Course:             CS/ENGR 333

Course Name:    Digital Design and Interfacing

Assignment:      LAB #8

Professor:         Dr. Wunderlich


Grading:            6 points total (3 points for web pages, 3 points for PowerPoint presentation)


Due Date:          Thursday, 4/19+/00 at 9:35:01 am


Late Penalty:      Minus 50% point for each thing not done on time

            (No points will be given after exactly one week from due date)


Last Revised:     -------- 



1)      Make a personal Web Page for yourself with a resume and link to your project.

2)      Make a project Web Page for your part of the project.

3)      Make a power point presentation with:

a.       A discussion of the theory behind your project (or part of the project).

b.       Pictures and schematics of your project (or part of the project).

c.       Discussion of progress to-date on project.

d.       Discussion of work to be completed on project.

e.       Present your personal and project web pages (make links to them in your PowerPoint presentation).


NOTE: No more than three people should be presenting at any given time (i.e., the “big” robot project must be broken into subsystems/subgroups); the “Team Leader” should:

q       Speak first summarizing the project.

q       Then introduce each team member just before they speak.

q       Then speak at the very end to summarize all:

1.       Costs.

2.       Schedules.

3.       Innovations.

4.       Potential for future expansion of systems.