March 23, 2025
Table of Contents
Section Page
Fundamentals and Theory 3
Analysis and Assignment 32
A. Proton NMR 32
B. Relaxation and NOE 36
C. Decoupling, Multiple Resonance and Spin
Labeling 43
D. Extreme Field NMR 46
E. Lanthanide Shift Reagents and
Paramagnetic Systems 49
F. Multidimensional NMR and Multipulse
Techniques 54
Fourier Transform and Pulsed NMR 64
Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants 70
Multinuclear NMR 79
A. General 79
B. Organometallics and Inorganics 84
C. Deuterium and Tritium 89
D. Groups 1 and 2 92
E. Boron and Group 13 94
F. Carbon-13 97
G. Silicon-29 106
H. Germanium-73 108
I. Tin 109
J. Lead-207 111
K. Nitrogen 112
L. Phosphorus-31 and Group 15 116
M. Oxygen-17 and Group 16 120
N. Fluorine-19 124
O. Chlorine and Group 17 128
P. Inert Gases 130
Q. Transition Metals 132
R. Lanthanides and Actinides 137
Dynamic NMR 138
NMR in Biochemistry 147
A. Books 147
B. Review Articles 157
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 200
Solids 218
Polymers 242
Liquid Crystals and Oriented Molecules 250
Ions, Ionic Liquids, Radicals, and Charge-Transfer Complexes 255
Compilations of NMR Data 262
Structural Assignment Problems 267
A. With C-13 Spectra 267
B. Without C-13 Spectra 271
Serial Publications 273
Audio Cassette Courses 274
On-Line Books 275
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Reprinted CRC Press, 2019, ISBN 978-0367402099.
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Society, Washington, DC, 2007, ACS Symp.
Ser. No. 969.
354. J.A. Santiago-Blay and J.B. Lambert,
"Amber's Botanical Origins Revealed," Am. Sci., 95, 150
355. T.J. Wenzel, "Discrimination of
Chiral Compounds Using NMR Spectroscopy," Wiley, NY, 2007.
356. R.J. Abraham and M. Mobli,
"Modelling 1H
NMR Spectra of Organic Componds: Theory, Applications, and NMR Prediction
Software," Wiley, NY, 2008 (ISBN 0-470-72301-7).
357. B. Blmich, J. Perlo, and F. Casanova,
"Mobile Single-Sided NMR," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 52, 197 (2008).
358. T.D.W. Claridge, "High-Resolution
NMR Techniques in Organic Chemistry," 2nd ed., Elsevier, NY, 2008 (ISBN
359. S. Delbaere and G. Vermeersch, "NMR
Spectroscopy Applied to Photochromism Investigations," J. Photochem. Photobiol. C, 9, 61 (2008).
360. M. Edgar, "Physical Methods and
Techniques: NMR Spectroscopy," Annu.
Rep. Prog. Chem., Sec. B: Org. Chem., 104,
312 (2008).
361. S.L. Eldridge, A.K. Korir, C.E.
Merrywell, and C.K. Larive, "Hyphenated Chromatogaphic Techniques in NMR
Spectroscopy," Adv. Chromatogr.,
46, 351 (2008).
362. A.J. Horsewill, "Quantum Tunnelling
in the Hydrogen Bond," Prog. Nucl.
Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 52, 170 (2008).
363. J. Kidric, "NMR Study of
Beverages," Annu. Rep. NMR
Spectrosc., 64, 161 (2008).
364. M.H. Levitt, "Spin Dynamics: Basics
of NMR," 2nd ed., Wiley/Interscience, NY, 2008.
365. J. McEntee, "Snapshots from the NMR
Frontier," Chem. World, 5(5), 56 (2008).
366. B. Newling, "Gas Flow Measurements by
NMR," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 52, 31 (2008).
367. S.M. Pascal, "NMR Primer: An
HSQC-Based Approach (with Vector Animations)," IM-Publications, 2008 (ISBN
368. N.F. Ramsey, "Magnetic Resonance
Contributions to Other Sciences, Adv.
Quantum Chem., 53, 1 (2008).
369. J.N. Shoolery, "A Basic Guide to
NMR," 3rd ed., Stans Library, Vol. II, 2008, DOI 10.3247/sl2nmr08.012.
370. H.W. Spiess, "NMR Spectroscopy:
Pushing the Limit of Sensitivity," Angew.
Chem., Int. Ed., 47, 639 (2008).
371. L. Tavel, E. Guichard, and C. Moreau,
"Contribution of NMR Spectroscopy to Flavour Release and Perception,"
Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 64, 173 (2008).
372. S.Veeraraghavan, "NMR Spectroscopy
and Its Value: A Primer," J. Chem.
Educ., 85, 537 (2008).
373. R. Akkurt, H.N. Bachman, C.C. Minh, C.
Flaum, J. LaVigne, R. Leveridge, R. Carmona, S. Crary, E. Decoster, N. Heaton,
M.D. Hurlimann, W.J. Looyestijn, D. Mardon, and J. White, "NMR Comes Out
of Its Shell," Oilfield Rev., 20, 4 (2009).
374. E.R. Andrew, "Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance," Cambridge University Press, NY, 2009 (ISBN 978-0521114332).
375. M. Aursand, E. Veliyulin, I.B. Standal,
E. Falch, I.G. Aursand, and U. Ericson, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,"
in "Fishery Products," H. Rehbein and J. Oehlenschlger, Eds., Wiley,
NY, 2009, p. 252.
376. V.I. Bakhmutov, "NMR
Spectrometry," in "Encyclopedia of Applied Spectroscopy," D.L.
Andrews, Ed., Wiley, NY, 2009, p. 933.
377. S. Berger and D. Sicker, "Classics
in NMR: Understanding Spectra of Natural Products," Wiley/VCH, NY, 2009
(ISBN 3-527-32516-6).
378. F. Capozzi and M.A. Cremonini, "NMR
Spectroscopy in Food Analysis," in "Handbook of Food Analysis
Instruments," S. Otles, Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2009, p. 281.
379. M. Edgar, "Physical Methods and
Techniques: NMR Spectroscopy," Annu.
Rep. Prog. Chem., Sec. B: Org. Chem., 105,
340 (2009).
380. J. Fraissard and O. Lapina,
"Explosives Detection Using Magnetic and Nuclear Resonance
Techniques," Wiley, NY, 2009 (ISBN 978-9048130610).
381. J. Frlich, "NMR Spectroscopy:
Intelligent Data Management," Wiley/VCH, NY, 2009 (ISBN
3-527-28859-7). Cancelled.
382. A.M. Gi and J. Rodrigues, "Methods
for the Characterization of Beer by NMR Spectroscopy," in "Beer in
Health and Disease Prevention," V.R. Preedy, Ed., Elsevier, NY, 2009, p.
383. J. Griffiths, "NMR's Got
Sole," Anal. Chem., 81, 1725 (2009).
384. M. Gudjonsdottir, P.S. Belton, and G.A.
Webb, Eds., "Magnetic Resonance in Food Science: Challenges in a Changing
World," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2009 (ISBN 978-0854041176).
385. P.E. Hansen, Z. Rozwadowski, and T.
Dziembowska, "NMR Studies of Hydroxy Schiff Bases," Curr. Org. Chem., 13, 194 (2009).
386. R.K. Harris, R.E. Wasylishen, and M.J.
Duer, Eds., "NMR Crystallography," Wiley, NY, 2009 (ISBN
387. J.L. Markley, A. Bahrami, H.R.
Eghbalnia, F.C. Peterson, R.C. Tyler, E.L. Ulrich, W.M. Wrestler, and B.F.
Volkman, "Macromolecular Structure Determination by NMR," in
"Structural Bioinformatics," 2nd ed., J. Gu and P.E. Bourne, Eds.,
Wiley, NY, 2009, p. 93.
388. A. Mohoric and J. Stepisnik, "NMR
in the Earth's Magnetic Field," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 54, 166 (2009).
389. O.V. Petrov and I. Furo, "NMR
Cryoporometry: Principles, Applications and Potential," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 54,
97 (2009).
390. J.S. Waugh, "Sixty Years of Nuclear
Moments," Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem.,
60, 1 (2009).
391. B. Wrackmeyer, "Guide to
Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance," Wiley, NY, 2009 (ISBN 3-527-30505-X). Cancelled.
392. G.A. Aucar, R.H. Romero, and A.F.
Maldonado, "Polarization Propagators: A Powerful Theoretical Tool for
Deeper Understanding of NMR Spectroscopic Parameters," Int. Rev. Phys. Chem., 29, 1 (2010).
393. S. Di Micco, M.G. Chini, R. Riccio, and
G. Bifulco, "Quantum Mechanical Calculation of NMR Parameters in the
Stereostructural Determination of Natural Products," Eur. J. Org. Chem., 1411 (2010).
394. M. Edgar, "Physical Methods and
Techniques: NMR Spectroscopy," Annu.
Rep. Prog. Chem., Sec. B: Org. Chem., 106,
325 (2010).
395. P.T. Eles and C.A. Michal,
"Two-Photon Excitation in Nuclear Magnetic and Quadrupole Resonance,"
Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 56, 232 (2010).
396. M.V.S. Elipe, "LC/NMR and
LC/MS/NMR," in "Encyclopedia of Chromatography," 3rd ed., J.
Cazes, Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2010, Vol. 2., p. 1337.
397. S. Ghosh, "NMR for Process
Industries," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2010 (ISBN 978-1439800843).
398. E. Harel, "Lab-on-a-Chip Detection
by Magnetic Resonance Methods," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 57, 293 (2010).
399. J. Keeler, "Understanding NMR
Spectroscopy," 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 2010 (ISBN 978-0470746097).
400. L. Mannia and A.L. Segre, "NMR and
Olive Oils: a Geographical Characterization," in "Olives and Olive
Oil in Health and Disease Prevention," V.R. Preedy and R.R. Watson, Eds.,
Elsevier, NY, 2010, p. 117.
401. L. Mannia and A.L. Segre, "NMR and
Olive Oils: a Characterization According to the Cultivar," in "Olives
and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention," V.R. Preedy and R.R.
Watson, Eds., Elsevier, NY, 2010, p. 125.
402. J.B.W. Webber, "Studies of
Nano-Structured Liquids in Confined Geometries and at Surfaces," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 56, 78
403. M.R. Alonso-salces, J.M. Moreno-rojas,
M.V. Holland, and C. Guillou, "Authentication of Virgin Olive Oil Using
NMR and Fingerprinting Techniques," Nova Science Publishing Inc., 2011
(ISBN 978-1611223095).
404. A.D. Bain and B. Berno, "Liouvillians
in NMR: the Direct Method Revisited," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 59, 223 (2011).
405. P. Belton and F. Capozzi, Eds.,
"Magnetic Resonance in Food: Dealing with Complex Systems," Magn. Reson. Chem., 49 (Special Issue Supplement S1), S1-S134 (2011).
406. E.E. Burnell and C.A. de Lange, Eds.,
"NMR of Ordered Liquids," Springer Verlag, NY, 2011 (ISBN
407. S. Caldarelli, "Chromatographic
NMR," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc.,
73, 159 (2011).
408. F. Casanova, J. Perlo, and B. Blmich,
Eds., "Single-Sided NMR," Springer Verlag, NY, 2011 (ISBN
409. M. Edgar, "Physical Methods and
Techniques: NMR Spectroscopy," Annu.
Rep. Prog. Chem., Sec. B: Org. Chem., 107,
308 (2011).
410. M.E. Elyashberg, A. Williams, and K. Blinov,
"Contemporary Computer-Assisted Approaches to Molecular Structure
Elucidation," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2011 (New Developments
in NMR, 1; ISBN 978-1849734325).
411. H. Friebolin, "Basic One- and
Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy," 5th ed., Wiley/VCH, NY, 2011 (ISBN
412. E.H. Hardy, "NMR Methods for the
Investigation of Structure and Transport," Springer Verlag, NY, 2011.
413. U. Holzgrabe and M. Malet-Martino,
"Analytical Challenges in Drug Counterfeiting and Falsification: The NMR
Approach," J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.,
55, 679 (2011).
414. J.A. Jones, "Quantum Computing with
NMR," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 59, 91 (2011).
415. B. Luy, "Towards Portable
High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy," Angew.
Chem., Int. Ed., 50, 354 (2011).
416. S.A. Richards and J.C. Hollerton,
"Essential Practical NMR for Organic Chemistry," Wiley, NY, 2011
(ISBN 978-0470710920).
417. Z. Rozwadowski, "NMR Studies of
Optically Active Schiff Bases," Annu.
Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 74, 125
418. M.V. Silva Elipe, "LC-NMR and Other
Hyphenated NMR Techniques: Overview and Applications," Wiley, NY, 2011
(ISBN 978-0470548349).
419. K. Takeda, "Highly Customized NMR
Systems Using an Open-Resource, Home-Built Spectrometer," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 74, 355 (2011).
420. T.J. Wenzel and C.D. Chisholm,
"Using NMR Methods to Determine Enantiomeric Purity and Assign Absolute
Stereochemistry," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 59, 1 (2011).
421. T.J. Wenzel and J.D. Wilcox,
"Assignment of Absolute Configuration Using Chiral Reagents and NMR
Spectroscopy," Chirality, 23, 190 (2011).
422. D. Capitani, V. Di Tullio, and N.
Proietti, "NMR to Characterize and Monitor Cultural Heritage," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 64,
29 (2012).
423. M. Edgar, "Physical Methods and
Techniques: NMR Spectroscopy," Annu.
Rep. Prog. Chem., Sec. B: Org. Chem., 108,
292 (2012).
424. U. Erikson, I.B. Standal, I.G. Aursand,
E. Veliyulin, and M. Aursand, "Use of NMR in Fish Processing Optimization:
a Recent Review of Progress," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 50, 471 (2012).
425. R.K. Harris and R.E. Wasylishen, Eds.,
"Encyclopedia of NMR," Wiley, NY, 2012 (ten volumes; ISBN
426. M. Jaszunski, A. Antusek, P. Garbacz, K.
Jackowski, W. Makulski, and M. Wilczek, "Determination of Accurate Nuclear
Magnetic Dipole Moments and Direct Measurement of NMR Shielding
Constants," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 67, 49 (2012).
427. M.H. Levitt, "Singlet NMR," Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 63, 89 (2012).
428. J.M. Seco, E. Quinoa, and R. Riguera,
"Assignment of Absolute Configuration of Polyfuctional Compounds by NMR
Using Chiral Derivatizing Agents," Chem.
Rev., 112, 4603 (2012).
429. A. Spyros and P. Dais, "NMR
Spectroscopy in Food Analysis," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2012 (RSC Food Analysis Monographs, P.S.
Belton and R. Wood, Eds.; ISBN 978-1849731751).
430. A. Webb, "Increasing the
Sensitivity of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging," Anal. Chem., 84, 9 (2012).
431. T. Asakura, Y. Suzuki, Y. Nakazawa, K.
Yazawa, G.P. Holland, and J.L. Yarger, "Silk Structure Studied by Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance," Prog. Nucl.
Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 69, 23 (2013).
432. R.H. Contreras, Ed., "High
Resolution NMR Spectroscopy: Understanding Molecules and Their Electronic
Structures, Volume 3," Elsevier, NY, 2013 (ISBN 978-0444494112).
433. H. Desvaux, "Non-Linear
Liquid-State NMR," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 70, 50 (2013).
434. M. Edgar, "Physical Methods and
Techniques: NMR Spectroscopy," Annu.
Rep. Prog. Chem., Sec. B: Org. Chem., 109,
256 (2013).
435. T.M. Ferreira, D. Bernin, and D.
Topgaard, "NMR Studies of Nonionic Surfactants," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 79,
73 (2013).
436. S. Ghosh, "NMR Primer," CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2013 (ISBN 978-439800799).
437. B. Gierczyk, "NMR Studies of Crown
Ether-Cyclodextrin Complexes," Annu.
Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 80, 1
438. N.C. Gonnella, "LC-NMR: Expanding
the Limits of Structure Elucidation," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2013
(ISBN 978-1439875063).
439. H. Gnther, "NMR Spectroscopy:
Basic Principles, Concepts, and Applications," 3rd ed., Wiley, NY, 2013
(ISBN 978-3527330003).
440. O.H. Han, "NMR Investigations on
Electrochemical Reactions of Low Temperature Fuel Cells Operating in Acidic
Conditions," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 72, 1 (2013).
441. H. Heise and S. Matthews, Eds.,
"Modern NMR Methodology," Top.
Curr. Chem., 335 (2013) (ISBN
442. L.T. Kuhn, Ed., "Hyperpolarization
Methods in NMR Spectroscopy," Top. Curr.
Chem., 338 (2013) (ISBN
443. E. Kupce, "NMR with Multiple
Receivers," Top. Curr. Chem., 335, 71 (2013).
444. D.A. Sathyanarayana, "Introduction
to Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: ESR, NMR, NQR," 2nd ed., I.K.
International Publishing House, 2013.
445. D. Soulsby, L.J. Anna, and A.S. Wallner,
Eds., "NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum," American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2013, ACS
Symp. Ser. No. 1128 (ISBN 978-0841227941).
446. A.B. Uryupin and A.S. Peregudov,
"Application of NMR Techniques to the Determination of the Composition of
Tobacco, Coffee, and Tea Products," J.
Anal. Chem., 68, 1021 (2013).
447. J. van Duynhoven, E. van Velzen, and
D.M. Jacobs, "Quantification of Complex Mixtures by NMR," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 80, 181 (2013).
448. A. Williams and G. Martin, Eds.,
"Modern NMR Approaches for the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products:
Volume 1," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2013.
449. A. Williams and G. Martin, Eds.,
"Applications of Modern NMR Approaches to the Structure Elucidation of
Natural Products: Volume 2," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2013.
450. C. Bonhomme, C. Gervais, and D.
Laurencin, "Recent NMR Developments Applied to Organic-Inorganic
Materials," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 77, 1 (2014).
451. V.I. Chizhik, Y.S. Chernyshev, A.V.
Donets, V.V. Frolov, A.V. Komolkin, and M.G. Shelyapina, "Magnetic
Resonance and Its Applications," Springer Verlag, NY, 2014 (ISBN
452. M. Findeisen and S. Berger, "50 and
More Essential NMR Experiments: a Detailed Guide," Wiley/VCH, NY, 2014
(ISBN 978-3-527-33483-4).
453. M. Jaeger and R.L.E.G. Aspers,
"Covariance NMR and Small Molecule Applications," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 83, 271 (2014).
454. C.L. Khetrapal, A. Kumar, and K.V.
Ramanathan, Eds., "Future Directions of NMR," Springer, NY, 2014
(ISBN 978-8184899948).
455. D. Krishnarao, Ed., "Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance (NMR): Theory, Applications, and Technology," Nova
Science Publications Inc., 2014 (ISBN 978-1631177682).
456. C. Martineau, J. Senker, and F.
Taulelle, "NMR Crystallography," Annu.
Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 82, 1
457. T. Szyperski and H.S. Atreya,
"Projection NMR Spectroscopy: Theory & Application," World
Scientific Publ. Co., NJ, 2014 (ISBN 978-9814327572). Cancelled?
458. I. Toumi, S. Caldarelli, and B.
Torrsani, "A Review of Blind Source Separation in NMR Spectroscopy,"
Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 81, 37 (2014).
459. S.S. Zalesskiy, E. Danieli, B. Blmich,
and V.P. Ananikov, "Miniaturization of NMR Systems: Desktop Spectrometers,
Microcoil Spectroscopy, and 'NMR on a Chip' for Chemistry, Biochemistry, and
Industry," Chem. Rev., 114, 5641 (2014).
460. O. Zerbe and S. Jurt, "Applied NMR
Spectroscopy for Chemists and Life Scientists," Wiley/VCH, NY, 2014 (ISBN
978-3-527-32775-1, hardcover).
461. Various authors, "Section III,
Methods 2: NMR," in "Handbook of Spectroscopy," 2nd ed., G.
Gauglitz and D.S. Moore, Eds., Wiley/VCH, NY, 2014, Vol. 1, p. 183. Chapters 7-10 provide brief
introductions to solution, solid-state, imaging, and HR-MAS.
462. V.I. Bakhmutov, "NMR Spectroscopy
in Liquids and Solids," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2015 (ISBN
463. A.J. Benesi, "A Primer of NMR
Theory," Wiley, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-1118588994).
464. D. Capitani and N. Proietti, Eds.,
"NMR in Cultural Heritage," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 53(1; Special
Issue), (2015).
465. C. Cobas, I.I. Fernndez, and F.S.
Otero, "NMR Data Visualization, Processing, and Analysis on Mobile
Devices," Magn. Reson. Chem., 53(8), 558 (2015).
466. J. Fisher, Ed., "Modern NMR
Techniques for Synthetic Chemistry," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2015 (ISBN
467. P.J. Hore, "Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance," 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 2015 (ISBN
468. P.J. Hore, J.A. Jones, and S. Wimperis,
"NMR: The Toolkit: How Pulse Sequences Work," 2nd ed., Oxford
University Press, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-0198703426).
469. D. Kruk, "Understanding Spin
Dynamics," Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2015 (ISBN
470. Atta-Ur-Rahman, M.I. Choudhary, and
A.T.-Wahab, "Solving Problems with NMR Spectroscopy," 2nd ed.,
Academic Press, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-0124115897).
471. J.M. Seco, E. Quinoa, and R. Riguera,
"The Assignment of Absolute Configuration by NMR Using Chiral Derivatizing
Agents: a Practical Guide," Oxford University Press, NY, 2015 (ISBN
472. A.J. Simpson, Ed., "Magnetic
Resonance in Environmental Research," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 53(9; Special
Issue), (2015).
473. C. Szantay, Jr., "Anthropic
Awareness: The Human Aspects of Scientific Thinking in NMR Spectroscopy and
Mass Spectrometry," Elsevier, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-0124199637).
474. S. Barhoum, S. Palit, and A. Yethiraj,
"Diffusion NMR Studies of Macromolecular Complex Formation, Crowding and
Confinement in Soft Materials," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 94-95, 1 (2016).
475. M.A. Bernstein, Ed., "NMR for
Reaction Monitoring: a Tool for Mechanistic Understanding and Control in
Chemistry"; J.C. Edwards, Ed., "Benchtop NMR," Magn. Reson. Chem., 54(6; Special Double Issue), (2016).
476. T.D.W. Claridge, "High-Resolution
NMR Techniques in Organic Chemistry," 3rd ed., Elsevier, NY, 2016 (ISBN
477. D.P. Goldenberg, "Principles of
NMR: An Illustrated Guide," University Science Books, CA, 2016 (ISBN
478. V. Gmez-Calvario, M.L. Garduo-Ramirez,
I. Len-Rivera, and M.Y. Rios, "1H and 13C NMR Data on Natural and Synthetic
Capsaicinoids," Magn. Reson. Chem.,
54(4), 268 (2016).
479. K. Jackowski, M. Jaszunski, and W.
Price, Eds., "Gas Phase NMR," Royal Society of Chemistry, London,
2016 (New Developments in NMR, 6;
ISBN 978-1782621614).
480. H. Kovacs and E. Kupce, "Parallel
NMR Spectroscopy with Simultaneous Detection of 1H and 19F Nuclei," Magn. Reson. Chem., 54,
544 (2016).
481. M. Oschatz, L. Borchardt, F. Hippauf, W.
Nickel, S. Kaskel, and E. Brunner, "Interactions Between Electrolytes and
Carbon-Based Materials: NMR Studies on Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors,
Lithium-Ion Batteries, and Fuel Cells," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 87,
237 (2016).
482. C.F. Tormena, "Conformational
Analysis of Small Molecules: NMR and Quantum Mechanics Calculations," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 96,
73 (2016).
483. A.G. Webb, W. Price, and B. Balcom,
Eds., "Magnetic Resonance Technology: Hardware and System Component
Design," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2016 (New Developments in
NMR, 7; ISBN 978-1782623595).
484. A. Williams, G. Martin, and D. Rovnyak,
Eds., "Modern NMR Approaches for the Structure Elucidation of Natural
Products: Volume 1," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2016 (ISBN
485. M. Bechmann and N. Mller,
"Nonlinear Effects in NMR," Annu.
Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 92, 199
486. D. Belkic and K. Belkic,
"Quantification in Signal Processing for Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2017 (ISBN 978-1584887744).
487. P.A. Bottomley and J.R. Griffiths, Eds.,
"Handbook of in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy," Wiley, NY,
2017 (ISBN 978-1118997666).
488. K.C. Brown, "Essential Mathematics
for NMR and MRI Spectroscopists," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2017
(ISBN 978-1782627975).
489. M. Dracinsky, "The Chemical Bond:
The Perspective of NMR Spectroscopy," Annu.
Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 90, 1
490. R.M.B.O. Duarte and A.C. Duarte,
"NMR Studies of Organic Aerosols," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 92,
83 (2017).
491. J.R. Everett, "NMR-Based
Pharmacometabonomics: A New Paradigm for Personalised or Precision
Medicine," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 102-103, 1 (2017).
