Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2001.


R. Whyman, ÒApplied Organometallic Chemistry & Catalysis,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2001.


A.F. Hill, ÒOrganotransition Metal Chemistry,Ó Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2002.


R.H. Crabtree, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals,Ó 4th ed., Wiley/Interscience, NY, 2005.


C. Elschenbroich, ÒOrganometallics,Ó 3rd ed., Wiley/VCH, NY, 2006.


H.-B. Kraatz and N. Metzler-Nolte, Eds., ÒConcepts and Models in Bioinorganic Chemistry,Ó Wiley/VCH, NY, 2006.


R.A. Marusak, K. Dean, and S.D. Cummings, ÒIntegrated Approach to Coordination Chemistry: An Inorganic Laboratory Guide,Ó Wiley-Interscience, NY, 2007.


H. Amouri and M. Gruselle, ÒChirality in Transition Metal Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 2008 (Inorganic Chemistry: A Wiley Textbook Series).


R.R. Crichton, ÒBiological Inorganic Chemistry: An Introduction,Ó Elsevier, NY, 2008.


J.R. Gispert, ÒCoordination Chemistry,Ó Wiley/VCH, NY, 2008.


E.-I. Ochiai, ÒBioinorganic Chemistry: A Survey,Ó Elsevier, NY, 2008.


D. Rehder, ÒBioinorganic Vanadium Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 2008 (Inorganic Chemistry: A Wiley Textbook Series).


R.H. Crabtree, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals,Ó 5th ed., Wiley/Interscience, NY, 2009.


L.S. Hegedus and B.C.G. Sšderberg, ÒConcepts in Transition Metal Chemistry,Ó University Science Books, Sausalito, CA, 2009.


I.B. Bersuker, ÒElectronic Structure and Properties of Transition Metal Compounds: Introduction to the Theory,Ó Wiley, NY, 2010.


E. Crabb, E. Moore, and L.E. Smart, Eds., ÒConcepts in Transition Metal Chemistry,Ó RSC Publishing, London, 2010.


E. Crabb, E. Moore, and L.E. Smart, Eds., ÒTransition Metals in the Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules,Ó Wiley, NY, 2010.


B.D. Gupta and A.J. Elias, ÒBasic Organmetallic Chemistry: Concepts, Syntheses, and Applications of Transition Metals,Ó CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2010.


J. Hartwig, ÒOrganotransition Metal Chemistry: From Bonding to Catalysis,Ó University Science Books, Sausalito, CA, 2010.


G.A. Lawrance, ÒIntroduction to Coordination Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 2010.


G.O. Spessard and G.L. Miessler, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2010.


K. Akiba, ÒOrgano Main Group Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 2011 (ISBN 978-0-470-45033-8).


R.R. Crichton, ÒBiological Inorganic Chemistry: A New Introduction to Molecular Structure and Function,Ó Elsevier, NY, 2012 ISBN 978-0-444-53782-9).


E.D. Lisic, ÒInorganic Chemistry: Introduction to Coordination Chemistry,Ó Infinity Publishing, Conshohocken, PA, 2012 (ISBN 978-0-7414-7857-3).


W. Kaim, B. Schwederski, and A. Klein, ÒBioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life-An Introduction and Guide,Ó 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 2013 (Inorganic Chemistry: A Wiley Textbook Series).


F. Mathey, ÒTransition Metal Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Springer Verlag, NY, 2013 (ISBN 978-981-4451-08-6).


P.L. Soni and V. Soni, ÒCoordination Chemistry: Metal Complexes,Ó CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2013 (ISBN 978-1466500501).


R.H. Crabtree, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals,Ó 6th ed., Wiley/Interscience, NY, 2014 (ISBN 978-1118138076).


D. Rehder, ÒBioinorganic Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2014 (ISBN 978-0199655199).


G. Jaouen and M. Salmain, Eds., ÒBioorganometallic Chemistry: Applications in Drug Discovery, Biocatalysis, and Imaging,Ó Wiley, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-3527335275).


G.O. Spessard and G.L. Miessler, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry,Ó 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-0199342679).


M.J. Winter, Òd-Block Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2015.


R.H. Crabtree, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals,Ó 7th ed., Wiley/Interscience, NY, 2019 (ISBN 978-1119465881).


