Elizabethtown College

EGR 400

Engineering Portfolio

(Spring, 2011)


Joseph T. Wunderlich, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Engineering

Robotics and Machine Intelligence Lab Director

LAST UPDATED: April 14, 2011



Office:   Esbenshade 160C
Phone:  717-361-1295 (office)

Phone:  717-368-9715 (cell)
Email:  wunderjt@etown.edu
Web site: 

Portfolio:  http://etown.digication.com/Wunderlich/Home//

Office Hours:  http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt/schedules/Schedule Card s11 joe w.htm

Calendar:  http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt/schedules/CALENDAR3_s11_web.htm



Meeting Times

We meet at arranged times that best fit the individual needs of each student. Feedback and schedule for specific submittals will be coordinated via emails.


Catalog Description

The portfolio will provide students with a vehicle for documenting their achievements and competencies in engineering. Graded Pass / No Pass.

NOTE: EGR400 is a requirement for all Engineering Majors


Course Credit

Although Engineering Portfolio is 0 credit, a grade of “Pass” or “No Pass” will be listed on you transcript


Course Objectives

1.     Finalize a comprehensive portfolio of student work

2.     Create a professional easily-accessible summary of a graduating Engineer’s achievements to help them gain employment or graduate school entrance

3.     Organize portfolio to allow easy review by faculty and administration for: (1) Continued ABET accreditation and (2) Internal institutional assessment


Course Learning Outcomes



(ABET- c): An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability

(ABET- d): An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams

(ABET- g): Communicate effectively orally and in writing

(ABET- h): A broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context

(ABET- i):  A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning


(ABET- a): An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

(ABET- b): An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

(ABET- e): Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

(ABET- f): An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

(ABET- j):  A knowledge of contemporary issues

(ABET- k): An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


Schedule for Portfolio construction:


FRESHMAN YEAR (Spring): Portfolio introduced to students in “Engineering II” (EGR110). Students create six folders in their personal portfolio folder created for them on the “J:” Etown network drive. And students should immediately be collecting materials in these folders:

1.     “DESIGN (ABET- c)”

2.     “Multidisciplinary (ABET- d)”

3.     “Writing/Presentation (ABET- g)”

4.     “Broad Impact (ABET -h)”

5.     “Life-Long Learning (ABET- i)”

6.     “Other (ABET- a, b, e, f, j, k)”

And students will create their first e-Portfolio from a TEMPLATE below


SOPHOMORE & JUNIOR YEARS: Academic Advisors supervise student building of e-portfolio’s (and on-going collecting of student works in folders on J: drive)



SENIOR YEAR (Fall): Senior Project Advisors review portfolio.


SENIOR YEAR (Spring): When taking the Engineering Portfolio course in the Spring, students work with instructor to improve portfolio and submit it for Mock review prior to Spring Break. The final submission will take place no later than the last week of April. The portfolio instructor will include the feedback of other Physics and Engineering faculty when determining the final grade for portfolio.





1.      Make sure an account has been made for you

Ask your instructors, advisor, or Debra Sheesley, Assistant Director of Institutional Research at Elizabethtown College ( sheesleyd@etown.edu )

2.      Go to http://etown.digication.com/home and log in

3.      Pick “Create”

4.      Under Portfolio Settings, Basic Information:

                e-Portfolio Title:

                  Name your e-portfolio as one of the following (based on your Major):


  COMPUTER ENGINEERING:                           “first & last name, space, COMP ENGR, space, last two digits of graduation year”

                    For example ……………….…..….…   James Painter COMP ENGR 08 for James Painter, BS Computer Engineering 2008


  ENGINEERING (ELECTRICAL):                     “first & last name, space, ENGR-EE, space, last two digits of graduation year”

                    For example ……………..……..…….. “Chris Yorgey ENGR-EE 08  for Chris Yorgey, BS Engineering (Electrical), 2008


  ENGINEERING (MECHANICAL):                    “first & last name, space, ENGR-ME, space, last two digits of graduation year”


  ENGINEERING (APPLIED PHYSICS):          “first & last name, space, ENGR-AppPhys, space, last two digits of graduation year”


  ENGINEERING (SUSTAINABLE DESIGN): “first & last name, space, ENGR-SDesign, space, last two digits of graduation year”


  ENGINEERING (general):                                “first & last name, space, ENGR, space, then last two digits of graduation year”


  ENGINEERING (dual concentration):          “first & last name, space, ENGR-XX-XX (fill in XX’s), space, last two digits of graduation year”


  INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING MNGMNT:     “first & last name, space, IND ENGR, space, last two digits of your graduation year”


             e-Portfolio Web Address:

