BOEBot Project


General Outline




Bill Of Materials




Future Expansion







4AA batteries on BOE drive BASIC stamp and wheel encoders

9V battery with LM7805 voltage regulator drive servos

4AA batteries powering PC-side RF module

Serial (RS-232) is main communication link





Problem:  Servos causing interference with BASIC stamp and wheel encoder data processing due to voltage spikes and electrical noise.

Solution: Separate power supply for (1) BASIC stamp and wheel encoders and for (2) servos.  In order to fully isolate the servos from the microcontroller, an optoisolator is also needed.


Problem:   Negative voltages coming from PC serial RS-232 before Visual Basic program running – blew RF transmitter.  Originally used DTR (4) and ground (5) from DB-9 socket to power PC RF module through LM7805.

Solution:  Wait until VB program is running.  In future implement a switch/zener interface to safely allow only safe voltages.  External power supply of 4 AA batteries through LM7805 instead of PC-powered.


Problem:  Could not get BASIC Stamp to properly configure LS7166 counter IC.

Solution:  Created a software simulation representing encoder counting and sending to PC for graphing purposes.



Robot wheel distance calculation (for scaling purposes):


Wheel Encoder:                200 CPR

Wheel Diameter:              6.67 cm

Wheel Circumference:        20.95 cm              (pi * d)


Distance per Count:         20.95 cm / 200 CPR

                           10.475 cm / 100 counts (pi * d / 2)                                      20.95 cm / 200 counts (pi * d / 1)

                           5.2375 cm /  50 counts (pi * d / 4)

                            2.095 cm /  20 counts (pi * d / 10)

                           1.0475 cm /  10 counts (pi * d / 20)

                          0.52375 cm /   5 counts (pi * d / 40)

                          0.10475 cm /   1 count  (pi * d / 200)


Every 200 counts ~ 20 cm (20.95cm) traveled