2004 Italy Pictures


PUBLICATION: Wunderlich, J.T. (2004). Design of a welding arm for unibody automobile assembly.
In Proceedings of IMG04 Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping International Conference,
Genova, Italy,
R. Molfino (Ed.): (pp. 117-122). Genova, Italy: Grafica KC s.n.c Press.

In addition to presentation and published paper, I helped moderate several sessions and closing remarks,
and later sent an Etown Computer Student to the Robotics labs of the U.Genoa/Italian Intitute of Technology
for two weeks to survey robotics research


Train trip from Genoa to Santa Margherita:




In 2004 I received an invitation to return to Genoa to conduct Robotics and AI research. In 2007
I sent an Etown student for two weeks on my behalf to survey the current research projects in the lab.

University of Genoa Robotics:
Lab Site: http://www.liralab.it/

Travel Advice: Always attempt to avoid touristy areas and try to meet the local people.
And try your best to speak their language.
(see: " MY ITALIAN " )

All photographs taken by   J. Wunderlich, Ph.D. All rights reserved.