Elizabethtown College
CS 344
(Fall, 2000)

Professor: Dr. Joseph T. Wunderlich
Office: Nicarry 244
Phone: 361-1295
Email: wunderjt@etown.edu
Office Hours: http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt/schedules/f01schedule.html

Objectives: Use of calculus and computer programming to model physical systems. Applications are programmed in a high-level language and/or a specialized simulation language.

Course Credit: Three


  • Computer Science I (CS 121)
  • Computer Science II (CS 122)
  • Algorithms and Data Structures (CS 221)
  • Calculus I (Math 121or 117)
  • Calculus II (Math 122)

Prerequisite Topics:

  • Programming in a high-level language
  • Derivation of algorithms
  • Differentiation
  • Integration
  • Calculus of trigonomic, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (for oral presentations)
  • Proper documentation of research

Course Text:

  • William J. Palm, "Matlab for Engineering Applications" , McGraw Hill College Div., 1998. (ISBN: 0070473307)


  • Assignments =40%
  • Midterm exam(s) =30%
  • Comprehensive final exam =30%

 (60-62)=D-, (63-67)=D, (68-69)=D+, (70-72)=C-, (73-77)=C, (78-79)=C+, (80-82)=B-, (83-87)=B, (88-89)=B+, (90-92)=A-, (93-100)=A
        (with any fractional part rounded to the nearest integer)


Attendance: Exams will primarily cover material presented in lecture -- some of which may not be found in the texts.

Academic Honesty: Elizabethtown College Pledge of Integrity: "Elizabethtown College is a community engaged in a living and learning experience, the foundation of which is mutual trust and respect. Therefore, we will strive to behave toward one another with respect for the rights of others, and we promise to represent as our work only that which is indeed our own, refraining from all forms of lying, plagiarizing, and cheating."

Course Outline:

         I.            Basic Matlab Skills

       II.            Matlab Data Structures

     III.            Linear Algebra Review

     IV.            2-D Graphics

       V.            3-D Graphics

     VI.            Calculus Review

   VII.            Deriving Governing Equations

 VIII.            Numerical Methods

     IX.            Robotics Applications

       X.            Neural Network Applications

NOTE: This outline is subject to change during the semester



Assignment:             Project #1 (Thread A)

Grading:                   10% of total course grade; letter graded

Due Date:                 Monday, 10/9/00

Late Penalties:         Yes

Last Revised:            --------


1.        Model a physical system (not a mobile robot), simulate it, and create a visualization on the computer.

2.        Make a PowerPoint presentation which:

·          Discuses the 11 steps for modeling a physical system. A moving cartoon would also be nice for step #11; however it is not required for this project. Use Microsoft “Equation” to write your governing equation(s).

·          Proposes how you might continue your work into project #3.

·          Takes no less than ten minutes and no more than twelve minutes.

·          Is efficiency and elegantly presented. Some things you want to avoid in your presentations:

v       More than 30 words per slide.

v       Reading directly from a script.

v       Poor contrast between text and background.

v       Too many sound effects (e.g., screeching car for every bullet).

v       Too many slides for allotted time (e.g., more than 3 slides per minute).

v       Speaking monotonically.

v       Never making eye-contact with audience. 

3.        Make 12 handouts of all your presentation slides (6 slides per page).

4.        Groups of two are OK.

5.        Project #3 (Thread A) will ,at the discretion of Dr. Wunderlich, be either:

·          A continuation of your Project #1 work, or

·          An entirely new physical system model.



Assignment:             Project #2 (Thread B)

Grading:                   10% of total course grade; letter graded

Due Date:                 Monday, 10/23/00

Late Penalties:         Yes

Last Revised:            ------


1.        Program a real mobile robot to seek a light source (i.e., any wireless source you choose) in a four foot by four foot pen. A one-foot by one-foot cube-shaped obstacle is located at the center of the pen. When the robot finds the light, it should stop and play a song.

2.        Write a simulation of a mobile robot seeking a light source (i.e., any wireless source you choose)  in a four foot by four foot pen. The simulated robot, fire, and environment should model the real physical system of (1) as closely as possible. A one-foot by one-foot cube-shaped obstacle is located at the center of the pen.