492. L. Falivene and L. Cavallo,
"Theoretical NMR Spectroscopy of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Their Metal
Complexes," Coord. Chem. Rev., 344, 101 (2017).
493. P. Giraudeau and R.R. Gil, Eds.,
"Perspectives on the Future of NMR," Magn. Reson. Chem., 55(1;
Special Issue), (2017).
494. N.E. Jacobsen, "NMR Data
Interpretation Explained: Understanding 1D and 2D NMR Spectra of Organic
Compounds and Natural Products," Wiley, NY, 2017 (ISBN 978-1118370223).
495. T. Jezequel, V. Joubert, P. Giraudeau,
G.S. Remaud, and S. Akoka, "New Faces of Isotopic NMR at Natural
Abundance," Magn. Reson. Chem., 55, 77 (2017).
496. X. Li and K. Hu, "Quantitative NMR
Studies of Multiple Compound Mixtures," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 90,
85 (2017).
497. S.K. Mishra, S.R. Chaudhari, A.
Lakshmipriya, I. Pal, N. Lokesh, and N. Suryaprakash, "Novel Synthetic As
Well As Natural Auxiliaries with a Blend of NMR Methodological Developments for
Chiral Analysis in Isotropic Media," Annu.
Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 91, 143
498. G. Pileio, "Singlet NMR Methodology
in Two Spin-1/2 Systems," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 98-99, 1 (2017).
499. J.H. Simpson, "NMR Case Studies:
Data Analysis of Complicated Molecules," Elsevier, NY, 2017 (ISBN
500. D. Soulsby, L.J. Anna, and A.S. Wallner,
Eds., "NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum, Vol. 2:
First-Year and Organic Chemistry," American Chemical Society, Washington,
DC, 2017, ACS Symp. Ser. No. 1221
(ISBN 978-0841231382).
501. D. Soulsby, L.J. Anna, and A.S. Wallner,
Eds., "NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum, Vol. 3:
Upper-Level Courses and Across the Curriculum," American Chemical Society,
Washington, DC, 2017, ACS Symp. Ser. No.
1225 (ISBN 978-0841231542).
502. E.P. Talsi and K. Bryliakov,
"Applications of ESR and NMR Spectroscopy in Homogeneous Catalysis,"
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2017 (ISBN 978-1498742634).
503. A. Williams, G. Martin, and D. Rovnyak,
Eds., "Modern NMR Approaches for the Structure Elucidation of Natural
Products: Volume 2," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2017 (ISBN
504. J. Anders and J.G. Korvink, Eds.,
"Micro and Nano Scale NMR: Technologies and Systems," Wiley/VCH, NY,
2018 (ISBN 978-3527340569).
505. D.C. Burns and W.F. Reynolds, Eds.,
"Optimizing NMR Methods for Structure Elucidation: Characterizing Natural
Products and Other Organic Compounds," Royal Society of Chemistry, London,
2018 (New Developments in NMR, 17;
ISBN 978-1788015509).
506. J.-N. Dumez, Ed, "Hyperpolarized
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 56(7; Special
Issue), (2018).
507. J.-N. Dumez, "Spatial Encoding and
Spatial Selection Methods in High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 109,
101 (2018).
508. D. Jeannerat, Ed., "Software Tools
and Tutorials in Liquid State NMR," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 56(6; Special Issue), (2018).
509. T. Lehman, Ed., "Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy," MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2018 (ISBN
978-3038429937; reprint of articles from Special Issue published online in the
open access journal Magnetochemistry).
510. T. Meier, "At Its Extremes: NMR at
Giga-Pascal Pressures," Annu. Rep.
NMR Spectrosc., 93, 1 (2018).
511. T. Meier, "Journey to the Centre of
the Earth: Jules Vernes Dream in the Laboratory from an NMR Perspective,"
Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 106-107, 26 (2018).
512. G.A. Webb, Ed., "Modern Magnetic
Resonance," 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, NY, 2018 (three volumes; ISBN
513. T.J. Wenzel, "Differentiation of
Chiral Compounds Using NMR Spectroscopy," 2nd ed., Wiley, NY,
2018 (ISBN 978-1119323914).
514. M. Agrachev, M. Ruzzi, A. Venzo, and F.
Maran, "Nuclear and Electron Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopies of
Atomically Precise Gold Nanoclusters," Acc.
Chem. Res., 52, 44 (2019).
515. S. Appelt, K. Kentner, S. Lehmkuhl, and
B. Blmich, "From LASER Physics to the para-Hydrogen
Pumped RASER," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 114-115, 1 (2019).
516. M. Baias, Ed., "NMR
Crystallography," Magn. Reson.
Chem., 57(5; Special Issue),
517. B. Blmich, "Essential NMR for
Scientists and Engineers," 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, NY, 2019
(ISBN 978-3-030-10703-1).
518. D.C. Burns, E.P. Mazzola, and W.F.
Reynolds, "The Role of Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE)
Programs in the Structure Elucidation of Complex Natural Products," Nat. Prod. Rep., 36(6), 919 (2019).
519. H. Davoodi, M. Jouda, J.G. Korvink, N.
MacKinnon, and V. Badilita, "Broadband and Multi-Resonant Sensors for
NMR," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 112-113, 34 (2019).
520. N.C. Gonnella, "LC-NMR: Expanding
the Limits of Structure Elucidation," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2019 (ISBN
521. R. Kimmich, Ed., "Field-Cycling NMR
Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories, and Applications," Royal
Society of Chemistry, London, 2019 (New Developments in NMR, 18; ISBN 978-178262539).
522. K. Klpfer and F. Hagn, "Beyond
Detergent Micelles: the Advantages and Applications of Non-Micellar and
Lipid-Based Membrane Mimetics for Solution-State NMR," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 114-115,
271 (2019).
523. J.B. Lambert, E.P. Mazzola, and C.D.
Ridge, "NMR Spectroscopy: Introduction to Principles, Applications &
Experimental Methods," 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 2019 (ISBN
524. P. Nitschke, N. Lokesh, and R.M.
Gschwind, "Combination of Illumination and High Resolution NMR
Spectroscopy: Key Features and Practical Aspects, Photochemical Applications,
and New Concepts," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 114-115, 86 (2019).
525. Y.-Qiao Song and R. Kausik, "NMR
Application in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs-A New Porous Media Research
Frontier," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 112-113, 17 (2019).
526. P. Stilbs, "Diffusion and
Electrophoretic NMR, " Walter de Gruyter, NY, 2019 (ISBN 978-3110551525).
527. F. Tang, M. Vasas, E. Hatzakis, and A.
Spyros, "Magnetic Resonance Applications in Food Analysis," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 98, 239 (2019).
528. R.A. Valiulin, "NMR Multiplet
Interpretation: An Infographic Walk-Through," Walter de Gruyter, NY, 2019
(ISBN 978-3110608359).
529. J. van Duynhoven and C. Rondeau-Mouro,
Eds., "Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science," Magn. Reson. Chem., 57(9; Special Issue),
530. S. Wiemers-Meyer, M. Winter, and S.
Nowak, "NMR as a Powerful Tool to Study Lithium Ion Battery
Electrolytes," Annu. Rep. NMR
Spectrosc., 97, 121 (2019).
531. Z. Xu, C. Liu, S. Zhao, S. Chen, and Y.
Zhao, "Molecular Sensors for NMR-Based Detection," Chem. Rev., 109,
195 (2019).
532. S. Akoka and G.S. Remaud,
"NMR-Based Isotopic and Isotopomic Analysis," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson.
Spectrosc., 120-121, 1 (2020).
533. G.J.O. Beran and L.J. Mueller, Eds.,
"Computationally-Aided Interpretation of NMR Spectra," Royal Society
of Chemistry, London, 2020 (New Developments in NMR, 2X; ISBN 978-1788014427). Cancelled?
534. P. Berthault, C. Boutin, C.
Martineau-Corcos, and G. Carret, "Use of Dissolved Hyperpolarized Species
in NMR: Practical Considerations," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 118-119, 74 (2020).
535. D.A. Cheshkov and D.O. Sinitsyn,
"Total Line Shape Analysis of High-Resolution NMR Spectra," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 100, 61 (2020).
536. F. De Biasi, F. Mancin, and F.
Rastrelli, "Nanoparticle-Assisted NMR Spectroscopy: a Chemosensing
Perspective," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 117, 70 (2020).
537. P. Hodgkinson, "NMR Crystallography
of Molecular Organics," Prog. Nucl.
Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 118-119, 10 (2020).
538. M.O. Marcarino, M.M. Zanardi, S.
Cicetti, and A.M. Sarotti, "NMR Calculations with Quantum Methods:
Development of New Tools for Structural Elucidation and Beyond, " Acc. Chem. Res., 53, 1922 (2020).
539. G. Pileio, Ed., "Long-Lived Nuclear
Spin Order: Theory and Applications," Royal Society of Chemistry, London,
2020 (New Developments in NMR, 22; ISBN
540. N. Proietti and V. Di Tullio, Eds.,
"NMR in Cultural Heritage," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 58(9; Special
Issue), (2020).
541. S.D. Riegel and N.G.A. Bell, Eds.,
"Benchtop NMR," Magn. Reson.
Chem., 58(12; Special Issue),
542. M.T. Anaraki, D.H. Lysak, K. Downey,
F.V. Crizostomo Kock, X. You, R.D. Majumdar, A. Barison, L.M. Liao, A.G.
Ferreira, V. Decker, B. Goerling, M. Spraul, M. Godejohann, P.A. Helm, S.
Kleywegt, K. Jobst, R. Song, M.J. Simpson, and A.J. Simpson, "NMR
Spectroscopy of Wastewater: a Review, Case Study, and Future Potential," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 126-127,
121 (2021).
543. T. Castaing-Cordier, D. Bouillaud, J.
Farjon, and P. Giraudeau, "Recent Advances in Benchtop NMR Spectroscopy
and Its Applications," Annu. Rep.
NMR Spectrosc., 103, 191 (2021).
544. P. Conte, "Applications of Fast
Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry," Annu.
Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 104, 141
545. M. Elyashberg and D. Argyropoulos, Eds.,
"Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE): Current and Future
Perspectives," Magn. Reson. Chem.,
59(7; Special Issue), (2021).
546. J. Fisher, Ed., "NMR Techniques for
Synthetic Chemistry," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2021 (paperback, ISBN
547. A.C. Forse, C. Merlet, C.P. Grey, and
J.M. Griffin, "NMR Studies of Adsorption and Diffusion in Porous
Carbonaceous Materials," Prog. Nucl.
Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 124-125, 57 (2021).
548. J. Giberson, J. Scicluna, N. Legge, and
J. Longstaffe, "Developments in Benchtop NMR Spectroscopy 2015-2020,"
Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 102, 153 (2021).
549. K.L. Ivanov, K.R. Mote, M. Ernst, A.
Equbal, and P.K. Madhu, "Floquet Theory in Magnetic Resonance: Formalism
and Applications," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 126-127, 17 (2021).
550. K. Kazimierczuk, Ed., "Applications
of Alternative Sampling Methods," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 59(3; Special
Issue), (2021).
551. K. Krishnamurthy, "Complete
Reduction to Amplitude Frequency Table (CRAFT): a Perspective," Magn. Reson. Chem., 59(8; Special Issue), 757 (2021).
552. R.E. Mewis, Ed., "Hyperpolarisation
by SABRE," Magn. Reson. Chem., 59(12; Special Issue), (2021).
553. W.S. Price, J. Hook, and A. Torres,
Eds., "Hands On NMR: A Practical Guide," Royal Society of Chemistry,
London, 2021 (ISBN 978-1788010887).
554. J. Sauri and H. Sun, Eds., "NMR of
Natural Products," Magn. Reson. Chem.,
59(5; Special Issue), (2021).
555. D.A. Snyder, "Covariance NMR:
Theoretical Concerns, Practical Considerations, Contemporary Applications, and
Related Techniques," Prog. Nucl.
Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 122, 1 (2021).
556. D. Soulsby, L.J. Anna, and A.S. Wallner,
Eds., "NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum, Vol. 4: In-Person
and Distance Learning Approaches," American Chemical Society, Washington,
DC, 2021, ACS Symp. Ser. No. 1376
(ISBN 978-0841298507).
557. S.A. Southern and D.L. Bryce,
"Recent Advances in NMR Crystallography and Polymorphism," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 102, 1 (2021).
558. F. Teleanu, A. Sadet, and P.R. Vasos,
"Symmetry versus Entropy: Long-Lived States and Coherences," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 122,
63 (2021).
