Purdue University

Electrical Engineering Technology


EET 480


Course Syllabus (Fall,1998)


Instructor: J. Wunderlich,  Ph.D. EE

Office/Phone: TB-206 / 237-6560

Home Phone: 389-8037

Office Hours: To be announced in class


Course Description

This course addresses professional ethics, legal issues, professional development, technology transfer, and corporate culture as they relate to graduating EET students.  Information relating to personal job and career choices, resumes, and interviewing are included.


Contact Hours: 1 hour/week of lecture

Course Credit: 1 credit


Prerequisites: Senior standing in EET



Professional journals, professional societies, and various library resources at IUSB and Notre Dame.



10%  Practice job interview                     

90% Oral presentations                                                                                                  


The quality of the research behind your presentations is the major factor considered in grading, however the neatness, grammar, and overall professionalism of your presentations, and your response to key questions will also be considered.



  1. Research a professional society (e.g., IEEE,  ASEE) and make a presentation to the class.
  2. Review a technical conference paper and make a presentation to the class.
  3. Review a technical journal paper and make a presentation to the class.
  4. Research the code of ethics of a technical society and make a presentation to the class.
  5. Research a major engineering failure and make a presentation to the class.
  6. Review a paper which raises an ethical issue related to technology, and make a presentation to the class.
  7. Research the ethical problems which may arise during the production of a new product as it passes through the stages of design, testing, production, marketing, sales, and service.  Make a presentation to the class.
  8. Research the organizational structure of a large corporation, and make a presentation to the class.
  9. Research the differences between B.S. E.E.T. and B.S.E.E. curriculums, and make a presentation to the class.
  10. Interview an engineer, and make a presentation to the class.
  11. Research sources of funding for a small technical business, and make a presentation to the class.
  12. Research graduate and continuing education programs that interest you, and make a presentation to the class.
  13. Research various sources of job opportunities in EET, and make a presentation to the class.
  14. Research the process of getting a patent, and make a presentation to the class.


Practice Interview

During the last class period you will be interviewed by the instructor (and possibly others) for a pretend job opening in Electrical/Electronics Engineering. Bring your resume.


Late Work

Any project presented late will automatically loose 25% of the possible points.  Any project presented more than two weeks late (or after the last class date) will receive NO points.