Purdue University

Electrical Engineering Technology


EET 205 / 209


Course Syllabus (Fall,1998)


Instructor:         J. Wunderlich,  Ph.D. EE

Office/Phone:    TB-206 / 237-6560

Home Phone:    389-8037

Office Hours:    To be announced in class


Course Description

This course is an introduction to microprocessor hardware and software focusing on embedded control applications. Interconnections of components, peripheral devices, bus timing relationships, assembly language programming, debugging, input/output techniques, and use of PC based software development tools are studied.C programming of microcontrollers is introduced.


Contact Hours: 3 hours/week of lecture, 3 hours/week of Lab

Course Credit:  4 credits





K. J. Ayala, "The 8051 microcontroller", 2nd ed.., Minneapolis, MN: West Publishing, 1997.


N. S. Widmer, "Introduction to Microprocessors Laboratory Manual", West Lafayette, IN: Learning Systems, 1998.


R. J. Tocci and N. S. Widmer, "Digital Systems: Principles and Applications", Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Prentice-Hall, 1998. (text for EET 109 and 159)


Reference Books

The 8051-based 8-bit microcontroller data handbook, Philips Semiconductors.

(This book will be made available for reference in the Laboratory)



10%  Pre-labs                                                                                                              

30%  Lab performance, reports, and practical exams                

10%  Homework                                  

30%  Three midterm exams (Midterm #3 is initial and final oral presentations of semester projects)

20%  Comprehensive final exam           




Class Attendance

 Regular attendance in lecture is expected and necessary in order to do well in this course. Most of the material you are responsible for will be presented in lecture with the balance coming from reading, homework and lab assignments.  Laboratory attendance is vital to understanding the material.  If you have a justifiable need to miss lab, contact your instructor ahead of time.


Late Work

Any pre-lab, lab report, or homework handed in late will automatically loose 50% of the possible points.  Any pre-lab, lab report, or homework handed in more than one week late (or after the final exam is given) will receive NO points.  



Homework assignments will be assigned during lecture (with due dates). Always rewrite the problem statement for each problem. Also, all work must be shown (and easily readable) in order to receive full credit for the problem.


Laboratory Projects

1.      Equipment orientation and I/O with C

2.      The machine code monitor program and program execution

3.      Bus cycle timing analysis

4.      Memory and I/O expansion

5.      Mov instructions and hand assembly

6.      Branching and math instructions

7.      Timing loops

8.      Parallel I/O

9.      Keypad and 7-segment LED displays

10.   Serial I/O

11.   A/D and D/A

12.   Stepper motors and Digitalkers

13.   Individual projects

14.   Lab practical exam


Lab equipment used includes the 83C552 microcomputer trainer, PC with development software, tutorial

programs, various peripheral I/O devices, function generator, power supply, and oscilloscope.



Prelab consists of completing what is asked for in the Lab sheets and doing the following for each assigned software program:

 1)  Write out Problem Statement(s)

 2)  Solution steps:  identify the steps you think will solve the assigned problem by designing a Flow Chart

 3)  A hard-copy of source program code (with meaningful comments)

 4)  Whenever I/O devices are used, draw the complete I/O diagram, labeling port connections

 5)  An assembled copy of the source program when asked for (either machine or hand assembled)

Deadlines for pre-lab:


Lab Performance

In-lab grading requires oral explanations by the student to the instructor. The number of points earned will reflect the percentage of the assigned problems that actually run (correctly) during the lab period.  All in-lab points must be scored during your regular lab period.  As you perform your in-lab exercises, record your results and include them in your lab report.


Lab Report

The lab report is due at the beginning of the lecture which immediately precedes the lab period in the following week. Lab reports must include a hard copy of your working programs (where appropriate) and a half to one page discussion of your programs.  This should be specific, describing your method of solution.  That is, discuss the concept used or algorithm used for the solution.  (Don't just repeat the comments in your code). Discuss problems you had with the solution, either before or in the Lab.  Discuss two of the most relevant instructions used in your programs and thoroughly describe how these instructions work.  An additional paragraph must be included whenever I/O devices are used to explain what the external hardware needs from and/or provides for the micro. Also describe the theory of operation of the I/O circuitry. The neatness, grammar, and overall professionalism of your report will also be evaluated.


Coding Practice

Comment every line of your program code.  Use as few lines of code as possible (comment-blocks don't count).


Backup your work

Each student is responsible for assuring that their work cannot be lost by the occasional “unrecoverable error” ( i.e. back up your work regularly to you own floppy disk and never hand in anything other than a copy of your original work).


Cheating Policy

Students are encouraged to work together and learn from each other.  However, cheating in any form may result in a failing grade for the course and notification made to the Dean of Students office.



The following policies insure the safety of everyone in the Lab:

- No food, drink, or smoking allowed in the labs.

- Shoes must be worn at all times in the lab.

- Coats, backpacks, books, etc. must NOT be stored on top of equipment due to overheating; these items should be stored beneath the lab benchtop.

- No student is allowed to work in lab without an instructor's supervision.

- Remove all personally worn conductors such as jewelry.

- Use only one hand to make measurements on live circuits and grasp probes by there insulated part.

- Turn off power when making connections or changes to your circuits.     

- If you believe someone is being electrocuted, don't touch them or their equipment -- HIT THE LARGE RED BUTTON located near the door to the lab. This will cut off all power to the lab.

- Always assume soldering irons are hot and always wear goggles when using them.

- Always cut wires in a direction away from your hands and others.

- Beware of frayed wires, and report any damaged wires or equipment to lab instructor.