Basic Stamp II code: (April 29, 2001 5:00 pm)


' Movement Control - April 29, 2001




  loop_count      var  byte         ' Servo movement loop counter

  pulse_count     var  word         ' Used to set number of pulses delivered

  right_width     var  word         ' Variable stores right pulse width

  left_width      var  word         ' Variable stores left pulse width

  instruction     var  byte         ' Variable stores serial-in instruction

  direction       var  byte         ' Variable stores direction to move

  l_wheel_count   var  byte         ' Stores left wheel counts

  r_wheel_count   var  byte         ' Stores right wheel counts

  wheel_direction var  byte         ' Determines direction of robot (0 or 1)




  high 11                           ' Set P11 to high so LED does not light (OUTPUT)

  low 12                            ' Set P12 to low (INPUT)

  low 13                            ' Set P13 to low (INPUT)

  low 8                             ' No transmission output allowed

  low 0                             ' No transmission input allowed

  pulse_count = 0                   ' Initialize servo pulse count

  left_width  = 751                 ' No initial movement

  right_width = 753

  l_wheel_count = 0                 ' Initialize wheel encoder counters

  r_wheel_count = 0

  wheel_direction = 1               ' Initialize robot moving forward


  ' LS7166 initialization

                                    ' Clear counter

                                    ' Set to X1 mode


'-----Main Routine-----


main:                                     ' Main routine


  high 11   ' Dim LED (OUTPUT)


  low 8     ' No voltage to transmitter BS2-side . . . prohibit output

  high 0    ' Allow for input transmission


' Designated input Pin 0, 2400 baud

' Wait until "A", receive direction instruction, receive pulse count

  serin 0,16780,[WAIT("A"),instruction,DEC pulse_count]

'  serin 0,396,[WAIT("A"),instruction,DEC pulse_count]


'serout 1,16780,[pulse_count] ' Echo back


  low 0     ' Prohibit input transmission

  high 8    ' Allow for output transmission


  low 11    ' Light LED (INPUT)


  ' Determine direction to move BOEBot in

  lookdown instruction, = ["B","L","R","F","Q"], direction

  branch direction, [backward,left_turn,right_turn,forward,quit]


      backward:   right_width = 770: left_width = 720: goto polling

      left_turn:  right_width = 720: left_width = 720: goto polling

      right_turn: right_width = 770: left_width = 770: goto polling

      forward:    right_width = 720: left_width = 770: goto polling

      quit:       stop                    ' End program




  polling:                                ' Polling subroutine allows for sending of

                                          ' pulses to servos as well as check on

                                          ' wheel encoder


      for loop_count = 1 to pulse_count   ' Determines distance to travel

        gosub pulses                      ' Send pulse to servo

        gosub encoders                    ' Check encoder data

      next                                ' Jump to top of FOR loop

      serout 1,16780,["END"]              ' Let user know when movement is done

  goto main                               ' Return to main program



'     for loop_count = 1 to pulse_count   ' Determines distance to travel

        pulsout 12, right_width           ' Right servo

        pulsout 13, left_width            ' Left servo

        pause 20                          ' Wait 20 ms

'     next

'     serout 1,16780,["END"]              ' Let user know when movement is done

'  goto main                              ' Return to main program

  return                                  ' Return to polling routine


  encoders:                               ' Read in wheel encoder data from LS7166

'     l_wheel_count = l_wheel_count +     ' Count on left wheel encoder

'     r_wheel_count = r_wheel_count +     ' Count on right wheel encoder

'     wheel_direction =                   ' Direction of robot

  ' Send data to computer for analysis

'     serout 1,16780,["START",l_wheel_count,r_wheel_count,wheel_direction]               

  return                                  ' Return to polling routine