559. Z. Wang, C. McPherson, R. Kadado, W.H.
Casey, and N. Curro, "Optically Detected NMR in a Diamond-Anvil Cell for
Geochemistry," Adv. Inorg. Chem.,
78, 269 (2021).
560. H.C. Bertram and J. van Duynhoven, Eds.,
"Multiscale Food Structures and FoodOmics," Magn. Reson. Chem., 60(7;
Special Issue), (2022).
561. J. Eills, W. Hale, and M. Utz,
"Synergies Between Hyperpolarized NMR and Microfluidics: a Review," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 128,
44 (2022).
562. S. Haber-Pohlmeier, B. Blmich, and L.
Ciobanu, Eds., "Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Technology and
Applications," Wiley/VCH, NY, 2022 (ISBN 978-352734605).
563. R.V. Hosur and V.M.R. Kakita, "A
Graduate Course in NMR Spectroscopy," Springer Switzerland, 2022 (ISBN
564. S. Kuhn, Ed., "Applications of
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in NMR," Magn. Reson. Chem., 60(11;
Special Issue), (2022).
565. D. Neuhaus, "Zinc Finger Structure
Determination by NMR: Why Zinc Fingers Can Be Harmful," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 130-131,
60 (2022).
566. C. Dalvit, I. Gmr, P. Rssler, and A.D.
Gossert, "Affinity Measurement of Strong Ligands with NMR Spectroscopy:
Limitations and Ways to Overcome Them," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson.
Spectrosc., 138-139, 52 (2023).
567. J. Ellis, D. Budker, S. Cavagnero, E.Y.
Chekmenev, S.J. Elliott, S. Jannin, A. Lesage, J. Matsik, T. Meersmann, T.
Prisner, J.A. Reimer, H. Yang, and I.V. Koptyug, "Spin Hyperpolarization
in Modern Magnetic Resonance," Chem. Rev., 123, 1417 (2023).
568. C. Fontana and G. Widmalm, "Primary
Structure of Glycans by NMR Spectroscopy," Chem. Rev., 123,
1040 (2023).
569. J. Gramller and R.M. Gschwind, "An
NMR Spectroscopic View on London Dispersion in Catalysis: Detection,
Quantification, and Application in Ion Pair and Transition Metal
Catalysis," Acc. Chem. Res., 56, 2980 (2023).
570. C.K.F. Hermann, T.C. Morrill, R.L.
Shriner, and R.C. Fuson, "The Systematic Identification of Organic
Compounds," 9th ed., Wiley, NY, 2023, Ch. 7, p. 145.
571. O.A.H. Jones and N. Robinson,
"Recent Applications of Benchtop NMR Spectroscopy and Relaxometry," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 109, 29 (2023).
572. G.A. Nagena Gowda and R. Powers, Eds.,
"Frontiers in NMR Metabolomics," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 61(12; Special
Issue), (2023).
573. S.A. Richards and J.C. Hollerton,
"Essential Practical NMR for Organic Chemistry," 2nd ed.,
Wiley, NY, 2023 (ISBN 978-1119844800).
574. T.F. Segawa and R. Igarashi,
"Nanoscale Quantum Sensing with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Nanodiamonds-a
Magnetic Resonance Perspective" Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 134-135, 20 (2023).
575. T. Stait-Gardner, A. Gupta, A.M. Torres,
S.A. Willis, Z. Xiao, G. Zheng, M. Ishikawa, and W.S. Price, "Magnetic
Resonance Studies of Adaptation to Freezing and Injury in Plants," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 108, 1 (2023).
576. A.A. Urbas, C.A. Corbett, and E.P.
Mazzola, "NMR in Forensics," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 61(2; Special
Issue), (2023).
577. L. Xiao, Ed., "Practical NMR for
Oil and Gas Exploration," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2023 (New
Developments in NMR, 28; ISBN
578. K. Dos Santos, G. Bertho, M. Baudin, and
N. Giraud, "Glutamine: a Key Player in Human Metabolism as Revealed by
Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 144-145, 15 (2024).
579. P. Garbaz, Ed., "Physical
Principles of Chirality in NMR," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2024
(New Developments in NMR, 34; ISBN
580. J.A. Jones, "Controlling NMR Spin
Systems for Quantum Computation" Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 140-141, 29 (2024).
581. L.B. Krivdin, "Liquid-Phase NMR of
Asphaltenes," Magn. Reson. Chem.,
62(9), 670 (2024).
582. L.B. Krivdin, "Recent Advances in
Liquid-Phase NMR of the Coal-Derived Products," Magn. Reson. Chem., 62(11),
775 (2024).
583. N. Leifer, D. Auerbach, and S.G.
Greenbaum, "NMR Studies of Lithium and Sodium Battery Electrolytes," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 142-143,
1 (2024).
584. A.I. McKay, J.D. Watson, J.E. Cosgriff,
G.E. Ball, and R.J. Mulder, "Practical Methods for Observing Short Lived
Compounds Using NMR Spectroscopy: Characterisation of sigma-Alkane Complexes as
a Case Study," Annu. Rep. NMR
Spectrosc., 111, 129 (2024).
585. T. Parasram and D. Xiao,
"Artificial Neural Networks in Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 112, 1 (2024).
586. D. Rovnyak, "Advances in
Non-Uniform Sampling NMR," Annu.
Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 111, 69
587. A.I. Silva Terra, D.A. Taylor, and M.E.
Halse, "Hyperpolarised Benchtop NMR Spectroscopy for Analytical
Applications," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 144-145, 153 (2024).
588. W. Wang, S. Chen, and Y. Huang, Eds.,
"NMR of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Covalent Organic Frameworks,"
Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2024 (New Developments in NMR, 35; ISBN 978-1839164385).
589. G.A. Aucar, Ed., "NMR Spectroscopic
Parameters: Theories and Models, Computational Codes and Calculations,"
Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2025 (New Developments in NMR, 38; ISBN 978-1837672608).
590. D.L. Bryce, Ed., "Modern NMR
Crystallography: Concepts and Applications," Royal Society of Chemistry,
London, 2025 (New Developments in NMR, 36;
ISBN 978-1837670666).
591. D.E. Demco, A.-M. Oros-Pensquens, and
N.J. Shah, "Nonlinear Effects in Magnetic Resonance Localized Spectroscopy
and Images," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 146-147, xxx (2025).
592. L.B. Krivdin, "Liquid-Phase NMR of
Humic and Fulvic Acids," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 63(2), 128 (2025).
593. Y. Luo, X. Zheng, M. Qiu, Y. Gou, Z.
Yang, X. Qu, Z. Chen, and Y. Lin, "Deep Learning and Its Applications in
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson.
Spectrosc., 146-147, xxx (2025).
594. H. Yukawa, H. Kono, H. Ishiwata, R.
Igarashi, Y. Takakusagi, S. Arai, Y. Hirano, T. Suhara, and Y. Baba,
"Quantum Life Science: Biological Nano Quantum Sensors, Quantum
Technology-Based Hyperpolarized MRI/NMR, Quantum Biology, and Quantum
Biotechnology," Chem. Soc. Rev.,
54, xxx (2025).
595. R.H. Bible, Jr., and L.F. Johnson,
"Guide for Selecting NMR Techniques," Wiley/VCH, NY, 20xx (ISBN
978-0471242437). Cancelled?
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131. N.R. Krishna and L.J. Berliner, Eds.,
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137. L. Berliner, Ed., "Protein NMR:
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139. I.C. Felli and R. Pierattelli, Eds.,
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140. K.H. Mayo and V.A. Daragan,
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143. K. Kato, T. Peters, and M. Kainosho,
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144. Atta-Ur-Rahman and M.I. Choudhary, Eds.,
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145. J. Cavanagh, N.J. Skelton, W.J.
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146. C. Luchinat, G. Parigi, and E. Ravera,
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of Chemistry, London, 2018 (New Developments in NMR, 16; ISBN 978-1788010863).
147. Various editors, "Experimental
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Materials Science," Springer, NY, 2018 (ISBN 978-9811059650).
148. R.A. De Graaf, "In Vivo NMR
Spectroscopy: Principles and Techniques," 3rd ed.,
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149. Y. Ito, V. Dotsch, and M. Shirakawa,
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NMR, 21; ISBN 978-1788012171).
150. A. Ramamoorthy, Ed., "NMR
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152. A.J. Wand, Ed., "Biological NMR,
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153. S. Pauleta and E.J. Cabrita, Eds.,
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154. K. Wthrich, Ed., "NMR with
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155. A. Bhunia, H.S. Atreya, and N. Sinha,
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NMR, 26; ISBN 978-1839162091).
156. L. Tenori, A.Vignoli, and G. Meoni,
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157. P. Conte, D. Francesca Chillura-Martino,
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2024 (New Developments in NMR, 32;
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158. S. Hiller, M. Liu, and L. He, Eds.,
"Biophysics of Molecular Chaperones: Functions, Mechanisms, and Client
Protein Interactions," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2024 (New
Developments in NMR, 29; ISBN
159. M.D. Mantle and L.P. Hughes, Eds.,
"Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications in Drug Formulation and
Delivery," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2024 (New Developments in
NMR, 33; ISBN 978-1788017404).
160. A.E. McDermott, A.G. Palmer III, W.S.
Price, and M. Kainsho, Eds., "NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecular Dynamics:
Fundamentals and Data Analysis," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2024
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161. A.E. McDermott, A.G. Palmer III, W.S.
Price, and M. Kainsho, Eds., "NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecular Dynamics:
Applications and Future Perspective," Royal Society of Chemistry, London,
2024 (ISBN 978-1788017473).
162. T. Polenova, C.M. Quinn, and A.M.
Gronenborn, Eds., "Integrated Structural Biology," Royal Society of
Chemistry, London, 2024 (New Developments in NMR, 30; ISBN 978-1839161834).
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Contrast Agents Based on Dysprosium or Holmium," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson.
Spectrosc., 59, 64 (2011).
204. Acc.
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(2011). Issue on theranostic
nanomedicine contains at least eight articles dealing in part with biomedical
205. R.H. Acosta, P. Blmier, K. Mnnemann,
and H.-W. Spiess, "Mixture and Dissolution of Laser Polarized Noble Gases:
Spectroscopic and Imaging Applications," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson.
Spectrosc., 66, 40 (2012).
206. S.B. Duckett and R.E. Mewis,
"Application of Parahydrogen Induced Polarization Techniques in NMR
Spectroscopy and Imaging," Acc.
Chem. Res., 45, 1247 (2012).
207. I.V. Koptyug, "MRI of Mass
Transport in Porous Media: Drying and Sorption Processes," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 65, 1
208. C.E. Muir and B.J. Balcom, "Pure
Phase Encode Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Fluids in Porous Media," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 77, 81 (2012).
209. F. Calamante, "Arterial Input
Function in Perfusion MRI: A Comprehensive Review," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson.
Spectrosc., 74, 1 (2013).
210. M.J. Dawson, "Paul Lauterbur and
the Invention of MRI," MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2013.
211. N. Long, W.-T. Wong, and E.H. Immergut,
"The Chemistry of Molecular Imaging," Wiley, NY, 2013 (ISBN
212. A.S. Merbach and L.Helm, "Chemistry
of Contrast Agents in Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging," 2nd ed., Wiley,
NY, 2013 (ISBN 978-1119991762).
213. E.L. Thomas, J.A. Fitzpatrick, S.J.
Malik, S.D. Taylor-Robinson, and J.D. Bell, "Whole Body Fat: Content and
Distribution," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 73, 56 (2013).
214. C. Westbrook, "Handbook of MRI
Technique," Wiley, NY, 2013 (ISBN 978-1405160858).
215. A.B. Wolbarst, P. Capasso, and A.R.
Wyant, "Medical Imaging: Essentials for Physicians," Wiley, NY, 2013
(ISBN 978-0470505700).
216. B. Blmich, S. Haber-Pohlmeier, and W.
Zia, "Compact NMR," Walter De Gruyter, 2014 (ISBN 978-3110266283).
217. R.W. Brown, Y.-C. Norman Chang, E.M.
Haacke, M.R. Thompson, and R. Venkatesan, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging:
Physical Properties and Sequence Design," 2nd ed., Wiley/Blackwell, NY,
2014 (ISBN 978-0471720850).
218. C. Constandtinides, "Magnetic
Resonance Imaging: The Basics," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2014 (ISBN
219. E. Debroye and T.N. Parac-Vogt,
"Towards Polymetallic Lanthanide Complexes as Dual Contrast Agents for
Magnetic Resonance and Optical Imaging," Chem. Soc. Rev., 43,
8178 (2014).
