Elizabethtown College Syllabus

Architecture Design Studio I & II (ART/EGR 499A & B)

Engineering Research in Architecture (EGR 280)

(Spring 2018) Updated 2/24/18, 3/21/18

J. Wunderlich PhD

P. Ricci PhD


Architectural design studio course offered every Spring with rotating architectural case studies and lectures taught by full-time faculty and visiting architectural professionals. Course content is repeated no less than every four years so that students in Studio I and Studio II, and in EGR280, can participate in the same lectures.  Professional documentation, drawings, and oral defense

 of architectural designs are required. ART/EGR 499B is an SLE (Selected Learning Experience).

 Spring semester, Prof. Wunderlich, Ricci, and visiting Architectural Professionals


Meeting Times

Wednesdays 4:00-5:40pm or at alternate times announced



EMPHASIS THIS SEMESTER: (1) Lighting Design; (2) Some proposed Elizabethtown College development for the next 20 years

Architectural analysis

Architectural design

Architectural standards





Joseph T. Wunderlich PhD,   Associate Professor of Engineering and Computer Science, Architectural Studies Program Coordinator

Office: E284E, E273    Phone: 717-368-9715    Email: wunderjt@etown.edu     Web site: http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt

Calendar and Office Hours: http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt/schedules/CALENDAR3_s18_web.htm


Patricia L. Ricci PhD,  Associate Professor of the History of Art, Director of the Fine Arts Division, Architectural Studies Program Coordinator

Office: Steinman, Department of Fine Arts   Phone: 717-361-1517  Email: riccipl@etown.edu

Visiting Architects and other leaders in the building industry may be invited for guest lectures, and to help critique architectural works



Various Architectural Case-Studies and excerpts from various publications will be distributed and must be read before next class period.




  (Weekly)    Preparedness & Participation (10% of Course Grade)

                     Required readings and related group discussions, plus assignments in class, and continued at home

(3/21-4/30)  Semester Project Site & Building Analysis & Planning and  Preliminary Semester Project Design Critique

                    Ongoing critiques in preparation for final critique by a panel of judges (35% of Course Grade)


        (5/2 )   Final Semester Project Design Critique  (35% of Course Grade)

                   Drawings and other creative design media presented to class and visiting judges


       (5/12)  Comprehensive Electronic Portfolio (20% of Course Grade)

                   Email to Dr Wunderlich and Dr Ricci a link to your comprehensive professional design portfolio including highlights of semester design,               

                  before 11:00pm on May 12th



Elizabethtown College welcomes otherwise qualified students with disabilities to participate in all of its courses, programs, services, and activities. If you have a documented disability and would like to request accommodations in order to access course material, activities, or requirements, please contact the Director of Disability Services, Lynne Davies, by phone (361-1227) or e-mail daviesl@etown.edu. If your documentation meets the college’s documentation guidelines, you will be given a letter from Disability Services for each of your professors.  Students experiencing certain documented temporary conditions, such as post-concussive symptoms, may also qualify for temporary academic accommodations and adjustments. As early as possible in the semester, set up an appointment to meet with me, the instructor, to discuss the academic adjustments specified in your accommodations letter as they pertain to my class.


Class Cancelation

Any non-emergency class cancelation will be announced via email at least a two hours before class time, in addition to signage posted by Department Administrative Assistants. Any makeup work will be announced to insure all intended course content is covered.


Religious Observations

The College is willing to accommodate individual religious beliefs and practices. It’s your responsibility to meet with class instructor in advance to request accommodation related to your religious observances that may conflict with this class, and to make appropriate plans to make up any missed work.


Academic Honesty

Elizabethtown College Pledge of Integrity: "Elizabethtown College is a community engaged in a living and learning experience, the foundation of which is mutual trust and respect. Therefore, we will strive to behave toward one another with respect for the rights of others, and we promise to represent as our work only that which is indeed our own, refraining from all forms of lying, plagiarizing, and cheating."  See the 2016-17 Elizabethtown College Catalog, “Standards of Academic Integrity” (Academic Integrity at Elizabethtown College, 11th ed. (https://www.etown.edu/offices/dean-of-students/files/academic-integrity-handbook.pdf).


ART/EGR499A&B Architecture Studio I & II Semester Project

20-year projected Housing for Elizabethtown College




           Across College Avenue from Masters Center. (behind the small houses owned by the College); Include a

           daycare center, and several SDLC’s (Student Directed Learning Centers) for STEM, the Arts, and Architecture.

           including a studio space. Include LEED criteria.


          Team: Initial site analysis including photo’s and analysis of car and pedestrian traffic, landscaping,

                        paths (including lighting). Create a topographical model in Revit or using topographical maps pasted

                        on foam board. Reference College Comprehensive plan.

          Haley & Madison: Revit drawings (Including natural and man-made lighting)

          Abby: Collect data on architecture of comparable developments at other colleges;

                        and help with Revit drawings

          Team: Create a “prospectus” to give to potential investors or donors.



Use remaining infrastructure in kitchen area from when building included Meyer dining hall; Also add a new

Honor's student center (with conference rooms and a design studio) on northwest corner of first floor. Add an art gallery and a stage for plays and live music. Include LEED criteria.


Team: Initial Building Analysis including many photo’s of existing building conditions; especially those

             that need the most attention. Discuss improved connectivity between existing spaces.

Brendan: Revit drawings (Including natural and man-made lighting)

Tommy & Ean: Analyze architecture of comparable development at other colleges, and help with drawings.

Team: Create a “prospectus” to give to potential investors or donors.



Four-person units including commons with laundry, kitchen, and gathering space. Include an SDLC (Student Directed Learning Center) for the Arts with a studio space. Include LEED criteria.


Team: Initial site analysis including photo’s and analysis of car & pedestrian traffic, landscaping, paths (including

             lighting). Create a topographical model in either Revit, Minecraft, or using maps pasted on foam board.

             Reference College Comprehensive plan.


Grant: Revit Drawings (Including natural and man-made lighting)

Hunter: Minecraft simulation

Kyla: Collect architecture of comparable developments at other colleges

Team: Create a “prospectus” to give to potential investors or donors.



Apartments, an international students space, an international café/restaurant, an international food store, an art gallery, and a small theatre for movies, plays, and live music. Include LEED criteria.


Joseph: Initial site analysis including photo’s and analysis of car & pedestrian traffic, landscaping, and paths

               (including lighting). Analyze present cafés, restaurants, and food stores within walking distance of campus.

               Create a topographical model in Revit and/or maps on foam board. Reference College Comprehensive plan.

Joseph: Revit drawings (Including natural and man-made lighting), Tutor other students on use of Revit,

Create a “prospectus” to give to potential investors or donors.

















2011 update to 1999 Elizabethtown College Comprehensive Plan

ETOWN Comprehensive Plan Update 2011.jpg



1999 Elizabethtown College Comprehensive Plan