R.R. Crichton, ÒBiological Inorganic Chemistry: A New Introduction to Molecular Structure and Function,Ó 3rd ed., Elsevier/Academic Press, NY, 2019 (ISBN 978-0128117415).


M. Gielen, R. Willem, and B. Wrackmeyer, Eds., ÒPhysical Organometallic Chemistry,Ó Wiley/Interscience, NY, various volumes.


J.C. Bailar Jr., ÒNumbers & Structures of Isomers of Hexacovalent Complexes,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 34, 334-338 (1957).


E. Maslowsky Jr., ÒStructures of Metal-Cyclopentadienyl Derivatives,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 55, 276-280 (1978).


C.D. Mickey, ÒSome Aspects of Coordination Chemistry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 58, 257-262 (1981).


J.W. Nicholson, ÒEarly History of Organotin Chemistry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 621-623 (1989).


G.L. Miessler and G.O. Spessard, ÒOrganometallic Chemistry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 16-18 (1991).


E.-I. Ochiai, ÒCO, N2, NO, and O2: Their Bioinorganic Chemistry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 73, 130-134 (1996).


N.M. Senozan and J.A. Devore, ÒCarbon Monoxide Poisoning,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 73, 767-770 (1996).


D. Venkataraman, Y. Du, S.R. Wilson, K.A. Hirsch, P. Zhang, and J.S. Moore, ÒA Coordination Geometry Table of the d-Block Elements & Their Ions,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 74, 915-918 (1997).


W.H. Eugen Schwarz, ÒThe Full Story of the Electron Configurations of the Transition Elements,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 87, 444-448 (2010).







Descriptive Chemistry & Periodic Table


W.N. Lipscomb, ÒBoron Hydrides,Ó Benjamin, MA, 1963.


W.L. Jolly, ÒThe Inorganic Chemistry of Nitrogen,Ó Benjamin, MA, 1964.


M. Ardon, ÒOxygen: Elementary Forms and Hydrogen Peroxide,Ó Benjamin, MA, 1965.


R.L. Rich, ÒPeriodic Correlations,Ó Benjamin, MA, 1965.


R.C. Johnson, ÒIntroductory Descriptive Chemistry,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1966.


W.L. Jolly, ÒChemistry of the Non-Metals,Ó Prentice Hall, NJ, 1966.


L.B. Clapp, ÒChemistry of the OH Group,Ó Prentice Hall, NJ, 1967.


H.H. Sisler, ÒElectronic Structure, Properties & the Periodic Law,Ó 2nd ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY, 1973.


P. Powell and P. Timms, ÒChemistry of the Non-Metals,Ó Chapman & Hall, NY, 1974.


E.G. Rochow, ÒModern Descriptive Chemistry,Ó Saunders, PA, 1977.


R. Steudel, F.C. Nachod, and J.J. Zuckerman, ÒChemistry of the Non-Metals,Ó Walter de Gruyter, NY, 1977.


D.A. McQuarrie and P.A. Rock, ÒDescriptive Chemistry,Ó W.H. Freeman, NY, 1985.


R.J. Puddephatt and P.K. Monaghan, ÒPeriodic Table of the Elements,Ó 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 1986.


P.A. Cox, ÒThe Elements: Their Origin, Abundance & Distribution,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1989.


D.W. Smith, ÒInorganic Substances: a Prelude to the Study of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Cambridge University Press, NY, 1990.


G. Wulfsberg, ÒPrinciples of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó University Science Books, CA, 1991.


N.C. Norman, ÒPeriodicity & the p-Block Elements,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1994.


G.E. Rodgers, ÒIntroduction to Coordination, Solid State, & Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó McGraw-Hill, NY, 1994.


P.A. Cox, ÒThe Elements on Earth,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1995.


G.H. Whitham, ÒOrganosulfur Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1995.


P.D. Bailey and K.M. Morgan, ÒOrganonitrogen Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1996.


N.C. Norman, ÒPeriodicity & the s- and p-Block Elements,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1997.


J.W. Emsley, ÒThe Elements,Ó 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 1998.


D.M.P. Mingos, ÒEssential Trends in Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1998.


J.W. Emsley, ÒNatureÕs Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2001.


W. Henderson, ÒMain Group Chemistry,Ó Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2001.


J.E. House and K.A. House, ÒDescriptive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Harcourt/Academic Press, NY, 2001.