220. D. Graafen, S. Ebert, O. Neudert, L.
Buljubasich, M.B. Franzoni, J.F. Dechent, and K. Mnnemann, "1H NMR
Spectroscopy and MR Imaging with Hyperpolarised Substances," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 82, 167 (2014).
221. M.C. Heffern, L.M. Matosziuk, and T.J.
Meade, "Lanthanide Probes for Bioresponsive Imaging," Chem. Rev., 114, 4496 (2014).
222. R.A. Kauppinen, "Multiparametric Magnetic
Resonance Imaging of Acute Experimental Brain Ischaemia," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 80,
12 (2014).
223. I.V. Koptyug, "Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis," Spectrosc. Prop. Inorg. Organomet. Compd., 45, 1 (2014).
224. R. Kraus, M. Espy, P. Magnelind, and P.
Volegov, "Ultra-Low Field NMR: A New MRI Regime," Oxford University
Press, NY, 2014 (ISBN 978-0199796434).
225. R. Lopez-Cebral, M. Martin-Pastor, B.
Seijo, and A. Sanchez, "Progress in the Characterization of
Bio-functionalized Nanoparticles Using NMR Methods and Their Applications as
MRI Contrast Agents," Prog. Nucl.
Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 79, 1 (2014).
226. G. Madelin, J.-S. Lee, R.R. Regatte, and
A. Jerschow, "Sodium MRI: Methods and Applications," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 79,
14 (2014).
227. A. Webb, "Cavity- and
Waveguide-Resonators in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, NMR, and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging," Prog. Nucl.
Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 83, 1 (2014).
228. A.J. Amoroso and S.J.A. Pope,
"Using Lanthanide Ions in Molecular Bioimaging," Chem. Soc. Rev., 44,
4723 (2015).
229. A.J. Bakermans, D. Abdurrachim, R.P.M.
Moonen, A.G. Motaal, J.J. Pompers, G.J. Strijkers, K. Vandoorne, and K.
Nicolay, "Small Animal Cardiovascular MR Imaging and Spectroscopy," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 88-89,
1 (2015).
230. P.B. Baranov, "Magnetic Resonance
of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Nanostructures," Springer Verlag, NY,
2015 (ISBN 978-3709111567).
231. M. Barrow, A. Taylor, P. Murray, M.J.
Rosseinsky, and D.J. Adams, "Design Considerations for the Synthesis of
Polymer Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Stem Cell Labelling and Tracking
Using MRI," Chem. Soc. Rev., 44, 6733 (2015).
232. C. Caltagirone, A. Bettoschi, A. Garau,
and R. Montis, "Silica-Based Nanoparticles: a Versatile Tool for the
Development of Efficient Imaging Agents," Chem. Soc. Rev., 44,
4645 (2015).
233. S.R. Cherry, R.D. Badawi, and J. Qi,
Eds., "Essentials of in vivo
Biomedical Imaging," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2015 (ISBN
234. B.M. Dale, M.A. Brown, and R.C. Semelka,
"MRI: Basic Principles and Applications," 5th ed., Wiley/Blackwell,
NY, 2015.
235. Z. Dong, "Proton MRS and MRSI of
the Brain Without Water Suppression," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 86-87, 65 (2015).
236. Z. Dong, S.-R. Du, X.-Y. Zheng, G.-M.
Lyu, L.-D. Sun, L.-D. Li, P.-Z. Zhang, C. Zhang, and C.-H. Yan,
"Lanthanide Nanoparticles: From Design Toward Bioimaging and
Therapy," Chem. Rev., 115, 10725 (2015).
237. M. Elsabahy, G.S. Heo, S.-M. Lim, G.
Sun, and K.L. Wooley, "Polymeric Nanostructures for Imaging and
Therapy," Chem. Rev., 115, 10967 (2015).
238. G. Hong, S. Diao, A.L. Antaris, and H.
Dai, "Carbon Nanomaterials for Biological Imaging and Nanomedicinal
Therapy," Chem. Rev., 115, 10816 (2015).
239. A. Jackson, Ed., "Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy," Foster Academics, 2015 (ISBN 978-1632422644).
240. G. Jaouen and M. Salmain, Eds.,
"Bioorganometallic Chemistry: Applications in Drug Discovery, Biocatalysis,
and Imaging," Wiley/VCH, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-3527335275).
241. S. Kunjachan, J. Ehling, G. Storm, F.
Kiessling, and T. Lammers, "Noninvasive Imaging of Nanomedicines and
Nanotheranostics: Principles, Progress, and Prospects," Chem. Rev., 115, 10907 (2015).
242. H. Lee, T.-H. Shin, J. Cheon, and R.
Weissleder, "Recent Developments in Magnetic Diagnostic Systems," Chem. Rev., 115, 10690 (2015).
243. N. Lee, D. Yoo, D. Ling, M.H. Cho, T.
Hyeon, and J. Cheon, "Iron Oxide Based Nanoparticles for Multimodal
Imaging and Magnetoresponsive Therapy," Chem. Rev., 115, 10637
244. N. Long and W.-T. Wong, "Chemistry
of Molecular Imaging," Wiley, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-1118093276).
245. R.E. Mewis, "Developments and
Advances Concerning the Hyperpolarisation Technique SABRE," Magn. Reson. Chem., 53, 789 (2015).
246. H.-S. Peng and D.T. Chiu, "Soft
Fluorescent Nanomaterials for Biological and Biomedical Imaging," Chem. Soc. Rev., 44, 4699 (2015).
247. L. Prodi, E. Rampazzo, F. Rastrelli, A.
Speghini, and N. Zaccheroni, "Imaging Agents Based on Lanthanide Doped
Nanoparticles," Chem. Soc. Rev.,
44, 4922 (2015).
248. T.-H. Shin, Y. Choi, S. Kim, and J.
Cheon, "Recent Advances in Magnetic Nanoparticle-Based Multi-Modal
Imaging," Chem. Soc. Rev., 44, 4501 (2015).
249. I. Tirotta, V. Dichiarante, C.
Pigliacelli, G. Cavallo, G. Terraneo, F.B. Bombelli, P. Metrangolo, and G.
Resnati, "19F
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): From Design of Materials to Clinical
Applications," Chem. Rev., 115, 1106 (2015).
250. P. Verwilst, S. Park, B. Yoon, and J.S.
Kim, "Recent Advances in Gd-Chelate Based Bimodel Optical/MRI Contrast
Agents," Chem. Soc. Rev., 44, 1791 (2015).
251. X. Wang, X. Wang, and Z. Guo,
"Functionalization of Platinum Complexes for Biomedical Applications,"
Acc. Chem. Res., 48, 2622 (2015).
252. J.M. Yoo, J.H. Kang, and B.H. Hong,
"Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Versatile Imaging Studies," Chem. Soc. Rev., 44, 4835 (2015).
253. H. Zhu, J. Fan, B. Wang, and X. Pang,
"Fluorescent, MRI, and Colorimetric Chemical Sensors for the First-Row
d-Block Metal Ions," Chem. Soc. Rev.,
44, 4337 (2015).
254. M. Johns, E. Fridjonsson, S. Vogt, and
A. Haber, Eds., "Mobile NMR and MRI: Developments and Applications,"
Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2016 (New Developments in NMR, 5; ISBN 978-1849739153).
255. V. Khlebnikov, J. Wijnen, W.J.M. Van der
Kemp, and D.W.J. Klomp, "31P MRSI Studies in Patients with Cancer," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 87, 319 (2016).
256. M. Salerno and D.S.D. Porqueras,
"Alzheimer's Disease: Use of Contrast Agents for MRI to Detect Amyloid
Beta Peptide Inside the Brain," Coord.
Chem. Rev., 327-328, 27 (2016).
257. S. Sinharay and M.D. Pagel,
"Advances in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents for Biomarker
Detection," Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem.,
9, 95 (2016).
258. R. van Eldik and C.D. Hubbard, Eds.,
"Insights from Imaging in Bioinorganic Chemistry," Academic Press,
NY, 2016 (Adv. Inorg. Chem., 68).
259. G. Angelovski, "Heading Toward
Macromolecular and Nanosized Bioresponsive MRI Probes for Successful Functional
Imaging," Acc. Chem. Res., 50, 2215 (2017).
260. G. Angelovski and E. Toth,
"Strategies for Sensing Neurotransmitters with Responsive MRI Contrast
Agents," Chem. Soc. Rev., 46, 324 (2017).
261. K. Borzutzki and G. Brunklaus,
"Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of the Spatial Distribution of Charge
Carriers," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc.,
91, 115 (2017).
262. M.M. Britton, "MRI of Chemical
Reactions and Processes," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 101, 51 (2017).
263. M.J.F. Calvete, S.M. Pinto, M.M.
Pereira, and C.F.G.C. Geraldes, "Meal Coordinated Pyrrole-Based
Macrocycles as Contrast Agents for MRI Technologies: Synthesis and
Applications," Coord. Chem. Rev.,
333, 82 (2017).
264. U. Fogel and E. Ahrens, Eds.,
"Fluorine Magnetic Resonance Imaging," Pan Stanford Publishing Pte.
Ltd., Singapore, 2017 (ISBN 978-9814745314).
265. D. Grob, K. Zick, and G.
Guthausen, "Recent MRI and Diffusion Studies of Food Structures," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 90, 145 (2017).
266. J. Hamilton, D. Franson, and N.
Seiberlich, "Recent Advances in Parallel Imaging for MRI," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 101,
71 (2017).
267. M. Kotecha, R.L. Magin, and J.J. Mao,
"MRI in Tissue Engineering," Wiley, NY, 2017 (ISBN 978-1119193357).
268. J. Liu, W. Bu, and J. Shi,
"Chemical Design and Synthesis of Functionalized Probes for Imaging and
Treating Tumor Hypoxia," Chem. Rev.,
117, 6160 (2017).
269. D.W. McRobbie, E.A. Moore, and M.J.
Graves, "MRI from Picture to Proton," 3rd ed., Cambridge University
Press, NY, 2017 (ISBN 978-1107643239).
270. A. Mukherjee, H.C. Davis, P. Ramesh,
G.J. Lu, and M.G. Shapiro, "Biomolecular MRI Reporters: Evolution of New
Mechanisms," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 102-103, 32 (2017).
271. D. Ni, W. Bu, E.B. Ehlerding, W. Cai,
and J. Shi, "Engineering of Inorganic Nanoparticles as Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Contrast Agents," Chem. Soc. Rev.,
46, 7438 (2017).
272. K. Romanenko, "MRI Studies of
Plastic Crystals," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc.,
91, 67 (2017).
273. B.R. Smith and S.S. Gambhir,
"Nanomaterials for In Vivo Imaging," Chem. Rev., 117, 901
274. Y. Xia, K. Momot, and W.S. Price, Eds.,
"Biophysics and Biochemistry of Cartilage by NMR and MRI," Royal Society
of Chemistry, London, 2017 (New Developments in NMR, 8; ISBN 978-1782621331).
275. A.M. Blamire, "MR Approaches in
Neurodegenerative Disorders," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 108, 1 (2018).
276. Y. Hu, S. Mignani, J.-P. Majoral, M. Shen,
and X. Shi, "Construction of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle-Based Hybrid
Platforms for Tumor Imaging and Therapy," Chem. Soc. Rev., 47,
1874 (2018).
277. H.C. Keun, Ed., "NMR-Based
Metabolomics," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2018 (New Developments
in NMR, 14; ISBN 978-1849736435).
278. V. Kumar, G.S. Bora, R. Kumar, and N.R.
Jagannathan, "Multiparametric (mp) MRI of Prostate Cancer," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 105,
23 (2018).
279. V.C. Pierre and M.J. Allen, Eds.,
"Contrast Agents for MRI," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2018
(New Developments in NMR, 13; ISBN
280. V.C. Pierre, S.M. Harris, and S.L.
Pailloux, "Comparing Strategies in the Design of Responsive Contrast
Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Case Study with Copper and Zinc,"
Chem. Res., 51, 342 (2018).
281. T.B.R. Robertson and R.E. Mewis,
"Perspective on the Hyperpolarisation Technique Signal Amplification by
Reversible Exchange (SABRE) in NMR Spectroscopy and MR Imaging," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 93, 145 (2018).
282. K.N. Timm, J.J. Miller, J.A. Henry, and
D.J. Tyler, "Cardiac Applications of Hyperpolarised Magnetic
Resonance," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 106-107, 66 (2018).
283. V.V. Zhivonitko, A.I. Svyatova, K.V.
Kovtunov, and I.V. Koptyug, "Recent MRI Studies on Heterogeneous
Catalysis," Annu. Rep. NMR
Spectrosc., 95, 83 (2018).