                  Name your web address as one of the following (based on your Major):


  COMPUTER ENGINEERING:                                 “CENGR _ your last name _ the year of your graduation”

                    For example ……….….….…..  CENGR_Painter_2008” for James Painter, BS Computer Engineering 2008


  ENGINEERING (ELECTRICAL):                            “ENGR_EE _ your last name _ the year of your graduation”

                    For example ……………......… “ENGR_EE_Yorgey_2008” for Chris Yorgey, BS Engineering (Electrical), 2008


  ENGINEERING (MECHANICAL):                           “ENGR_ME _ your last name _ the year of your graduation”


  ENGINEERING (APPLIED PHYSICS):                  “ENGR_AP _ your last name _ the year of your graduation”


  ENGINEERING (SUSTAINABLE DESIGN):         ENGR_SD _ your last name _ the year of your graduation”


  ENGINEERING (general):                                        “ENGR_ your last name _ the year of your graduation”


  ENGINEERING (dual concentration):                   ENGR_XX_XX_ your last name _ the year of your graduation” (fill in the XX’s)


  INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT:  IEM _ your last name _ the year of your graduation”



Contact Email:

·        Put your Etown email address




·        Pick “Physics and Engineering” then hit the “+” sign

·        Pick “Student” then hit the “+” sign


5.      Under Portfolio Settings, Visual Styles:

·          Upload a picture of yourself

·          Leave the header as-is

·          Add a footer if you wish


6.      Under Portfolio Settings, Permission Settings and Tagging:

·          Pick “Yes, show in directory”

·          Pick “Yes, Allow them to tag my pages”

·          Pick “Anybody (public) can view, only I can edit” (you must have special permission to do other than this)


7.      Under Portfolio Settings, Choose a Template:



Official TEMPLATE: http://etown.digication.com/Computer_Engineering_Template/Home//

Sample completed (James Painter): http://etown.digication.com/CENGR_Painter_2008/Home//



Official TEMPLATE: http://etown.digication.com/Engineering_Electrical_Template/Home//

Sample completed (Chris Yorgey): http://etown.digication.com/ENGR_EE_Yorgey_2008/Home//




Official TEMPLATE: http://etown.digication.com/Engineering_Mechanical_Template/Home//

Sample completed: none yet



Official TEMPLATE: http://etown.digication.com/Engineering_SustainableDesign_Template/Home//

Sample completed: none yet



Official TEMPLATE: http://etown.digication.com/Engineering_AppliedPhysics_Template/Home//

Sample completed: none yet


ENGINEERING MAJORS (general, or a dual concentration):

Pick one of the above four TEMPLATES, then modify as needed



Official TEMPLATE: http://etown.digication.com/Industrial_Engineering_Management-Template/Home//  

Sample completed: none yet



J. Wunderlich, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Engineering: http://etown.digication.com/Wunderlich/Home//

K. DeGoede, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Physics and Engineering: http://etown.digication.com/degoede/Main/published

J.Toro, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Education: http://etown.digication.com/toroja/Welcome/published


e-Portfolio Organization

Your e-Portfolio needs to be finished. The structure of your e-Portfolio (per the templates) should be as follows:


·          A “Main” page with a picture and brief Bio for you, plus tabs for the following Digication “Sections:”

·          “Resume” (Yes, make one)

·           “Computer Engineering Program” or “Engineering – Electrical Program,” etc. List your courses or just link to the appropriate Etown Program page

·          “Selected Academic Works” which has its own Digication “Pages” listed on it, each being a link to new Digication “Modules” with the following names:

·          “DESIGN (ABET-c)”

·          “Multidisciplinary (ABET-d)”

·          “Writing/Presentation (ABET-g)”

·          “Broad Impact (ABET-h)”

·          “Life-Long Learning (ABET-i)”

·          “Other (ABET-a,b,e,f,j,k)”

·          OPTIONAL: “Other Interests” 

·          OPTIONAL: “Gallery” of pictures

·          OPTIONAL: “Website” which will direct you to a full-blown website if you choose to create such a thing


Specific Works to Collect

While only the EMPHASIZED outcomes (ABET- c, d, e ,h, i) are required for portfolio, we encourage students to address all Learning Outcomes.