J. Barrett, ÒAtomic Structure and Periodicity,Ó Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2002.


S. Siekierski and J. Burgess, ÒConcise Chemistry of the Elements,Ó Horwood Publishing Ltd., Chichester, 2002.


A. Stwertka, ÒA Guide to the Elements,Ó 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2002.


M.A.Beckett and A.W.G. Platt, ÒThe Periodic Table at a Glance,Ó Blackwell, London, UK, 2006.


H.-J. Quadbeck-Seeger, ÒWorld of the Elements: Elements of the World,Ò Wiley-VCH, NY, 2007.


E.R. Scerri, ÒThe Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2007.


T. Gray, ÒThe Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe,Ó Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, NY, 2009.


S. Aldridge and T. Downs, ÒChemistry of the Group 13 Metals Al, Ga, In, and Tl,Ó Wiley, NY, 2010.


A. Furgang, ÒThe Noble Gases: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn,Ó Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., NY, 2010 (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table).


M. Halka, ÒThe Alkali and Alkaline-Earth Metals,Ó Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., NY, 2010 (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table).


M. Halka, ÒThe Nonmetals,Ó Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., NY, 2010 (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table).


M. Halka and B. Nordstrom, ÒPeriodic Table of the Elements Set," Infobase Publishing/Facts on File Inc., NY, 2010.  Six volumes.


L.E. Hall, ÒThe Transactinides: Rf, Db, Sg, Bh, Hs, Mt, Ds, Rg,Ó Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., NY, 2010 (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table).


J.E. House and K.A. House, ÒDescriptive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 2nd ed., Harcourt/Academic Press, NY, 2010.


L. La Bella, ÒThe Oxygen Elements: O, S, Se, Te, Po,Ó Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2010 (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table).


K. Lew, ÒThe 15 Lanthanides and 15 Actinides,Ó Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2010 (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table).


R.M. Lynden-Bell, S.C. Morris, J.D. Barrow, and J.L. Finney, ÒWater and Life: The Unique Properties of H2O,Ó CRC Press, Boca Raton,FL, 2010.


G. Roza, ÒThe Halogen Elements: F, Cl, Br, I, At,Ó Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., NY, 2010 (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table).


G.K. Schweitzer and L.L. Pesterfield, ÒAqueous Chemistry of the Elements,Ò Oxford University Press, NY, 2010.


J.W. Emsley, ÒNatureÕs Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements,Ó new ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2011.


N. Turova, ÒInorganic Chemistry in Tables,Ó Springer Verlag, NY, 2011.


A. Stwertka, ÒA Guide to the Elements,Ó 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2012.


E. Scerri, ÒA Tale of Seven Elements,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2013.


D.E. Canfield, ÒOxygen: A Four Billion Year History,Ó Princeton University Press, NJ, 2014.


J. Challoner, ÒThe Elements: The New Guide to the Building Blocks of Our Universe,Ó Carlton Books Ltd./AndrŽ Deutsch, 2014 (ISBN 978-0233004365).


G. Rayner-Canham and T. Overton, ÒDescriptive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 6th ed., W.H. Freeman, NY, 2014 (ISBN 978-1-4641-2557-7).  InstructorÕs resource website includes solutions to even-numbered end-of-chapter problems; student solutions manual ISBN 1-4641-2560-0 contains answers to odd-numbered end-of-chapter questions.


D. Scott, ÒAround the World in 18 Elements,Ó RSC Publishing, London, 2014.


J. Browne, ÒSeven Elements That Changed the World: An Adventure in Ingenuity and Discovery,Ó Pegasus, 2015 (978-1605985404).


R. Steudel and D. Scheschkewitz, ÒChemistry of the Non-Metals: Syntheses, Structures, Bonding, Applications,Ó 2nd ed ,  Walter de Gruyter,  NY,  2020 (ISBN 978-3110578058).


E.R. Scerri, ÒThe Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance,Ó 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2020 (ISBN 978-0190914363).


J.T. Kloprogge, C.P. Ponce, and T.A. Loomis, ÒThe Periodic Table: NatureÕs Building Blocks. An Introduction to the Naturally Occurring Elements, Their Origins, and Their Uses,Ó Elsevier, NY, 2021 (ISBN 978-0128212790).