284. E. Boros and A.B. Packard,
"Radioactive Transition Metals for Imaging and Therapy," Chem. Rev., 119,
870 (2019).
285. A.C. Harnden, D. Parker, and N.J.
Rogers, "Employing Paramagnetic Shift for Responsive MRI Probes," Coord. Chem. Rev., 383, 30 (2019).
286. M.P. Herrling, S. Lackner, H. Nirschl,
H. Horn, and G. Guthausen, "Recent NMR/MRI Studies of Biofilm Structures
and Dynamics," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc.,
97, 163 (2019).
287. T.I. Kosteinik and C. Orvig,
"Radioactive Main Group and Rare Earth Elements for Imaging and
Therapy," Chem. Rev., 119, 902 (2019).
288. J. McNulty and P. Mullins, Eds.,
"Clinical MR Spectroscopy," Springer Verlag, NY, 2019 (ISBN
289. G.A. Nagana Gowda and D. Raftery, Eds.,
"NMR-Based Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols," Humana, 2019 (ISBN
078-1493996896; Methods Mol. Biol.,
Vol. 2037).
290. S.M. Pinto, V. Tome, M.J.F. Calvete,
M.M.C.A. Castro, E. Toth, and C.F.G.C. Geraldes, "Metal-Based
Redox-Responsive MRI Contrast Agents," Coord.
Chem. Rev., 390, 1 (2019).
291. N.J. Shah, Ed., "Hybrid MR-PET
Imaging of the Brain: Systems, Methods and Applications," Royal Society of
Chemistry, London, 2019 (New Developments in NMR, 19; ISBN 978-1788010740).
292. J.-Donald Tournier, "Diffusion MRI
in the Brain-Theory and Concepts," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 112-113, 1 (2019).
293. J. Wahsner, E.M. Gale, A.
Rodriguez-Rodriguez, and P. Caravan, "Chemistry of MRI Contrast Agents:
Current Challenges and New Frontiers," Chem. Rev., 119, 957 (2019).
294. M. Weiger and K.P. Pruessmann,
"Short-T2 MRI: Principles and Advances," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 114-115,
237 (2019).
295. Y. De Deene, Ed., "NMR and MRI of
Gels," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2020 (New Developments in NMR, 23; ISBN 978-1788011525).
296. B.R. Dickie, G.J.M. Parker, and L.M.
Parkes, "Measuring Water Exchange Across the Blood-Brain Barrier Using
MRI," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 116, 19 (2020).
297. N. Khaneja, Ed., "Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance," IntechOpen, London, 2020.
298. M. Mullen and M. Garwood,
"Contemporary Approaches to High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging with
Large Field Inhomogeneity," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 120-121, 95 (2020).
299. J.A. Peters, "Relaxivity of
Manganese Ferrite Nanoparticles," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 120-121, 72 (2020).
300. N. Schork, S. Schuhmann, O. Gruschke, D.
Gross, K. Zick, and H. Nirschl, "Recent MRI and Diffusion Studies of Food
Structures," Annu. Rep. NMR
Spectrosc., 100, 203 (2020).
301. B.J. Tickner, G.J. Stasiuk, S.B.
Druckett, and G. Angelovski, "The Use of Yttrium in Medical Imaging and
Therapy: Historical Background and Future Perspectives," Chem. Soc. Rev., 49,
6169 (2020).
302. D. Topgaard, Ed., "Advanced
Diffusion Encoding Methods in MRI," Royal Society of Chemistry, London,
2020 (New Developments in NMR, 24; ISBN
303. D. Xie, M. Yu, R.T. Kadakia, and E.L.
Que, "19F Magnetic Resonance Activity-Based Sensing Using
Paramagnetic Metals," Acc. Chem. Res.,
53, 2 (2020).
304. B.L. Eck, S.D. Flamm, D.H. Kwon, W.H.
Wilson Tang, C.P. Vasquez, and N. Seiberlich, "Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Fingerprinting: Trends in Technical Development and Potential Clinical
Applications," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 122, 11 (2021).
305. C.F.G.C. Geraldes, M.M.C.A. Castro, and
J.A. Peters, "Mn(III) Porphyrins as Potential MRI Contrast Agents for
Diagnosis and MRI-Guided Therapy," Coord.
Chem. Rev., 445, 214069 (2021).
306. E. Ljungberg, N.L. Damestani, T.C. Wood,
D.J. Lythgoe, F. Zelaya, S.C.R. Williams, A.B. Solana, G.J. Barker, and F.
Wiesinger, "Silent Zero TE MR Neuoroimaging: Current State-of-the-Art and
Future Directions," Prog. Nucl.
Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 123, 73 (2021).
307. C. Lu, H. Han, J. Wang, J. Wan, G. Song,
and J. Rao, "Engineering of Magnetic Nanoparticles as Magnetic Particle
Imaging Tracers," Chem. Soc. Rev.,
50, 8102 (2021).
308. V. Ruiz-Rodado, J.R. Brender, M.K.
Cherukuri, M. Gilbert, and M. Larion, "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for
the Study of cns Malignancies," Prog.
Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 122, 23 (2021).
309. Y. Yang, R. Fu, and H. Hao, Eds.,
"NMR and MRI of Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials and
Devices," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2021 (New Developments in
NMR, 25; ISBN 978-1788018487).
310. S. Lacerda, D. Ndiaye, and E. Toth,
"MRI Relaxation Agents Based on Transition Metals," Adv. Inorg. Chem., 78, 109 (2021).
311. E.A. Kras, E.M. Snyder, G.E. Sokolow,
and J.R. Morrow, "Distinct Coordination Chemistry of Fe(III)-Based MRI
Probes," Acc. Chem. Res., 55, 1435 (2022).
312. Z.-R. Lu, V. Laney, and Y. Li,
"Targeted Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Molecular Imaging of Cancer,"
Chem. Res., 55, 2833 (2022).
313. Y. Xia, "Essential Concepts in MRI:
Physics, Instrumentation, Spectroscopy, and Imaging," Wiley-Blackwell, NY,
2022 (ISBN 978-1119798217).
314. L.V. Gast, T. Platt, A.M. Nagel, and T.
Gerhalter, "Recent Technical Developments and Clinical
Research-Applications of Sodium (23Na)
MRI," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 138-139, 1 (2023).
315. T.L.R. Humphries, D.A. Vesey, G.J.
Galloway, G.C. Grobe, and R.S. Francis, "Identifying Disease Progression in
Chronic Kidney Disease Using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 134-135,
52 (2023).
316. J.C.M. Low, A.J. Wright, F. Hesse, J.
Cao, and K.M. Brindle, "Metabolic Imaging with Deuterium Labeled
Substrates," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 134-135, 39 (2023).
317. R. Tycko, "Micron-Scale Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Based on Low Temperatures and Dynamic Nuclear
Polarization," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 138-139, 136 (2023).
318. L. Feng and T.D. James, Eds.,
"Imaging Tools for Chemical Biology," Royal Society of Chemistry,
London, 2024 (Chemical Biology, 24;
ISBN 978-1837671151).
319. F. Khashami, "Fundamentals of NMR
and MRI: From Quantum Principles to Medical Applications," Springer, New
York, 2024 (ISBN 978-3031479755).
320. Offer Ben Horin, "MRI: The
Comprehensive Manual. Medicine and Physics Join Forces," 2024 (ISBN
321. T. Meyer, J. Castelein, J. Schattenfroh,
A.S. Morr, R.V. da Silva, H. Tzschtzsch, R. Reiter, J. Guo, and I. Sack,
"Magnetic Resonance Elastography in a Nutshell: Tomographic Imaging of
Soft Tissue Viscoelasticity for Detecting and Staging Disease with a Focus on
Inflammation," Prog. Nucl. Magn.
Reson. Spectrosc., 144-145, 1 (2024).
322. S.E. Russek, K.F. Stupic and K.E.
Kennan, "Traceability and Uncertainty in NMR and MRI Measurements," Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 111, 1 (2024).
323. K. Wardhani, A. Levina, G.E.R. Grau, and
P.A. Lay, "Fluoroescent, Phosphorescent, and Magnetic Resonance Contrast
and Radioactive Tracer Labelling of Extracellular Vesicles," Chem. Soc. Rev., 53,
6779 (2024).
324. M. Otikovs, Z. Zhang, and L. Frydman,
"Principles and Progress in Ultrafast 2D Spationtemporally Encoded
MRI," Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson.
Spectrosc., 146-147, xxx (2025).
325. D. Si, S.J. Littlewood, M.G. Crabb, A.
Phair, C. Prieto, and R.M. Botnar, "Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Imaging: Principles and Advanced Techniques, Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 148-149, xxx (2025).
326. W. Xu, G. Guan, Z. Dong, L. Lei, H.
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Chem. Phys. Res. Data, 6, 919
15. E. Breitmaier, G. Haas, and W. Voelter,
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for 3017 compounds).
16. W. Brgel, "Handbook of NMR
Spectral Parameters," Heyden & Son, London, 1979.
17. M. Shamma and D.M. Hindenlang,
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18. A. Ault and M.R. Ault, "A Handy and
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19. H.M. Bell, D.B. Bowles, and F. Senese,
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Protons," Org. Magn. Reson., 16, 285 (1981).
20. W. Bremser, L. Ernst, B. Franke, R.
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Publishers, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1981 (30,000 spectra on 175 microfiches).
21. Q.T. Pham and R. Petiaud, "Proton
and Carbon-13 Spectra of Polymers," Vol. 1, Heyden & Son,
Philadelphia, PA, 1981.
22. A.A. Swigar and R.M. Silverstein,
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Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI, 1981.
23. F. Toda, T. Oshima, Y. Ishida, Y.
Takehira, K. Saito, and K. Tanaka, "13C NMR," Sanyo Publishing Inc.,
Tokyo, Japan, 1981 (handbook of carbon-13 spectra for 1796 organic compounds).
24. "Sadtler NMR Spectra: Handbook of
Esters," Sadtler Research Laboratories, Philadelphia, PA, 1982.
25. W. Bremser, B. Franke, and H. Wagner,
"Chemical Shift Ranges in Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy," VCH
Publishers, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1982 (companion tables for #20).
26. A.P. Marchand, "Stereochemical
Applications of NMR Studies in Rigid Bicyclic Systems," VCH Publishers,
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27. L.D. Quinn, "13C NMR
Spectral Data of Heterocyclic Phosphorus Compounds," College Station, TX,
28. "Sadtler Guide to 13C NMR
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29. Q.T. Pham, R. Petiaud, and H. Waton,
"Proton and Carbon-13 NMR Spectra of Polymers," Vol. 2, Wiley, NY,
30. C.J. Pouchert, "The Aldrich Library
of NMR Spectra," 2nd ed., Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI, 1983
(8,500 60-MHz proton spectra in two volumes).
31. E.C. Friedrich and K.G. Runkle,
"Correlations for Methyl and Methylene Protons," J. Chem. Educ., 61, 830
32. Q.T. Pham, R. Petiaud, M.F. Llauro, and
H. Waton, "Proton and Carbon-13 NMR Spectra of Polymers," Vol. 3,
Wiley, NY, 1984.
33. "Handbook of Proton-NMR Spectra and
Data," Asahi Research Center Co. Ltd., Academic Press, Tokyo, Japan,
1985-1987, ten volumes and index (proton NMR data for 35,000 compounds, with 90
MHz and some 400 MHz spectra).
34. D.W. Brown, "A Short Set of 13C-NMR
Correlation Tables," J. Chem. Educ.,
62, 209 (1985).
35. R.C. Weast and M.J. Astle, Eds.,
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1985, two volumes (spectral data and physical properties for 24,000 organic
36. E.C. Friedrich and K.G. Runkle,
"Empirical NMR Chemical Shift Correlations for Methine Protons," J. Chem. Educ., 63, 127 (1986).
37. W. Bremser, L. Ernst, W. Fachinger, R.
Gerhards, A. Hardt, and P.M.E. Lewis, "Carbon-13 NMR Spectral Data,"
4th ed., VCH Publishers, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1987 (58,108 spectra on 235
38. F.J. Weigert and K.J. Karel, "A
Fluorine NMR Database," J. Fluorine
Chem., 37, 125 (1987).
39. R.C. West and J.G. Grasselli, Eds.,
"Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1989,
nine volumes.
40. L.J. Mathias, R.F. Colletti, R.J.
Halley, W.L. Jarrett, C.G. Johnson, D.G. Powell, and S.C. Warren,
"Solid-State NMR Polymer Spectra Collection," MRG Polymer Press,
Hattiesburg, MS, 1990.
41. C.J. Pouchert and J. Behnke, "The
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT-NMR Spectra," Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI,
1992 (12,000 75-MHz carbon and 300-MHz proton spectra in three volumes; CD-ROM version).
