Homepage for Selma Wunderlich
Hometown: Frackville, PA
BS Chemistry (Chestnut Hill College)
MS Mathematics (Villanova University)
10 years Telecommunications Experience
10 years Full-time Mommy Experience
(four children)
25 years Teaching Experience
(High School and College Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus)
Recent Villanova University Volunteer
(Alumni Board, University Senate)
Family Pictures:
My parents wedding in 1928 in Shenandoah, PA:
My first child Joseph III:
My children David, Joseph III, Chris, and Mary:
Chris, Joseph III, Mary, David:
Mary and Chris:
Me with my granddaughter Rachel (David and Susan's baby):
Me with my Husband Joseph II
and one of our first grandchildren (Rachel) in 1988:
Me at 2015 Villanova University graduation ceremony
representing the University Senate (sat on stage):
My 90th Birthday party (08/17/19):
Joseph IV, Joseph III,
Anna, and Karla at my 90th Birthday party (08/17/19):

My Hobbies:
- Reading
- Gardening
- Piano
- Painting...
Here's a little painting I made for my son Joseph III