N.C. Norman, ÒPeriodicity & the s- and p-Block Elements,Ó 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2021 (ISBN 978-0198835349).


B. Fricke, ÒSuperheavy Elements: Prediction of Their Chemical & Physical Properties,Ó Struct. Bonding (Berlin), 21, 89-144 (1975).


K.S. Pitzer, ÒRelativistic Effects on Chemical Properties,Ó Acc. Chem. Res., 12, 271-276 (1979).


P. Pyykkš and J.-P. Desclaux, ÒRelativity and the Periodic System of Elements,Ó Acc. Chem. Res., 12, 276-281 (1979).


G.T. Seaborg, ÒPeriodic Table: Tortuous Path to Man-Made Elements,Ó Chem. Eng. News, 57(16), 46-52 (1979).


D.R. McKelvey, ÒRelativistic Effects on Chemical Properties,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 60, 112-116 (1987).


A.K. Carpenter, Ò4s, 3d, What?,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 60, 562 (1983).


M. Salim Banna, ÒRelativistic Effects at the Freshman Level,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 62, 197-198 (1987).


T.P. Hanusa, ÒReexamining the Diagonal Relationships,Ó R.T. Sanderson, J. Chem. Educ., 64, 686-687 (1985).


J.A. Darsey, ÒNew Approach for Determining Electronic Configurations of Atoms,Ó M. Laing, J. Chem. Educ., 65, 1036 (1988).


J. Mason, ÒPeriodic Contractions Among the Elements,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 65, 17-20 (1988).


G. Dudek and E.P. Dudek, ÒMass Spectrum of Sulfur,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 304-306 (1989).


R.W. Parsons, ÒNew Mnemonic Scheme for Applying the Aufbau Principle,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 319 (1989).


M. Laing, ÒThree Forms of Molecular Oxygen,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 453-455 (1989).


M. Laing, ÒPeriodic Table-a New Arrangement,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 746 (1989).


W.H. Roundy, Jr., ÒWhat is an Element?,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 729-730 (1989).


V. Ringnes, ÒOrigin of the Names of Chemical Elements,Ó M. Laing, J. Chem. Educ., 66, 731-738 (1989).


J.A. Campbell, ÒLet Us Make the Table Periodic,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 739-740 (1989).


J. Bouma, ÒApplication-Oriented Period Table of the Elements,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 741-745 (1989).


H.F. Blanck, ÒPredicting Nuclear Stability Using the Periodic Table,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 757-760 (1989).


R.T. Myers, ÒPeriodicity of Electron Affinity,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 67, 307-308 (1990).


C.H. Yoder and C.S. Yoder, ÒPeriodic Chart Pedagogy,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 67, 759-760 (1990).


L.J. Norrby, ÒWhy is Mercury Liquid?,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 110-113 (1991).


C.P. Brink, ÒUse of Effective Nuclear Charge Calculations to Illustrate the Relative Energies of ns & (n-1)d Orbitals,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 376-377 (1991).


R.B. Martin, ÒRadon in the Home,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 275-276 (1991).


W. Spindel and T. Ishida, ÒIsotope Separation,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 312-318 (1991).


B.J. DeLeeuw, R.S. Grev, and H.F. Schaefer III, ÒComparison and Contrast of Selected Saturated & Unsaturated Hydrides of Group IV Elements,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 69, 441-444 (1992).


T. Thoms, ÒPeriodic Trends for the Entropy of Elements,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 72, 16 (1995).


T.L. Meek, ÒElectronegativities of the Noble Gases,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 72, 17-18 (1995).


M.L. Campbell, ÒSimple Rules for Determining Nuclear Stability and Type of Radioactive Decay,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 72, 892-893 (1995).


N. Isza and M. Gil, ÒA Mnemonic Method for Assigning the Electronic Configurations of Atoms,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 72, 1025-1026 (1995).


R.L. Duncan, ÒElectronic Configuration Pattern Found in PascalÕs Triangle,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 73, 742-743 (1996).


E.R. Scerri, ÒThe Periodic Table & the Electron,Ó Am. Sci., 85(6), 546-553 (1997).


M.W. Cronyn, ÒThe Proper Place for Hydrogen in the Periodic Table,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 80, 947-951 (2003).


W.B. Jensen, ÒThe Place of Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury in the Periodic Table,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 80, 952-961 (2003).