42. D.M. Grant and R.K. Harris, Eds.,
"Encyclopedia of NMR," Wiley, NY, 1996 (nine volumes).
43. E. Pretsch, P. Bhlmann, and C.
Affolter, "Structure Determination of Organic Compounds: Tables of
Spectral Data ," 3rd ed., Springer Verlag, NY, 2000.
44. J.C. Lindon, G.E. Tranter, and J.L.
Holmes, Eds., "Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry,"
Academic Press, NY, 2000 (three volumes).
45. W. Martienssen, Ed.,
"Landolt-Brnstein Numerical Data & Functional Relationships in
Science & Technology," Springer Verlag, NY, 2000. Vol. 35, "NMR Data," R.R.
Gupta and M.D. Lechner, Eds.
46. R.A. Nyquist, "Interpreting
Infrared, Raman, and NMR Spectra," Academic Press, NY, 2001 (two volumes).
47. B. Mikhova, Ed., "Landolt-Brnstein
Numerical Data & Functional Relationships in Science &
Technology," Springer Verlag, NY, 2005. Vol. 35, "NMR Data," B.
Mikhova, Ed.
48. T.J. Bruno and P.D.N. Svoronos,
"CRC Handbook of Spectroscopic Correlation Charts," CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, 2006. Chapter 3 contains
1H, 13C, 15N, 19F, 29Si, 31P, and 119Sn data.
49. S. Trepalin and A. Yarkov, "HNMR of
Organic Compounds, Vol. 2," Wiley, NY, 2006 (SpecData, CD-ROM).
50. W. Robien, "13C NMR Spectra of Organic
Compounds," Wiley/VCH, NY, 2007 (ISBN 3-527-31779-1). Contains CD.
51. C.J. Pouchert, "The Aldrich Library
of 13C
and 1H
FT-NMR Spectra," Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI, 2008 (12,000
75-MHz carbon and 300-MHz proton spectra in three volumes).
52. E. Pretsch, P. Bhlmann, and M.
Badertscher, "Structure Determination of Organic Compounds: Tables of
Spectral Data ," 4th ed., Springer Verlag, NY, 2009.
53. R.K. Harris and R.E. Wasylishen, Eds.,
"Encyclopedia of NMR," Wiley, NY, 2012 (ten volumes; ISBN
54. V. Gupta and M.D. Lechner, Eds.,
"Landolt-Brnstein Numerical Data & Functional Relationships in
Science & Technology: 31P-NMR Data, Part 1," Springer Verlag, NY, 2013 (ISBN
55. V. Gupta and M.D. Lechner, Eds.,
"Landolt-Brnstein Numerical Data & Functional Relationships in
Science & Technology: 31P-NMR Data, Part 2," Springer Verlag, NY, 2014 (ISBN
56. UKChem Publications, "The Complete
Solvent Handbook," UKChem Publications, 2019 (printed Monee, IL, USA; ISBN
57. H. Qin and D. Yu, "1H NMR
Handbook of Natural Products," De Gruyter, NY, 2021 (six volumes).
58. V. Vasquez-Ruiz, M.A. Ramirez-Cisneros,
and M.Y. Rios, "Triterpenes and Limonoids of Cedrela: Distribution,
Biosynthesis, and 1H and 13C NMR Data," Magn.
Reson. Chem., 60(3), 275-358
59. Various authors, "Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy." The NMR literature is surveyed at two-year
intervals in Anal. Chem., normally in
the April issue of Analytical Reviews. These surveys appear in even-numbered
years, beginning in 1966. Recent issues include comprehensive lists of review
60. K. Kamienska-Trela and J. Wojcik, Senior
Reporters, "Specialist Periodical Reports: Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance," Royal Society of Chemistry, London. A comprehensive survey of current NMR
literature appears in volumes 2-8, 10, and in each subsequent volume.
61. J. Yarwood, R. Douthwaite, and S.B.
Duckett, Senior Reporters, "Specialist Periodical Reports: Spectroscopic
Properties of Inorganic & Organometallic Compounds," Royal Society of
Chemistry, London. A comprehensive
survey of current literature appears in the early chapters of every volume
prior to volume 37.
A. With Carbon-13 Spectra
1. R.J. Abraham and P. Loftus, "Proton
and Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy: An Integrated Approach," Heyden,
Philadelphia, PA, 1978. Proton and carbon-13
data are provided for 25 unknowns.
Answers are given.
2. P.L. Fuchs and C.A. Bunnell,
"Carbon-13 NMR Based Organic Spectral Problems," Wiley, NY,
1979. Spectral data are given for
over 95 unknowns; answer key is available from the publisher.
3. D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman, and G.S. Kriz,
Jr., "Introduction to Spectroscopy: A Guide for Students of Organic
Chemistry," Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1979. Three problems contain C-13 data.
4. E.D. Becker, "High Resolution NMR:
Theory and Chemical Applications," 2nd ed., Academic Press, NY, 1980. Proton and C-13 data are provided for 40
unknowns. Answers are given to
odd-numbered problems.
5. J.W. Cooper, "Spectroscopic
Techniques for Organic Chemists," Wiley/Interscience, NY, 1980. Spectral data are given for a variety of
unknowns. Answers are provided.
6. D.H. Williams and I. Fleming,
"Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry," 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill,
London, 1980. Carbon-13 data are provided for 12 problems.
7. R.B. Bates and W.A. Beavers, "Carbon-13
NMR Spectral Problems," Humana Press, Clifton, NJ, 1981. Spectral data are given for 125
unknowns. References are provided
to the answers.
8. E. Breitmaier and G. Bauer, "13C NMR
Spectroscopy: A Working Manual with Exercises," Harwood Academic Publishers,
NY, 1984 (MMI Press Polymer Monograph Series, Vol. 3). The second part contains 76 exercises
and solutions.
9. R. Davis and C.H.J. Wells,
"Spectral Problems in Organic Chemistry," Chapman & Hall/Methuen,
NY, 1984. Spectral data are given
for 56 unknowns. References are
provided to the answers.
10. P. Sohar, "Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1984. Volume 3 contains 78 structure
determination problems, the last twelve with carbon-13 data. All answers are given.
11. Atta-ur-Rahman, "Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance: Basic Principles," Springer Verlag, NY, 1986. Appendix A contains proton spectra for
26 unknowns, and carbon-13 spectra for 16 unknowns. All answers are given.
12. S. Sternhell and J.R. Kalman, "Organic
Structures from Spectra," John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, England,
1986. Problems 1-115 are basic
structure determination with all spectra shown, while Problems 116-131 deal
with interpretation of 1H NMR spin-spin multiplets.
13. J.B. Lambert, H.F. Shurvell, D.A.
Lightner, and R.G. Cooks, "Introduction to Organic Spectroscopy,"
Macmillan, NY, 1987. Part V contains twelve problems involving carbon-13
14. C.H. Yoder and C.D. Schaeffer, Jr.,
"Introduction to Multinuclear NMR: Theory and Application,"
Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA, 1987.
Thirty unknowns are in the text, and 21 additional problems with
solutions are in an accompanying instructor's guide.
15. R.J. Abraham, J. Fisher, and P. Loftus,
"Introduction to NMR Spectroscopy," 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 1988. Nine problems include five COSY plots.
16. D.W. Brown, A.J. Floyd, and M.
Sainsbury, "Organic Spectroscopy," Wiley, NY, 1988. Forty-two problems with answers.
17. G.E. Martin and A.S. Zektzer,
"Two-Dimensional NMR Methods for Establishing Molecular
Connectivity," VCH Publishers, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1988. Chapter 6 contains nine 2-D problems,
and Chapter 7 contains detailed solutions.
18. D.H. Williams and I. Fleming,
"Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry," 4th ed., McGraw-Hill,
NY, 1988. Chapter 5 contains four
worked examples and twelve problems with answers.
19. D. Kealey, "NMR Spectrometry in
Chemical Analysis," Wiley, NY, 1989.
Carbon-13 and proton spectra for interactive use on IBM PC compatible
20. Atta-Ur-Rahman, "One- and
Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy," Elsevier, NY, 1989. Problems and worked solutions are at the
end of each chapter.
21. J.K.M. Sanders, E.C. Constable, and B.K.
Hunter, "Modern NMR Spectroscopy: A Workbook of Chemical Problems,"
Oxford University Press, NY, 1989.
22. T.N. Sorrell, "Interpreting Spectra
of Organic Molecules," Oxford University Press, NY, 1989.
23. R.V. Parish, "NMR, NQR, EPR, and
Mssbauer Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry," Ellis Horwood, NY, 1990,
Ch. 2.
24. W. Kemp, "Organic
Spectroscopy," 3rd ed., W.H. Freeman, New York, NY, 1991, Ch. 6. Thirty problems; all answers given.
25. R.M. Silverstein, T.C. Morrill, and G.C.
Bassler, "Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds," 5th
ed., Wiley, NY, 1991. Spectral data
are given for 48 unknowns; answer key is available from the publisher.
26. H. Duddeck and W. Dietrich,
"Structure Elucidation by Modern NMR: A Workbook," 2nd ed., Springer
Verlag, NY, 1992. Includes 2-D
27. R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd,
"Organic Chemistry," 6th ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
1992, Ch. 17.
28. E. Breitmaier, "Structure
Elucidation by NMR in Organic Chemistry," Wiley, NY, 1993. Fifty complicated problems.
29. J.K.M. Sanders, E.C. Constable, B.K.
Hunter, and C. Pearce, "Modern NMR Spectroscopy: A Workbook of Chemical
Problems," 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY, 1993.
30. K. Feinstein, "Guide to
Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds," CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Fl, 1995. Ten "representative
problems" with solutions and fifteen unknowns.
31. L.D. Field, S. Sternhell, and J.R.
Kalman, "Organic Structures from Spectra," 2nd ed., Wiley, NY,
1995. Two hundred problems with IR,
MS, UV-VIS, and NMR (including many with DEPT). Answer key is available from the
32. D.H. Williams and I. Fleming,
"Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry," 5th ed., McGraw-Hill,
NY, 1995. Chapter 5 contains worked
examples and twenty-seven problems with answers.
33. D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman, and G.S. Kriz,
Jr., "Introduction to Spectroscopy: A Guide for Students of Organic
Chemistry," 2nd ed., Saunders/Harcourt, Philadelphia, PA, 1996.
34. Atta-Ur-Rahman and M.I. Choudhary,
"Solving Problems with NMR Spectroscopy," Academic Press, NY,
1996. Each of seven chapters
concludes with problems emphasizing theory and spectral interpretation
(including 2D experiments).
35. M. Hesse, H. Meier, and B. Zeeh,
"Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry," Georg Thieme Verlag,
Stuttgart, Germany, 1997.
36. E. Pretsch and J.T. Clerc, "Spectra
Interpretation of Organic Compounds," Wiley/VCH, NY, 1997.
37. J.B. Lambert, H.F. Shurvell, D.A.
Lightner, and R.G. Cooks, "Organic Structural Spectroscopy,"
Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1998. Chapters
38. R.M. Silverstein and F.X. Webster,
"Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds," 6th ed., Wiley,
NY, 1998. Spectral data are given
for 55 unknowns; answer key is available from the publisher.
39. H. Duddeck, W. Dietrich, and G. Toth,
"Structure Elucidation by Modern NMR: A Workbook," 3rd ed., Springer
Verlag, NY, 1999. Includes 2-D
40. D. Whittaker, "Interpreting Organic
Spectra," Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2000.
41. D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman, and G.S. Kriz,
Jr., "Introduction to Spectroscopy: A Guide for Students of Organic
Chemistry," 3rd ed., Saunders/Harcourt, Philadelphia, PA, 2001.
42. E. Breitmaier, "Structure
Elucidation by NMR in Organic Chemistry: A Practical Guide," 3rd ed.,
Wiley, NY, 2002. Fifty-five
problems with solutions.
43. L.D. Field, S. Sternhell, and J.R.
Kalman, "Organic Structures from Spectra," 3rd ed., Wiley, NY,
2002. Nearly three hundred problems
with IR, MS, UV-VIS, and NMR (including many with DEPT). Answer key is available from the
44. E. Pretsch, G. Toth, M.E. Munk, and M.
Badertscher, "Computer-Aided Structure Elucidation," Wiley/VCH, NY,
45. J.H. Nelson, "NMR
Spectroscopy", Pearson/Prentice Hall, NJ, 2003. Answer key available.
46. R.J. Anderson, D.J. Bendell, and P.W.
Groundwater, "Organic Spectroscopic Analysis," Royal Society of
Chemistry, London, 2004. Chapter 4.
