Basic Stamp II code:
' TWS-434 / RWS-434 testing
loop_count var
word ' For...Next
loop counter
pulse_count var
word ' Used to set
number of pulses delivered
low 2 ' Light LED
on pin2
low 11 ' Light LED on
low 12 ' Set P12
right servo output-low
low 13 ' Set P13
left servo output-low
pulse_count = 5 ' Initial movement
'-----Main Routine-----
main: '
Main routine
high 2 ' Light LED on
high 11 '
Light LED on pin11
pause 2000 ' Allow for visual
serout 1,16780,["A"] '
Output pin1,8-bit:no-parity:inverted
debug "transmit
ok",cr ' Let user
know if transmission successful
low 11 ' Light LED if
transmit ok
pause 2000 ' Pause program 2
seconds to see lights
0,16780,1000,timeout,[WAIT("A")] '
Input pin0,8-bit:no-parity:inverted,1 second timeout
debug "receive
ok",cr ' Reception
low 2 ' Light LED
if transmit ok
'gosub pulses ' Call
"pulses" subroutine
pause 2000 ' Pause for 2
goto main ' Return to
beginning of program
timeout: ' Did not
receive in time
debug "receive
timed out",cr ' Let user
know of no reception
high 2 ' Turn off LED
on pin2
pause 2000 ' Pause 2 seconds
goto main ' Move again
'end main '
End main routine
pulses: '
"pulses" subroutine
for loop_count = 1 to
pulse_count ' Determines distance to
pulsout 12, 655 ' Right servo
pulsout 13, 850 ' Left servo
pause 20 ' Wait 20 ms