S.A. Ibrahim, ÒPredicting the Atomic Weights of the Trans-Lawrencium Elements: A Novel Application of Dobereiner's Triads,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 82, 1658-1659 (2005).


P.S. Matsumoto, ÒTrends in Ionization Energy of Transition-Metal Elements,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 82, 1660-1661 (2005).


E. Schultz, ÒFully Exploiting the Potential of the Periodic Table through Pattern Recognition,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 82, 1649-1657 (2005).


J.S. Thayer, "Relativistic Effects and the Chemistry of the Heaviest Main-Group Elements," J. Chem. Educ., 82, 1721-1727 (2005).


M. Laing, "Different Periodic Tables of Dmitrii Mendeleev," J. Chem. Educ., 85, 63-67 (2008).


E.R. Scerri, ÒThe Past and Future of the Periodic Table,Ó Am. Sci., 96(1), 52-58 (2008).


Various authors, J. Chem. Educ., 86(10: Celebrating the Periodic Table) (2009).


W.H. Eugen Schwarz and R.L. Rich, ÒTheoretical Basis and Correct Explanation of the Periodic System: Review and Update,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 87, 435-443 (2010).




Lewis Structures, Molecular Geometry & VSEPR Rules


G.N. Lewis, ÒValence & the Structure of Atoms & Molecules,Ó Dover, NY, 1966.


R.J. Gillespie, ÒMolecular Geometry,Ó Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY, 1972.


R.J. Gillespie and I. Hargittai, ÒThe VSEPR Model of Molecular Geometry,Ó Allyn & Bacon, MA, 1991 (reprinted 2012 Dover  ISBN 978-0486486154).


A. Rodger and P.M. Rodger, ÒMolecular Geometry,Ó Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, 1995.


R.J. Gillespie and P.L.A. Popelier, ÒChemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry:  from Lewis to Electron Densities,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2001.


R.J. Gillespie and R.S. Nyholm, ÒInorganic Stereochemistry,Ó Quart. Rev., 11, 339-380 (1957).


R.J. Gillespie, ÒElectron-Pair Repulsions & Molecular Shape,Ó Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 6, 819-830 (1967).


R.J. Gillespie, ÒThe Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory of Directed Valence,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 40, 295-301 (1963).


R.J. Gillespie, ÒElectron-Pair Repulsion Model in Molecular Geometry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 47, 18-23 (1970).


A.B.P. Lever, ÒLewis Structures & the Octet Rule,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 49, 819-21 (1972).


T.J. Clark, ÒAnother Procedure for Writing Lewis Structures,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 61, 100 (1984).


M.E. Zandler and E.R. Talaty, ÒThe Ô6N+2 RuleÕ for Writing Lewis Octet Structures,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 61, 124-127 (1984).


J.A. Carroll, ÒDrawing Lewis Structures Without Anticipating Octets,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 63, 28-31 (1986).


C.J. Malerich, ÒLewis Structures for Compounds with Expanded Octets,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 64, 403 (1987).


J.Q. Pardo, ÒTeaching a Model for Writing Lewis Structures,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 456-458 (1989).


G.H. Purser, ÒThe Significance of the Bond Angle in Sulfur Dioxide,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 66, 710-713 (1989).


J.A. Brady, J.N. Milbury-Steen, and J.L. Burmeister, ÒLewis Structure Skills: Taxonomy & Difficulty Levels,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 67, 491-493 (1990).


J.E. Packer and S.D. Woodgate, ÒLewis Structures, Formal Charges, & Oxidation Numbers,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 68, 456-458 (1991).


R.J. Gillespie, ÒMultiple Bonds & the VSEPR Model,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 69, 116-121 (1992).


W.D. Perry and G.C. Vogel, ÒWhoÕs in Charge?,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 69, 222-224 (1992).


R.J. Gillespie, ÒThe VSEPR Model Revisited,Ó Chem. Soc. Rev., 21, 59-69 (1992).


W.-Y. Ahmad and S. Omar, ÒDrawing Lewis Structures: A Step-by-Step Approach,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 69, 791-792 (1992).


D.G. DeWit, ÒUsing Formal Charges in Teaching Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 71, 750-755 (1994).


D.K. Straub, ÒLewis Structures of Oxygen Compounds of 3p-5p Nonmetals,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 72, 889-891 (1995).