3.        The location of the light and the initial location and orientation of the robot must be chosen by mouse-click at the beginning of every simulation run. Dr. Wunderlich will select light location and initial robot location and orientation for both your simulation and real-time robot demonstrations on the day of your presentation.

4.        The class will choose one of the three group's light sources (on the day that Project #2 is presented) to be used by everyone for Project #4 (Thread B). The choice will be made by majority vote (with Dr. Wunderlich having veto power).

5.        If you don't want to work on a mobile robot project, you must:

·          Build an electrical or mechanical system of sufficient approved complexity.

·          Simulate it.

6.        Demonstrate your simulation and real-time physical system.

7.        Make a PowerPoint presentation which:

·          Discusses your design approaches and search strategies.

·          Accounts for discrepancies between the simulation and the real physical system.

·          Takes no less than ten minutes and no more than twelve minutes.

·          Is efficiency and elegantly presented. Some things you want to avoid in your presentations:

8.        Submit copies of all of your simulation and real-time code (with comments on almost every line and printed in a 8-pitch font)



Assignment:             Project #1 (Thread A)

Grading:                   10% of total course grade; letter graded

Due Date:                 Monday, 11/13/00

Late Penalties:         Yes

Last Revised:            --------


If you are continuing your work from project #1:


1.        Modify your project #1 work as specified by Dr. Wunderlich.

2.        Make some kind of cartoon (using matlab) to visualize your physical system.

3.        Quickly summarize your project #1 at the beginning of your talk.

4.        Takes no less than five minutes and no more than ten minutes for your presentation.

5.        Make 12 handouts of all your presentation slides (6 slides per page).

6.        Don't forget to use Microsoft “Equation” to write your governing equation(s).


If you are not continuing your work from project #1:


1.        Model a physical system (not a mobile robot), simulate it, and visualize it.

2.        Make a PowerPoint presentation which discuses the 11 steps for modeling a physical system. A moving cartoon is required for this project. Use Microsoft “Equation” to write your governing equation(s).

3.        Takes no less than five minutes and no more than ten minutes for your presentation.

4.        Make 12 handouts of all your presentation slides (6 slides per page).

5.        Groups of two are OK.



Assignment:             Project #4 (Thread B)

Grading:                   20% of total course grade; letter graded; this grade will be merged with project #2 grade

Due Date:                 Monday, 12/4/00

Late Penalties:         Severe

Last Revised:            -----


A) Perfect the simulation and real-time control code from project #2:

1.        Program a real mobile robot to seek a light source (i.e., any wireless source you choose) in a four foot by four foot pen. A one-foot by one-foot cube-shaped obstacle is located at the center of the pen. When the robot finds the light, it should stop and play a song.

2.        Write a simulation of a mobile robot seeking a light source (i.e., any wireless source you choose)  in a four foot by four foot pen. The simulated robot, fire, and environment should model the real physical system of (1) as closely as possible. A one-foot by one-foot cube-shaped obstacle is located at the center of the pen.

3.        The location of the light and the initial location and orientation of the robot must be chosen by mouse-click at the beginning of every simulation run. Dr. Wunderlich will select light location and initial robot location and orientation for both your simulation and real-time robot demonstrations on the day of your presentation.

B) Bryan Pittinger's team must modify their real-time code to:

1.        Search for the two other robots once they have found the light.

C) The other two groups must modify their real-time code to:

1.        Sit at one of the corners of the pen waiting for the signal from the "searching robot"

D) Demonstrate your simulation and real-time physical system.

E)  Write a detailed report of your project including:

·          A cover letter (written by the team leader) containing signatures of all four team members. The team-leader must break down each team member's contribution (by approximate percentage) into five main categories:

1.        Simulation programming

2.        Real-time programming

3.        Report writing

4.        Research

5.        Management

·          A step by step design approach for your simulation including all 11 steps of the design approach.

·          A detailed discussion of design approaches and search strategies.

·          A detailed accounting of all discrepancies between the simulation and the real physical system.

·          Detailed Flow charts for both simulation and real-time code

·           Appendices containing all simulation and real-time code (with comments on almost every line,  and printed in a 8-pitch font)

F) Make a PowerPoint presentation which:

·          Takes no less than ten minutes and no more than twelve minutes.

·          Is efficiency and elegantly presented. Some things you want to avoid in your presentations: