Major Robotics and Machine Intelligence Projects




       EGR 491/492 (or 494) = Computer Engineering Senior Project

       CS 490 = CS Senior Project

       EGR/CS 484 = Directed Study in Robotics and Machine Intelligence

       EGR/CS 434 = Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

       EGR/CS 433 = Advanced Computer Engineering

       CS 344 = Simulation/Modeling Physical systems

       EGR/CS 333 = Digital Design and Interfacing

       EGR/CS 230 = Microcomputer Architecture

       EGR 280 = Engineering Research


       NOTE: Over 100 smaller projects in EGR/CS 230, 333, 433, 434; and CS 375 and 344 are not listed









Spring 2011

Fall 2010

First retooling of Wunderbot 6 to become


Then present it at major corporate “Kick-off” meeting of 160 top executives from all over the world

Dan Fenton, Elizabeth Starkey, Mark Yorgey, Zachary Johnson,

James Kelly ,

Chris Janssen

EGR/CS 333

P&E department

Major re-coding to allow robot to be videotaped and presented at large corporate gathering


New C test-driver for wireless communication;

J. Wunderlich

In January 2011 Wunderbot6 demonstrated to 160 top executives of Phoenix Contact; a 10,000-member, multi-billion dollar International Corporation

Fall 2010

Prototype Environmental Sampling Arm

added to Wunderbot 6

Dan Fenton,

 Jackie Westman

EGR 491

P&E department

One Degree Of Freedom (DOF) Prismatic actuator

J. Wunderlich

Fall 2010

New Wunderbot6 website

Andrew Sides

EGR/CS 333

No cost


Made from site: WUNDERBOT V

J. Wunderlich

Spring 2009


nanoLC PLC Contest:

“Shower Preheat System”


“Closed-loop Motor Controller for Monorail”


“New Mobile Robot”

Matt Drob

 Brittany Bolling

 Joe Macus

 Than Aung

 Michael Conlow

 Thomas Krauss

 Mike Patrick

 Tim Stepp

 Chris Ramos Jeremy Cain

EGR/CS 333

Phoenix Contact USA: ~$2000

PLC kits, relays, etc.

J. Wunderlich



Spring 2009

Electric Car with Digital Motor Controller

Nick Diaduk

EGR 494

Student: >$8000

Phoenix Contact: ~$500

Full scale working Electric Car

J. Wunderlich



Spring 2009

CAD Architectural drawings for Space Station

Bryan Kuppe

EGR 280

None needed

Rhinoceros 3.0 and

Flamingo 1.1


J. Wunderlich


Spring 2009


CREATIVE CONCEPTS of Space-Exploration Robots, Space Crafts, or AI-Containing Computer Systems for Space

Kevin Christie Michael Fleming Todd Lewellen

Kamron Malik Christine Miller Craig Rixham

David Tileston

EGR/CS 230

None needed


J. Wunderlich


Spring 2009

Pencil and Ink Robot Sketches

Eric Peifer

EGR 280


High Quality works of Art

J. Wunderlich


Spring 2008


Path planning for




David Coleman

EGR 494

For travel:


Dean of Faculty: $1,500


P&E department: $750

Sophisticated new path planning (Simulations, and real-time control tested for competition)

J. Wunderlich


Peer-reviewed paper  published and presented in Italy.

David selected by P&E dept. to be highlighted for Scholarship Day

David presently is a Ph.D. student at the University of Arkansas

Spring 2008


Image Processing for




James Painter

EGR 494

Phoenix Contact USA: $17,000 vision system

Complex image processing development. Complete testing for competition.

J. Wunderlich

Peer-reviewed paper published and presented in Florida. James accepted to Stanford University EE graduate program, and presently working for Intel in Silicon Valley, CA

Spring 2008


JAUS packetized wireless communication WUNDERBOT IV



Jeremy Crouse

EGR 494

Phoenix Contact USA

Sophisticated wireless communication developed

J. Wunderlich

Research won prize at 2008 Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC)

Spring, 2008

Laser Range finder for



Chris Yorgey

RMI Club

Sick Company: two units valued at ~$10,000 total

Two “Sick” laser range finders

J. Wunderlich

2008 Elizabethtown College Valedictorian

Spring 2008



Mobile robot


Modifications and final testing for national competition

in May, 2008



David Coleman


James Painter


Jeremy Crouse

EGR 280


Chris Yorgey


Mike Patrick

 RMI Club







see website



J. Wunderlich



Consulting faculty:

T. Mcbride

T. Leap




Fall, 2007

Selected Outstanding Semester AI Projects

Mike Patrick

 EGR 434


Kimberly Greenwald

 CS 434





AI Expert System to predict NFL football game outcomes.

AI Expert System to select a college major

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2007

Selected Outstanding Robotics Semester Projects

Mike Patrick

EGR 434


Kimberly Greenwald

 CS 434





Robotic Arm Design for

Wunderbot V

Robotic Arm theory and


J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2007

Image Processing for



James Painter

 EGR 280

Phoenix Contact USA

$17,000 vision system

J. Wunderlich

Paper preparation

for peer-review

Fall, 2007

Path planning for



David Coleman

 EGR 280

In progress

Mathematical theory

J. Wunderlich

B. Thorson Consulted


Fall, 2007

CAD Architectural perspective drawings for new lab space

Bryan Kuppe

 EGR 280

None needed

Rhinoceros 3.0 and

Flamingo 1.1


J. Wunderlich

Bryan selected by FAPA dept. to be highlighted for Scholarship Day

Spring, 2007

CAD Architectural perspective drawings for new lab space

Bryan Kuppe

 Amilia Alft

 Mathew Loman

 EGR 280

$400 by

Fine and Performing Arts department

Rhinoceros 3.0 and

Flamingo 1.1


J. Wunderlich

P. Ricci


Spring, 2007

Laser Range finder for



Mark Dinse

 EGR 494

Sick company: two units valued at ~$10,000 total

Two “Sick” laser range finders

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2007

International Robotics

Juan P. Rodriguez EGR 280


Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa, Italy: case studies

J. Wunderlich

Travel to Italy

Spring, 2007

Fix Mitsubishi robotic arm for PENNDOT

Andrew Graybill EGR 280


Part of a $250,000 system for materials testing

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2006



Mobile robot








David Coleman


James Painter


Jeremy Crouse EGR 280











see website

Under development.


Many new simulations to test path planning and obstacle avoidance.

New vision algorithms.

New JAUS packetized wireless communication for unmanned vehicles.

J. Wunderlich





Fall, 2005

Spring, 2006


Mobile robot





T. Yeager


J. Shade


A. Kanjilal


J.P. Rodriguez


B. Moran


M. Dinse


D. Coleman

EGR 491


S. Rosencrance

CS 490


Many thousands of dollars by Provost, Student Senate, Phoenix Contact (major-donor), JLG, Trimble, Labview, and many others – see web site:


All new systems and software including $17,000 vision system, new computers, and all code changed to Labview

J. Wunderlich




Robot facilitated

T. Yeager and

 J. Shade hired by Phoenix Contact

Spring, 2006

Internet Game Development

Edmond Bates

 CS 490


Distributed software and hardware, server-side scripting, AI

J. Wunderlich



Fall 2005

Streaming video for


Campus Tours

Adam Steiner

 CS 490

Web Cam, Server-side scripting

J. Wunderlich 


Spring, 2005

Autonomous Home Assistant (AHA)

Snehesh Shreshtha EGR 491

Sudip Shreshtha,

B. Moran-Bernard

RMI Club

J. Wunderlich

K. DeGoede

I. Grave

T. McBride


Spring, 2005

Vision for


S. Sanko



J. Wunderlich


Robot facilitated S. Sanko accepted to Notre Dame Grad School

Spring, 2005

Fall, 2004


Machine intelligence into


S. Sanko

S. Sreshtha

J. Groff

M. Barley

 EGR 484

Investigate Artificial neural networks and symbolic AI programming for obstacle avoidance, environmental mapping, and robot path-planning

J. Wunderlich



Spring, 2005

Path planning for


Dan Keane

 CS 491

Dykstra Algorithm and code for robot path-planning

J. Wunderlich



Spring, 2005

Bio-feedback into existing video games

Matt Fleischer

 CS 491

Created electronic interface; Obtained and edited source code.

J. Wunderlich



Spring, 2004

Robot insects for Search and Rescue

J. Vincent

 EGR 491


NERVOUS Networks” for autonomous control

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2004

Neural Network for Harmonizing Melodies

K. Eiser

 EGR 491


J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2004

Robotic submarine for ocean exploration

S. Henderson

 EGR 491

$5,000 U.S. Navy

~6 feet long

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2003


Overall design, coordination, construction, and fund raising

D. Kepshire

S. Downing

 EGR 491

S. Sreshtha

RMI Club

Various Companies: ~$25,000,

Physics & Engr $1,500, Comp.Sci. $400

RF communication, digital compass,  ultrasonic and IR sensors, web-cam, GUI’s

J. Wunderlich


I. Grave for

Control theory and Analog systems 

Robot facilitated

 D. Kepshire accepted to Dartmouth Grad School

Fall, 2003


Obstacle avoidance


S. Sreshtha

S. Sanko

RMI Club



Ultrasonic and IR sensors.

OOPIC and GUI programming. Concurrent interactive simulation written in C

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2003


Compass subsystem

Dinesh Jeraman

Jonas Groff

 RMI Club

$800 compass donated by PNI corporation

Systems integration of high-performance digital compass

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2003


Bump subsystem

M. Barley

 EGR 491

D. Kepshire $100

Mechanical and IR sensors, digital logic design

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2003

A.I. expert system program for analysis of psychological disorders

V. Pepe

 CS 490


Excellent GUI’s. Written in Visual C+.

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2003

Fall, 2002

An object-oriented, scalable, back-propagation neural network simulation

Duane Simione

  CS 490

To present results at conference in Jamaica: Physics & Engr $1000, Comp.Sci. $250, Student Life $250)

Neural network software development system including excellent GUI’s. Written in Delphi.

Duane also helped a Graduate School’s robotics team compete (by reprogramming their path planner in Java).

J. Wunderlich

Peer-reviewed paper

published and presented in Jamaica.  Project facilitated D. Simione hired by government think-tank

Spring, 2003

Fall, 2002

Voice activated smart house

J. Bost

 CS 490


T. Leap


Spring, 2003

Real-time natural language translator

E. Kaplan

 EGR 491

Physics & Engr $500

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2003

Fall, 2002



J. Gramlimg

 M. Klepeis

 B. Mclauphlan

 W. Schnaue

T. Von

 EGR 491

Physics & Engr $800

Plus using MultiBot1 parts

RF communication, digital compass,  ultrasonic sensors, web-cam, GUI’s.

J. Wunderlich

Robot facilitated

W. Schnaue hired

by UAV robot Company and

M. Klepies accepted to U. Mass. Grad School

Spring, 2002

Neural networks machine vision

Brian Holton

 EGR 491

P.E.C.O. and

Physics & Engr $200

Matlab and modified Matlab Neural Network Toolbox files, Image Processing Hardware

J. Wunderlich

Project facilitated B. Holton accepted to RPI Grad School

Spring, 2002

Gollum: a mobile robot.

Andy Zirkel

 CS 490

Student (~$400)

RF communication, microcontroller control, BASIC and  Visual-BASIC programming

J. Wunderlich

Robot facilitated A. Zirkel accepted to Villanova Grad School

Spring, 2002

Neural networks for detecting guitar chords

Don Klein

 CS 490


Matlab and modified Matlab Neural Network Toolbox files

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2002

Neural Networks for aerospace guidance control

Taruan Mathews

 CS 490


Matlab and modified Matlab Neural Network Toolbox files

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2002

Fall, 2001

Robotic arms

for automated testing of air traffic controllers

Chris Reed

 EGR 491

Dennis Aldridge Company


Robotic arms for testing push- button portable military air traffic control equipment.

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2002

Fall, 2001

 Interactive simulation

with real-time robots for search and rescue

Diego Campos

EGR491, EGR484

Parts: Dr. W.  PDF $800

To present results at conference in Japan:

Dr. W. $350, Physics & Eng. $1000, Comp.Sci. $250, Student Life $500, Multicultural affairs $500

Distributed mobile robot task planning. Programming in C, Basic, assembly, and Matlab

J. Wunderlich

Peer-reviewed paper

published and presented in Japan 

Fall, 2001

Neural network character recognition


Brian Holton

 EGR 484

None; Using Etown and P.E.C.O. equipment

Matlab and modified Matlab Neural Network Toolbox files.

Extension of work done for WUNDERBOT 0 “MultEbot1”

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2002

Fall, 2001

Spring, 2001

WUNDERBOT 0 “MultEbot1”

M. Lister

 EGR 491, 433

D. Campos

 T. Costella

W. Glasby

 B. Holton

 C. Reed

  B. Servetnick

 J. Snively

 S. Werner

 J. Williams

EGR 433


Physics & Engr $1400


To present results at conference in South Carolina:

Physics & Eng. $250,

Comp.Sci. $250

Neural network, video, RF communication; microprocessor and microcontroller control; C, and assembly language programming.

J. Wunderlich

Peer-reviewed paper

published and presented in North Carolina.  Also, robot facilitated

M. Lister hired by

UAV robot


Fall, 2001


WUNDERBOT 0 “MultEbot1”

power supply subsystem

M. Lister

 EGR 484

T. Salem


Spring, 2001


P. Contino

 EGR 491

Student ($400)

RF communication, microcontroller control, BASIC and  Visual-BASIC programming

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2000

Silent Bob

D. Bixler

B. Servetnick

 CS 490

Dr. Wunderlich PDF ($150)

Microcontroller control, BASIC programming

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2000


M. Lister

 D. Simione

M. Bopp

 T. Crawford

CS 344

Dr. Wunderlich PDF ($220)

Modified Lego kit, Visual-BASIC programming, Matlab simulation

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2000


W. Allen

 D. Nikles

 E. Kaplan

J. Winters

CS 344

Dr. Wunderlich PDF ($220)

Modified Lego kit, C programming, Matlab simulation

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2000


B. Pittinger

 T. Drill

 W. Glasby

 K. Shank

CS 344

Dr. Wunderlich PDF ($220)

Modified Lego kit, Lego RCX programming, Matlab simulation

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 2000

Mobile robot data logging

K. Zabriskie

 T. Drill

EGR 230

None: Used “DewEbot1”

Modified Lego kit, C programming

to record robot’s movement

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2000

Neural network voice recognizer

S. Klinefelter

 CS 490


Neural network simulation trained to differentiate two voices

J. Wunderlich


Spring, 2000


D. Simione

 W. Allen

B. Pittinger

EGR 433

Dr. Wunderlich PDF ($60)

Simple electronics kit, Matlab simulation

J. Wunderlich


Fall, 1999


T. Thieler

 E. Vaughan

 C. Iwanowski

EGR 230

Students ($200)

Microcontroller control, BASIC programming

J. Wunderlich




Research Reports (only listed up to Fall, 2002):






Fall, 2002

“Breaking through the language barrier: creation of a computer interpreter”

E. Kaplan


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

Telepresence and telemanipulation research in a surgical setting”



J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

Modular self-configuring robotics

P. Horvath


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

Virtual retinal display

A. DiPiano


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Emotions: a human quality?”

V. Pepe


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Gaming artificial intelligence”

K. Eiser, S. Downing


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Wearable computers”



J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Neural prosthetics”

K. Bryner


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002


M. Shrader, E. McLaine

Honda’s advanced humanoid robot

J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Neural network VLSI wiring router”

E. Bicocchi


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Computer and the human brain”

A. DiPiano


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Financial analysis using neural networks”

P. Fedako


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Smart house”

K. Eiser


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“”Biometric security”

V. Pepe, S. Aguirre”


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2002

“Speech recognition and neural networks”

J. Bost


J. Wunderlich

Spring, 2002


E. McLaine, T. Jackson


J. Wunderlich

Spring, 2002


C. Moore, P. Fedako


J. Wunderlich

Spring, 2002

“Chaotic robots”

L. Walker


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2001

“Humanoids: Kismet ”

S. Smith, C. Dengler

Case study of an M.I.T. robot that expresses emotions

J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2001

“Self-localization techniques of autonomous robots ”

E. Biocchi, J. Gramling, B. Mclaucglin

Path planning and environmental mapping for mobile robots

J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2001

“Wireless networks and robotic applications ”

W. Schnaue, T. Vaughn

Communication methods for mobile robots

J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2001

“Artificial neural networks ”

M. Klepeis

Theory Paper

J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2001

“Smart house”

K. Bonner, R. Bowe, T. Comp


J. Wunderlich

Spring, 2001

“Smart house”

J. Bost, E. Kaplan, D. Simione

House uses neural networks

J. Wunderlich

Spring, 2001

“Past, present, and future of robotics for mars exploration”

S. Smith, D. Pappernick


J. Wunderlich

Spring, 2001

“Bridging the electrochemical gap”

C. Dengler, A. DiPiano

Neural networks for prosthetic limbs

J. Wunderlich

Spring, 2001

“Speech recognition”

P. Nguyen

Neural networks for voice recognition

J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2000

“AI: computer vs. brain”

E. Gorlenkova, B. Wyse

Biological vs. man-made neural networks

J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2000

“Robots in space”

M. Bopp, Dustin Nikles


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 2000


K. Barton, B. Hartman


J. Wunderlich

Spring, 1999

“Neural network theory”

J. Heller, K. Holton, S. Klinefelter


J. Wunderlich

Spring, 1999

Ebot communication”

K. Shank, A. Zirkel

IR and RF wireless robot communications

J. Wunderlich

Spring, 1999

Ebot vision”

D. Campos, B. Holton


J. Wunderlich

Fall, 1999

“Natural vs. digital learning”

K. Holton

Artificial vs. man-made neural networks

J. Wunderlich