R.J. Gillespie and E.A. Robinson, ÒElectron Domains and the VSEPR Model of Molecular Geometry,Ó Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 35, 495-514 (1996).


R.B. King, ÒThe Shapes of Coordination Polyhedra,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 73, 993 (1996).


R.J. Gillespie, ÒThe Physical Basis of the VSEPR Model,Ó Struct. Chem., 9, 73-76 (1998).


R.J. Gillespie and E.A. Robinson, ÒModels of Molecular Geometry,Ó Chem. Soc. Rev., 34, 396-407 (2005).


R.F. See, ÒWhich Method of Assigning Bond Orders in Lewis Structures Best Reflects Experimental Data?,Ó J. Chem. Educ., 86, 1241-1247 (2009).






B.J. Aylett and B.C. Smith, ÒProblems in Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Elsevier, NY, 1965.


W.E. Hatfield and R.A. Palmer, ÒProblems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1971.


R.N. Smith and C. Pierce, ÒSolving General Chemistry Problems,Ó 5th ed., W.H. Freeman, NY, 1980.


A. Vincent, ÒSolving Inorganic Spectroscopic Problems,Ó The Chemical Society, London, 1981 (with audio cassette).


W.-K. Li, Y.-S. Cheung, K.K.W. Mak, T.C.W. Mak, ÒProblems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2012 (ISBN paperback: 978-0199658503).




Radioactivity, Lanthanides, and Actinides


T. Moeller, ÒChemistry of the Lanthanides,Ó Reinhold, NY, 1963.


R.T. Overman, ÒBasic Concepts of Nuclear Chemistry,Ó Reinhold, NY, 1963.


G. Choppin, ÒNuclei and Radioactivity,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1964.


J.G. Cuninghame, ÒIntroduction to the Atomic Nucleus,Ó Elsevier, NY, 1964.


N.E. Topp, ÒChemistry of the Rare-Earth Elements,Ó Elsevier, NY, 1965.


R.L. Stearns, ÒBasic Concepts of Nuclear Physics,Ó Reinhold, NY, 1968.


E.H.P. Cordfunke, ÒChemistry of Uranium,Ó Elsevier, NY, 1965.


S. Cotton, ÒLanthanides and Actinides,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1991.


S. Cotton, ÒLanthanides and Actinide Chemistry,Ó Wiley, NY, 2006 (Inorganic Chemistry: A Wiley Textbook Series).


W. Loveland, D.J. Morrissey, and G.T. Seaborg, ÒModern Nuclear Chemistry,Ó Wiley/Interscience, NY, 2006.


H.C. Aspinall, Òf-Block Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 2020.




Reaction Mechanisms


J.P. Hunt, ÒMetal Ions in Aqueous Solution,Ó Benjamin, MA, 1963.


E.L. King, ÒHow Chemical Reactions Occur,Ó Benjamin, MA, 1964.


J.O. Edwards, ÒInorganic Reaction Mechanisms,Ó Benjamin, MA, 1965.


C.H. Langford and H.B. Gray, ÒLigand Substitution Processes,Ó Benjamin, NY, 1966.


R.A. Henderson, ÒThe Mechanisms of Reactions at Transition Metal Sites,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1993.


J.D. Atwood, ÒInorganic & Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms,Ó 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 1996.


R.W. Hay, ÒReaction Mechanisms of Metal Complexes,Ó Wiley/Chichester/Albion, NY, 1998.


M.L. Tobe and J. Burgess, ÒInorganic Reaction Mechanisms,Ó Wiley/Longman, NY, 1999.


S. Asperger, ÒChemical Kinetics and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms,Ó 2nd ed., Kluwer, NY, 2003.


R.B. Jordan, ÒReaction Mechanisms of Inorganic & Organometallic Systems,Ó 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2007.




Structure and Physical Methods


A.F. Wells, ÒModels in Structural Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Oxford University Press, NY, 1970.


A.F. Wells, ÒStructural Inorganic Chemistry,Ó 5th ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 1984 (reprinted 2013, Oxford Classic Texts/Physical, ISBN 978-0199657636).


R.V. Parish, ÒNMR, NQR, EPR, & Mšssbauer Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry,Ó Ellis Horwood, NY, 1990.


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