47. J.B. Lambert and E.P. Mazzola, "NMR
Spectroscopy: Introduction to Principles, Applications & Experimental
Methods," Pearson/Prentice Hall, NJ, 2004. Answer key available.
48. Y.-C. Ning, "Structural
Identification of Organic Compounds with Spectroscopic Techniques,"
Wiley/VCH, NY, 2005.
49. R.M. Silverstein, F.X. Webster, and D.
Kiemie, "Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds," 7th ed.,
Wiley, NY, 2005.
50. L.D.S. Yadav, "Organic
Spectroscopy," Kluwer, Boston, MA, 2005. Chapters 5 (proton) and 6 (carbon-13
NMR). Problems with solutions.
51. T.N. Mitchell and B. Costisella,
"NMR: From Spectra to Structures, an Experimental Approach," 2nd ed.,
Springer Verlag, NY, 2007. Answer
key is available from the authors.
52. D.F. Taber, "Organic Spectroscopic
Structure Determination: a Problem-Based Learning Approach," Oxford
University Press, NY, 2007.
53. L.D. Field, S. Sternhell, and J.R.
Kalman, "Organic Structures from Spectra," 4th ed., Wiley, NY,
2008. Nearly three hundred problems
with IR, MS, UV-VIS, and NMR (including many with DEPT). Answer key is available from the authors.
54. M. Hesse, H. Meier, and B. Zeeh,
"Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry," 2nd ed., Georg Thieme
Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 2008 (ISBN 978-1588904881).
55. E.E. Kwan and S.G. Huang,
"Structural Elucidation with NMR Spectroscopy: Practical Strategies for
Organic Chemists," Eur. J. Org. Chem.,
1, 2671 (2008).
56. J.H. Simpson, "Organic Structure
Determination Using 2-D NMR Spectroscopy: A Problem-Based Approach,"
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2008.
Chapters 11-14 contain assignment problems of various levels of
57. D.H. Williams and I. Fleming,
"Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry," 6th ed., McGraw-Hill,
NY, 2008 (ISBN 978-0077118129).
58. P. Crews, J. Rodriguez, and M. Jaspars,
"Organic Structure Analysis," 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, NY,
59. J.B. Lambert, S. Gronert, H.F. Shurvell,
D.A. Lightner, and R.G. Cooks, "Organic Structural Spectroscopy," 2nd
ed., Prentice-Hall, NJ, 2010 (ISBN 978-0321592569).
60. R. Meusinger, "NMR-Spektren Richtig
Ausgewertet: 100 bungen fr Studium and Beruf (NMR Spectra Correctly
Evaluated: 100 Exercises for Study and Work)," Springer Verlag, NY, 2010
(ISBN 978-3642016820).
61. M. Huggins, J.E. Gurst, and D.A.
Lightner, "2D NMR-Based Organic Spectroscopy Problems," Pearson
Prentice Hall, NJ, 2011 (ISBN 978-0136042068).
62. Y.-C. Ning, "Interpretation of
Organic Spectra," Wiley, NY, 2011.
Chapter 6 contains twenty complex examples.
63. J.H. Simpson, "Organic Structure
Determination Using 2-D NMR Spectroscopy: A Problem-Based Approach," 2nd
ed., Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2012.
64. L.D. Field, S. Sternhell, and J.R.
Kalman, "Organic Structures from Spectra," 5th ed., Wiley, NY,
2013. Nearly 350 problems. Answer key is available from the
65. M.-M. Cid and J. Bravo, "Structure
Elucidation in Organic Chemistry: The Search for the Right Tools,"
Wiley/VCH, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-3527333363).
66. M.E. Elyashberg and A.J. Williams,
"Computer-Based Structure Elucidation from Spectral Data: The Art of
Solving Problems," Springer Verlag, NY, 2015 (Lecture Notes in
Chemistry, 89).
67. L.D. Field, H.L. Li, and A.M. Magill,
"Organic Structures from 2D Spectra," Wiley, NY, 2015 (ISBN
978-1118868942). Instructor
guide/solutions manual by L.D. Field is available (ISBN 978-1119027256).
68. D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman, G.S. Kriz,
Jr., and J.A. Vyvyan, "Introduction to Spectroscopy," 5th ed.,
Cengage Learning, Stamford, CT, 2015 (ISBN 978-1285460123).
69. R.M. Silverstein, F.X. Webster, D.J.
Kiemie, and D.L. Bryce, "Spectrometric Identification of Organic
Compounds," 8th ed., Wiley, NY, 2015 (ISBN 978-0470616376).
70. R.G. Linington, P.G. Williams, and J.B.
MacMillan, "Problems in Organic Structure Determination: A Practical
Approach to NMR Spectroscopy," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2016 (ISBN
71. A. Randazzo, "Guide to NMR Spectral
Interpretation: A Problem-Based Approach to Determining the Structures of Small
Organic Molecules," Loghia Publishing, Naples, Italy, 2018 (ISBN
72. I. Fleming and D.H. Williams,
"Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry," 7th ed., Springer
Verlag, NY, 2019 (ISBN 978-3030182519).
73. L.D. Field, H.L. Li, and A.M. Magill,
"Organic Structures from Spectra," 6th ed., Wiley, NY,
2020 (ISBN 978-1119524809).
Instructor guide/solutions manual by L.D. Field is available.
74. M. Hesse, H. Meier, and B. Zeeh, "Spectroscopic
Methods in Organic Chemistry," 3rd ed., Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart,
Germany, 2021 (ISBN 978-3132434080).
75. R. SanMartin and M.T. Herrero,
"Structure Determination by Spectroscopic Methods: A Practical
Approach," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2021 (ISBN 978-1138491588).
B. Without Carbon-13 Spectra
1. J.R. Dyer, "Application of
Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds," Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1965.
2. B.M. Trost, "Problems in
Spectroscopy: Organic Structure Determination by NMR, IR, UV, and Mass
Spectra," Benjamin, NY, 1967.
3. D.J. Pasto and C.R. Johnson,
"Organic Structure Determination," Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, 1969.
4. C.J. Creswell, O. Runquist, and M.M.
Campbell, "Spectral Analysis of Organic Compounds: An Introductory
Programmed Text," 2nd ed., Burgess, Minneapolis, MN, 1972.
5. R.A. Lalancette, "NMR Spectral
Interpretation: A Workbook," Huley, Merion, PA, 1972.
6. A.J. Baker, T. Cairns, G. Eglinton, and
F.J. Preston, "More Spectroscopic Problems in Organic Chemistry," 2nd
ed., Heyden & Son, Philadelphia, PA, 1975.
7. S.F. Dyke, A.J. Floyd, M. Sainsbury, and
R.S. Theobald, "Organic Spectroscopy," 2nd ed., Longman, NY, 1978.
1. S.W. Atlas, Ed., "Topics in
Magnetic Resonance Imaging," Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Philadelphia, PA.
2. L. Berliner, Eds., "Biological
Magnetic Resonance," Springer, NY.
3. G. Bodenhausen, D.G. Gadian, B.H. Meier,
G.A. Morris, and D. Neuhaus, Eds., "Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy," Elsevier Science Publishers, NY.
4. J.S. Cohen, Ed., "Magnetic
Resonance in Biology," Wiley, NY.
5. P.J. Cozzone, Ed., "Magnetic
Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine," Springer Verlag,
6. P. Diehl, E. Fluck, and R. Kosfeld,
Eds., "NMR: Basic Principles and Progress," Springer Verlag, NY.
7. P.T. Fox, J.L. Lancaster, and G. Egan,
Eds., "Human Brain Mapping," Wiley/VCH, NY.
8. J.C. Gore, Ed., "Magnetic Resonance
Imaging," Elsevier Science Publishers, NY.
9. D.G. Gorenstein, Ed., "Bulletin on
Magnetic Resonance," International Society for Magnetic Resonance,
Chicago, IL.
10. J.R. Griffiths, Ed., "NMR in
Biomedicine," Wiley/VCH, NY.
11. J.C. Honeyman-Buck, Ed., "Journal
of Digital Imaging," Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.
12. J. Keeler, Ed., "Magnetic Resonance
in Chemistry," Wiley/VCH, NY (formerly, "Organic Magnetic
13. J. Klinowski, Ed., "Solid State
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance," Elsevier Science Publishers, NY.
14. G.C. Levy, Ed., "Topics in Carbon-13
NMR Spectroscopy," Wiley/Interscience, NY.
15. A.P. Marchand, Ed., "Methods in
Stereochemical Analysis," VCH Publishers, Deerfield Beach, FL.
16. L.A. Nafie, Ed.,
"Biospectroscopy," Wiley/VCH, NY.
17. S.J. Opella, Ed., "Journal of
Magnetic Resonance," Academic Press, Orlando, FL.
18. G.M. Pohost, Ed., "Journal of
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance," Marcel Dekker, NY.
19. C.P. Poole, Jr., Ed., "Magnetic
Resonance Reviews," Gordon and Breach, NY.
20. W.S. Price, Ed.-in-Chief, "New
Developments in NMR," The Royal Society of Chemistry, London (ISSN:
21. V. Ramesh, Senior Reporter,
"Specialist Periodical Reports: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance," Royal
Society of Chemistry, London.
22. A.P. Rauter, T. Lindhorst, and Y. Queneau,
Senior Reporters, "Specialist Periodical Reports: Carbohydrate
Chemistry," The Royal Society of Chemistry, London.
23. K.M. Salikhov, Ed., "Applied
Magnetic Resonance," Springer Verlag, NY.
24. R.H. Sarma and M.H. Sarma, Eds.,
"Biomolecular Stereodynamics," Adenine Press, NY.
25. M.E. Schweitzer, Ed., "Journal of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging," Wiley/VCH, NY.
26. E.H. Suh and Z. Kovacs, Eds.,
"Advances in Magnetic Resonance Technology and Applications,"
Academic Press, NY.
27. J.V. Talano, Ed., "American Journal
of Cardiac Imaging," Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.
28. D.D. Traficante, Ed., "Concepts in
Magnetic Resonance, Parts A & B," Wiley/VCH, NY.
29. G. Wade, E. Robinson, and H. Lee, Eds.,
"International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology," Wiley, NY.
30. W.S. Warren, Ed., "Advances in
Magnetic and Optical Resonance, Academic Press, Orlando, FL (formerly,
"Advances in Magnetic Resonance," J.S. Waugh, Ed.).
31. G.A. Webb, Ed., "Annual Reports on
NMR Spectroscopy," Academic Press, Orlando, FL (formerly, "Annual
Review of NMR Spectroscopy").
32. F.W. Wehrli, Ed., "Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine," Wiley/VCH, NY.
33. K. Wthrich, Ed., "Journal of
Biomolecular NMR," Kluwer, Boston, MA.
34. J. Yarwood, R. Douthwaite, and S.B.
Duckett, Senior Reporters, "Specialist Periodical Reports: Spectroscopic
Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds," Royal Society of
Chemistry, London.
35. Various editors, "Advances in
Magnetic Resonance Technology and Applications," Academic Press, NY, multiple
volumes and themes.
36. "Magnetic Resonance
Quarterly," Raven Press, NY.
37. "CA Selects: Carbon &
Heteroatom NMR," Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, OH.
38. "CA Selects: Proton Magnetic
Resonance," Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, OH.
39. "CA Selects: Solid State NMR,"
Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, OH.
40. Various authors and editors,
"Annual Reports on Progress in Chemistry."
41. Various authors and editors,
"Annual Review of Physical Chemistry," Palo Alto, CA.
1. B. Gilbert and R. Norman, "An
Introduction to NMR Spectroscopy," The Royal Society of Chemistry, London,
2. A. Vincent, "Solving Inorganic
Spectroscopic Problems," The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1981.
3. J.D. Coyle, E.J. Haws, K. Miller, and K.
Norton, "Interpretation of NMR Spectra-An Introductory Audiovisual
Program," Wiley, NY, 1984.
4. E.D. Becker, "Fourier Transform
NMR," American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
5. L.F. Johnson and R.H. Bible, Jr.,
"Interpretation of NMR Spectra-Introductory and Advanced Concepts,"
American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
6. J.B. Lambert, "Intermediate NMR
Spectroscopy," 2nd ed., American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
7. G.C. Levy and G.L. Nelson,
"Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy," American Chemical Society, Washington,
1. J.P. Hornak, "The Basics of NMR
[Online]; 1997-1999."
http://www/ (accessed March 2008).
2. Atta-Ur-Rahman and M.I. Choudhary, Eds.,
"Application of NMR Spectroscopy," Bentham Books. Multiple volumes.
3. D. Hoult, Ed., "eMagRes: Ultimate
Online Resource for NMR and MRI," Wiley, NY (Wiley Online Library).