Purdue University

Electrical Engineering Technology


EET 159


(Digital Design II)

Course syllabus

 Spring, 1999


Instructor: J. Wunderlich, Ph.D. EE

Office/Phone: TB-206 / 237-6560

Home Phone: 389-8037

Office Hours: To be announced in class


Course Description

This course continues the study of combinational and sequential digital design.  The input and output characteristics of the various common logic families and the appropriate signal conditioning techniques for on/off power interfacing are discussed.  Also stressed are standard logic function blocks, digital and analog signal interfacing techniques, memory devices, finite-state-machines, and basic computer architecture.


Contact Hours: 3 hours/week of lecture, 3 hours/week of lab

Course Credit: 4 credits



o    Digital Design I (EET 109)

o    Analog Circuits I (EET 107)


Prerequisite Topics

Logic signals, Logic gates, Combinational logic circuits, truth tables, & expressions, Sum-of-Product expressions, Karnaugh mapping, Number systems, binary codes & conversions, Registers, Counters, Decoders, Displays, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Programmable logic devices, Current & voltage, Resistance, Ohm's law, Series circuits, Voltage divider, AC waveforms, Transistor switching, RC time constants, LED operation, Oscilloscope operation.



R. J. Tocci and N. S. Widmer, "Digital Systems: Principles and Applications", Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998. (text for EET 109)

G. L. Moss., "Digital Systems Lab Manual (A Design Approach)", Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. "TTL Logic Data Book", Texas Instruments, 1998.



EET 159 parts kit



30%  Labs and projects             

10%  Homeworks                      

30%  Midterm exams

30%  Comprehensive final exam 



All lab reports are due one week after the day of the lab (at the beginning of class).

Project reports are due at the announced due dates.  Reports must be neatly hand written or typed on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. Your name should be on each page.  Reports must contain the following:


1.     A title page with a report title, your name, date, course number, and professor's name.

2.     An Abstract giving a brief overview of the entire report.

3.     A Theory and Description section containing the details of the project. This should include:

a.     A Problem Statement

b.     A Design Process section including derivation of logic equations, their simplification, logic diagrams, schematics, etc.

4.     A Discussion and Results section including a description of any problems encountered, suggestions for project modification, lessons learned, and answers to any questions posed as part of the project assignment.


Late Work

Any assignments handed in late will automatically loose 25% of the possible points.

Any assignments handed in more than one week late will receive NO points.  



Homework assignments will be assigned during lecture (with due dates). You must rewrite the problem statement for each problem and draw a box around each answer asked for.  Also, all work must be shown (and easily readable) to receive full credit for the problem.