Elizabethtown College
CS / ENGR 333
(Spring, 2001)

Professor: Dr. Joseph T. Wunderlich
Office: Nicarry 244
Phone: 361-1295
Email: mailto:wunderjt@etown.edu
Office Hours: http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt/schedules/s01schedule.html

Objectives: This course is an intensive, six-hour per week, computer engineering hardware design course covering digital circuit design (combinational and sequential), and embedded microcontroller design. Both hands-on laboratory circuit-building projects, and research projects are assigned.

Course Credit: Three
Contact Hours: Six


Prerequisite Topics:

Course Texts:

Supplemental Readings:
Content from the following publications will be included in class lectures:


        (60-62)=D-, (63-67)=D, (68-69)=D+, (70-72)=C-, (73-77)=C, (78-79)=C+, (80-82)=B-, (83-87)=B, (88-89)=B+, (90-92)=A-, (93-100)=A
        (with any fractional part rounded to the nearest integer)

Academic Honesty: Elizabethtown College Pledge of Integrity: "Elizabethtown College is a community engaged in a living and learning experience, the foundation of which is mutual trust and respect. Therefore, we will strive to behave toward one another with respect for the rights of others, and we promise to represent as our work only that which is indeed our own, refraining from all forms of lying, plagiarizing, and cheating."

Course Outline:

  1. Review of Combinational Digital Circuit Design
  2. Advanced Topics in Combinational Digital Circuit Design
  3. Simulating Combinational Digital Circuits
  4. Review of Sequential Digital Circuit Design
  5. Advanced Topics in Sequential Digital Circuit Design
  6. Simulating Sequential Digital Circuits
  7. Field Programmable Gate Arrays
  8. Programming in 80251 Microcontroller Assembly language
  9. Simulating 80251 Microcontroller Assembly language
  10. Embedding 80251 Microcontroller Assembly language
  11. Controlling External Devices using 80251 Microcontroller Assembly language
  12. Neural Network Applications
  13. Robotics Applications

NOTE: This outline is subject to change during the semester