The 8th Annual Symposium on Robotics and Machine Intelligence

April 22, 2008, 1:15pm to 3:00pm

 Gibble Auditorium, Master’s Center, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA, USA


Session Chairs: David Coleman and J. Wunderlich, Ph.D.




1:15pm, Program Item #94

 Wunderbot IV Autonomous Robot: Vision System”

James Painter (Computer Engineer and Computer Scientist)


The scope of this senior project in computer engineering includes primarily the development of an effective vision system for the Wunderbot IV autonomous robot. The system will be adapted for the challenges of the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC), in which the robot will compete in June 2008. Prior work on the robot’s vision system included the acquisition of a DVT Legend high-resolution video camera and development of its corresponding LabVIEW sub-VIs used to acquire a TCP/IP communication string from DVT’s proprietary image processing software (Intellect). In order for the robot to outperform the rest of the field at the IGVC, it will require intelligent image processing methods that integrate with adaptable motion-control algorithms. It will also transmit path-detection information to the robot’s path-planning code in order to map the traversed course. The Hough Transform for straight-line detection will be explored in order to seek a path between two white lines parsed from the robot’s vision. Additional, indirectly-related but necessary tasks for the project include the development of a closed-loop motor control system for accurate robot motion response (incorporation of optical encoders) and responsibility for writing/debugging LabVIEW code to synchronize all hardware subsystems. THERE IS ALSO A POSTER ASSOCIATED WITH THIS TALK – displayed in the 2nd floor atrium area of the Master’s Center from 3:15pm to 5:00pm.




1:30pm, Program Item #95

  “O3: An Optimal and Opportunistic Path Planner (with Obstacle Avoidance) using Voronoi Polygons”

David Coleman (Computer Engineer)


This is a senior project for Computer Engineering.  Traditional mobile robot research focuses on a robot navigating its environment to reach a single goal while avoiding obstacles.  This research proposes a new method called O3 to solve the challenges presented at the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) where a navigation course includes multiple goals to be found in an optimal order.  The O3 technique includes improvements on traditional path planning and obstacle avoidance techniques while providing an explicit ability to change course as obstacles are discovered.  This method uses modern trajectories such as minimum-weighted Hamiltonian circuits, A* algorithm for obstacle avoidance, and local points of opportunity to update the globally optimal path using Voronoi polygons.  Environmental mapping is also used to speed up the search algorithms in static environments.  Overall, the O3 technique exploits local points of opportunity while avoiding obstacles and ultimately finding a globally optimal path through an unknown environment.  Future research involving this methodology will be implemented on an autonomous web-based tour guide robot to serve the Internet community reviewing Elizabethtown College. This methodology can be extended to other research areas where multiple locations need to be traversed independent of their order such as city map, trip planners, and distribution networks (power, internet, etc) due to its balance between weighted graphs and obstacle avoidance (objects, traffic, construction, etc). THERE IS ALSO A POSTER ASSOCIATED WITH THIS TALK – displayed in the 2nd floor atrium area of the Master’s Center from 3:15pm to 5:00pm. See more HERE and HERE.



1:45pm, Program Item #96

   Wunderbot IV Autonomous Robot: Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems”

Jeremy Crouse (Computer Engineer)


This is a senior project for Computer Engineering. To prepare for our Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition, our team must make changes to the current system.  In an effort to make future implementations easier, we are rewriting the program that runs Wunderbot.  It is my responsibility to program the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems protocol used by the Department of Defense, which will be used as a challenge in the upcoming competition. The JAUS protocol is a universal command language that all robots under the DoD use.  This standardized language allows vendors to keep up with current technology and ensure that older versions of robots will be able to efficiently communicate with newer ones. This protocol was developed in order to remove human interaction from dangerous and harmful conditions in the surrounding environment. To have JAUS ready for competition and pass the challenge, I need to program three different commands, implement them in the Wunderbot, be able to receive the commands through wireless communication, and have the commands carried out.  Presently, JAUS is coded for a wired connection; however, I will convert it and allow it to be received wirelessly. THERE IS ALSO A POSTER ASSOCIATED WITH THIS TALK – displayed in the 2nd floor atrium area of the Master’s Center from 3:15pm to 5:00pm.



