Visual Basic Code (May 6, 2001 5:00 pm)


' Paul Contino

' Personal Robot Technologies, Inc.

' May 6, 2001

' VB serial data exchange interface


Option Explicit                 ' All variables must be declared

Dim sPulseCount As Long

Dim counting As Long

Public sInstr As String         ' Direction string from frmSerial

Public bDirChange As Boolean    ' Flag for direction change

Public nOutLength As Integer    ' Output string length

Public nInLength As Integer     ' Input string length


Private Sub cmdExit_Click()     ' Exit program


End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

counting = 0

' Use COM1

MSComm1.CommPort = 1

' 2400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit

MSComm1.Settings = "9600,N,8,1"


' Read entire buffer on Input

MSComm1.InputLen = 0


MSComm1.InBufferSize = 1024

MSComm1.OutBufferSize = 1024


' Generate no OnComm event on received data

'MSComm1.RThreshold = 0

' Generate OnComm event on received data

MSComm1.RThreshold = 1


' The Input property stores data as text

MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeText


' Open the port

MSComm1.PortOpen = True


' Display COM1 port setting to user

If MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then

    lblComStatus.Caption = "COM1 open for data transfer"


    lblComStatus.Caption = "COM1 closed"

End If


' Default to optForward being selected

optForward.Value = True


frmPlot.Show              ' Show plotting interface form


End Sub


Private Sub cmdSend_Click()


Dim sPulseCount As Long


'  Get instruction value and pulse output value

If optForward.Value = True Then

    sInstr = "F"

    sPulseCount = txtPulseForward.Text

ElseIf optBackward.Value = True Then

    sInstr = "B"

    sPulseCount = txtPulseBackward.Text

ElseIf optRight.Value = True Then

    sInstr = "R"

    sPulseCount = txtPulseRight.Text

ElseIf optLeft.Value = True Then

    sInstr = "L"

    sPulseCount = txtPulseLeft.Text

End If


bDirChange = True       ' Allow change in direction


' Send Out Data

MSComm1.Output = "A" & sInstr & Chr$(sPulseCount)

' Print data that was sent

lblSout.Caption = "A" & sInstr & sPulseCount

' Get length of transmitted data

nOutLength = Len("A" & sInstr & Chr$(sPulseCount))


' Probably should implememnt some way of sending data to the BS

' and if no data returned within a certain time, tell user that

' there might be a problem . . . like the stamp not hooked up correctly

' or something along those lines


'Call GetData


End Sub


Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

' Close port COM1

MSComm1.PortOpen = False


' Display COM1 port setting to user

If MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then

    lblComStatus.Caption = "COM1 open for data transfer"


    lblComStatus.Caption = "COM1 closed"

End If


End Sub


Private Sub GetData()


Dim sInput As String        ' MSComm input string

Dim nEncoderCount As Long   ' Counts read in by encoder

Dim lEnd As Long

Dim sData As String


   ' Check to see if BS sent any data

  '  If MSComm1.InBufferCount > 0 Then

        ' Allow user to send commands to robot


        ' Retrieve incoming data

        sInput = sInput & " " & MSComm1.Input

        ' Length of input buffer

        nInLength = Len(sInput)

        ' Just the incoming data - no echo

        sInput = Mid$(sInput, nOutLength + 1, nInLength)

        ' Display data

        'lblSin.Caption = sInput

  '  End If


    ' Get starting position of "!"

    lEnd = InStr(sInput, "!")


    Do   ' Starts the loop

        If lEnd > 0 Then    ' If > 0 then we have an "!" in the buffer

            sData = Left$(sInput, lEnd - 1)

            ' sData will be all characters before lEnd

            sInput = Mid$(sInput, lEnd + 1)

            ' Grab value from buffer

            nEncoderCount = Val(sData)

            ' We want to delete the data that we just got from the buffer including the "!"

            lEnd = InStr(sInput, "!")

            ' Output value

            lblSin.Caption = nEncoderCount

            ' Get starting position of "!" in the new buffer

        End If

    Loop While lEnd > 0 ' Loop while "!" is still present in the buffer


End Sub


Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()


Dim sInput As String        ' MSComm input string

Dim nTotalCount As Long     ' Number of points to plot

Dim nOldCount As Long       ' Storage for old counts

Dim nEncoderCount As Long   ' Counts read in by encoder

Dim lEnd As Long

Dim sData As String

Dim i As Long               ' Loop increment


    Select Case MSComm1.CommEvent


          Case comEvReceive  ' Received data

        ' Allow user to send commands to robot



        ' Retrieve incoming data

        sInput = MSComm1.Input


        ' Length of input buffer

        'nInLength = Len(sInput)


        ' Just the incoming data - no echo

        'sInput = Mid$(sInput, nOutLength + 1, nInLength)

'nEncoderCount = nEncoderCount + 1

' lblSin.Caption = nEncoderCount

'  lblSin.Caption = sInput


        ' Get starting position of "!"

        lEnd = InStr(sInput, "!")


        Do   ' Starts the loop

            If lEnd > 0 Then    ' If > 0 then we have an "!" in the buffer

                sData = Left$(sInput, lEnd - 1)

                ' sData will be all characters before lEnd

                sInput = Mid$(sInput, lEnd + 1)

                ' Store old encoder count

                nOldCount = nEncoderCount

                ' Grab value from buffer

                nEncoderCount = Val(sData)

                ' We want to delete the data that we just got from the buffer including the "!"

                lEnd = InStr(sInput, "!")

                ' Output value

                lblSin.Caption = "OLD: " & nOldCount & " New: " & nEncoderCount

                ' Compare old encoder count with new

                If nEncoderCount > nOldCount Then

                    ' Calculate difference in counts

                    nTotalCount = nEncoderCount - nOldCount

                    ' Call plotting routine as many times as necessary

                    For i = 1 To nTotalCount

                        Call frmPlot.PlotRobot

                    Next i

                End If

                ' Get starting position of "!" in the new buffer

            End If

        Loop While lEnd > 0 ' Loop while "!" is still present in the buffer

        ' Check for end statement

        If sInput = "END" Then lblSin.Caption = sInput

    End Select


End Sub