Collect a set of many (minimum five) representative design problems and projects; then make a list on your “DESIGN (ABET-c)” page that includes (1) A brief descriptions of each problem or project, your role (if a team project), major options considered & decisions made, and the final results; and (2) Any relevant documents (embedded/uploaded and linked to) for each project.  Consider problems and projects from:

·          EGR100 and EGR110

·          Engineering Majors: EGR276, EGR291, EGR391, EGR310, EGR410, EGR491/492, and/or (EGR343 and 434 for Sustainable Design concentration)

·          Computer Engineering Majors: EGR220, EGR230, EGR310, EGR410, EGR332, EGR333, EGR433, Senior Project

·          Industrial Engineering Majors: EGR391, EGR411, EGR434, EGR492, Designated Electives

·          Engineering elective courses

·          Engineering club activities


Multidisciplinary (ABET- d)

Create on your “Multidisciplinary (ABET-d)” page a narrative of MULTI-DISIPLINARY team-based projects (preferably three or more) that you participated on, including a description of the project, your role, and the outcome of the project. If appropriate, It is ok to say “refer to “DESIGN (ABET-c)” page for details.” Consider including projects from:

·          EGR100 and EGR110

·          Engineering Majors: EGR276, EGR291, EGR391, EGR410, EGR491/492

·          Computer Engineering Majors: EGR230, EGR410, Senior Project

·          Industrial Engineering Majors: EGR391, EGR411, Senior Project

·          Engineering elective courses

·          Engineering club activities

·          Non-Engineering courses and clubs 


Writing/Presentation (ABET- g)

Create on your “Writing/Presentation (ABET-g)” page a list of papers and talks (PowerPoint’s and/or videos). If appropriate, It is ok to say “refer to “DESIGN (ABET-c)” page for details,” Consider including examples from your “core” courses as well as your engineering achievements::

·          EGR100 and EGR110

·          Engineering Majors: EGR276, EGR291, EGR391, EGR491/492, (EGR343 and 434 for Sustainable Design concentration)

·          Computer Engineering Majors: EGR230, EGR333, EGR433, EGR491/492

·          Industrial Engineering Majors: EGR391, EGR411, EGR434, Senior Project 

·          Engineering elective courses

·          Engineering club activities

·          Non-Engineering courses and clubs 


Broad Impact (ABET- h)

On your “Broad Impact (ABET-h)” page, demonstrate your broad educational background. You may choose to: (1) List all courses taken at Elizabethtown College, or (2) List experiences and projects that demonstrate your broad education. You should demonstrate an understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context; for this it is ok to write a short narrative (including some specifics) followed by saying  “refer to “DESIGN (ABET-c)” page for details.” Consider including work from:

·          EGR100 and EGR110

·          Engineering Majors: EGR276, EGR291, EGR391, EGR491/492, (EGR343 and 434 for Sustainable Design concentration)

·          Computer Engineering Majors: EGR230, EGR333, EGR433, Senior Project

·          Industrial Engineering Majors: EGR391, EGR411, EGR434, Senior Project

·          Engineering elective courses

·          Engineering club activities

·          Non-Engineering courses and clubs   


Life-Long Learning (ABET- i)

On your “Life-Long Learning (ABET-i)” page, include a narrative on your future plans for life-long learning and professional growth. Also consider demonstrating a commitment to extra-curricular activities that enhance your learning and professional growth; and consider demonstrating your commitment to engage in outside learning and professional opportunities such as attendance of professional meetings, involvement in club and other outside projects, and involvement in campus or off-campus activities. Also consider emphasizing your commitment to service in the community and the world.



Elizabethtown College welcomes students with disabilities to participate in all of its courses, programs, and activities.  If you have a documented disability and require accommodations to access course material, activities, or requirements, you must: (1) Contact the Director of Disability Services, Lynne Davies, in the Center for Student  Success, BSC 228, by phone (361-1227) or email daviesl@etown.edu; and (2) Meet with the instructor within two weeks of receiving a copy of the accommodation letter from Disability Services to discuss your accommodation needs and their implementation.


Academic Honesty:

Elizabethtown College Pledge of Integrity: "Elizabethtown College is a community engaged in a living and learning experience, the foundation of which is mutual trust and respect. Therefore, we will strive to behave toward one another with respect for the rights of others, and we promise to represent as our work only that which is indeed our own, refraining from all forms of lying, plagiarizing, and cheating."



The Engineering Portfolio requirement is a result of many years of preparation including many meetings and on-line debates amongst members of our EAC (Engineering Advisory Council) and our AAC (ABET Accreditation Committee), namely, in alphabetical order: Dr. DeGoede, Dr. Grave, Dr. McBride, Dr. Stuckey, and Dr. Wunderlich; and the creation of the above syllabus was very much influenced by a previous syllabus created by Dr. DeGoede and Dr. McBride, and taught several times by Dr. DeGoede; see his syllabus here: http://etown.digication.com/degoede/Portfolio