2:00pm, Program Item #97

 “Robotics & Machine Intelligence Club (Wunderbot IV and V)”

James Painter (CENGR,CS),  David Coleman (CENGR), Jeremy Crouse (CENGR),

 Chris Yorgey (ENGR-EE), Dan Fenton (CENGR), Mike Patrick(CENGR)


The student RMI club  (Robotics and Machine Intelligence) has designed and constructed a fully-autonomous 300 pound mobile robot in 2008 to again compete this year for the third time in the four-day International Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) against approximately 40 schools (mostly top National and International Research institutions). This is the fifth incarnation of the robot over the past nine years.  The robot will compete this summer in seven areas, three of which -- visual display of the project, a technical report, and an oral presentation deal with engineering design.  In addition, there are four events: (1) Qualifying, which involves avoiding obstacles, seeing white lines spray-painted in grass, climbing ramps, emergency stopping, etc.; (2) Navigating a GPS course full of obstacles; (3) Navigating a long maze defined by pairs of white lines spray-painted in grass -- and riddled with barrels, fences, ramps, trees, and possibly surprise obstacles; and (4) Responding wirelessly to several packetized commands. The robot employs sophisticated mathematical path-planning and obstacle avoidance (by David Coleman), complex image processing (by James Painter), wireless packetized communication (by Jeremy Crouse), Laser Range Finding (by Chris Yorgey), GPS positioning, a digital compass, and sophisticated systems integration. The robot is planned to become a virtual touring robot and environmental sample-collecting robot in 2009 (by Mike Patrick and Dan Fenton), and will employ a robotic arm.    THERE IS ALSO A POSTER ASSOCIATED WITH THIS TALK – displayed in the 2nd floor atrium area of the Master’s Center from 3:15pm to 5:00pm.



2:15pm, Program Item #98

 Outstanding projects by students in CS/EGR 434 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics”

Kim Greenwald (Computer Scientist), Michael Patrick (Computer Engineer)


For the course CS/EGR 434 "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics," four 1/2-semester projects were selected by Dr. Wunderlich as outstanding projects.  Michael Patrick designed and programmed an "Expert System" employing over 160 variables to predict the winner of a football game.  The system uses data gathered to predict the winner using Artificial Intelligence algorithms and customized programming.  When compared to ESPN’s experts and simulator, the results are strikingly similar.  Kimberly Greenwald designed and programmed  an AI "Expert System" for choosing a major in college;  this system collects personal input from a user, compares the input against a set of rules, and then outputs a list of possible college majors that might match that type of person.    Michael Patrick designed a robotic arm for use on the Wunderbot to collect and analyze environmental samples around campus.; this project includes the basic design choices and possible plans for future implementation.  Kimberly Greenwald derived the mathematical kinematics for a three degree of freedom robotic arm in a two dimensional plane; the derivation was then used to design and program a simulator to experiment with how the  robotic arm might move between different points in space. THERE IS ALSO A POSTER ASSOCIATED WITH THIS TALK – displayed in the 2nd floor atrium area of the Master’s Center from 3:15pm to 5:00pm.


2:30pm, Program Item #99

 “3-D Rendering of Robotics and Machine Intelligence Laboratory”

Bryan Kuppe (Future Architect, Japanese Linguist)


This research began in First Year Seminar "Conceptual Architecture; From Habitats to Humanoids" and continued as a series of Architecturally independent studies. This talk is focused on 3-D computer renderings of the new Robotics and Machine Intelligence Laboratory scheduled to open in the Fall of 2008. Renderings were created on Rhinoceros 4.0 and Flamingo 1.1, two programs used for NURBS(Non Uniform Rational B-Splines) modeling and 3-D rendering. A combination of constructing a wireframe of the actual product/structures in the project (with Rhinoceros 4.0), and applying materials to surfaces/objects, as well as shadowing, texture, and lighting, to create a realistic depiction of the desired product (Flamingo 1.1) will be shown and discussed.    THERE ARE ALSO TWO POSTERS (see: here and here) ASSOCIATED WITH THIS TALK displayed in both the Steinman Center and the 2nd floor atrium area of the Master’s Center from 3:15pm to 5:00pm. See more about Bryan HERE, and the actual constructed Steinman Lobby HERE.



  Past, Present, and Future Elizabethtown College Robotics and Machine Intelligence

Wunderbot Team


3:15pm to 5:00pm

  Related Poster session for all of the above talks

(Displayed in the 2nd floor atrium area of the Master’s Center)

Also Displayed in this area will be Posters for other Senior Projects Supervised by Dr. Wunderlich:

 Suman Jonchhe: “Enterprise Video Message”

 Andrew Graybeal“Wireless Open-source Digital Audio Server”

Amanda Carrow & Chris Weaver “Unlock a Door with a Cell Phone”






This is an annual event of the Elizabethtown College

Robotics and Machine Intelligence Lab