Elizabethtown College Syllabus

EGR / CS 433
Advanced Computer Engineering LECTURE
Advanced Computer Engineering LAB
(Spring, 2020)


Advanced digital circuit design and implementation. Major laboratory projects require students to design, build, test, and demonstrate computer hardware. Class lectures include design of embedded systems, microcontrollers, microprocessors, and supercomputers. Cache designs, Parallel processing topics, Instruction set designs, Neurocomputer designs. IBM research, and custom lab manuals.

*Prerequisite(s): EGR 332.   Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.   Spring semester, even-numbered years.


Professor: Joseph T Wunderlich PhD

Offices: E274E and E273
Office: 717-361-1295   Cell: 717-368-9715
Email: wunderjt@etown.edu    

Website: http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt

Office Hours & Calendar: http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt/schedules/CALENDAR3_s20_web.htm


Course Credit:  4

Contact Hours: 6 (therefore 6 x 50 = 300 minutes per week of “contact”)


Meeting Times

MF 3:30-5:50


Learning Objectives:

1.     Qualitative and quantitative analysis and design of advanced computer architectures and systems

2.     Gate-level design of computer systems

3.     Hands-on laboratory projects



50% Laboratory projects

20% Midterm Exam

30% Comprehensive final exam

Attendance & Participation is expected since you will have other people depending on you, so up to –10% of course grade for excessive absences, tardiness, or lack of class participation or preparedness; HOWEVER, IF YOU ARE SICK, YOU MUST NOT COME TO CLASS


       (60-62)=D-, (63-67)=D, (68-69)=D+, (70-72)=C-, (73-77)=C, (78-79)=C+, (80-82)=B-, (83-87)=B, (88-89)=B+, (90-92)=A-, (93-100)=A
       (with any fractional part rounded to the nearest integer)


Prerequisite Topics:

·          Assembly language (basic concepts) (Mandatory)

·          Computer architecture (register-transfer level data-flow) (Mandatory)

·          Computer architecture (gate-level data-flow and control) (Mandatory)

·          Combinational digital circuit design (Mandatory)

·          Sequential digital circuit design (Mandatory)

·          Analog circuit design concepts (Recommended) 



Elizabethtown College welcomes otherwise qualified students with disabilities to participate in all of its courses, programs, services, and activities. If you have a documented disability and would like to request accommodations in order to access course material, activities, or requirements, please contact the Director of Disability Services, Lynne Davies, by phone (361-1227) or e-mail daviesl@etown.edu. If your documentation meets the college’s documentation guidelines, you will be given a letter from Disability Services for each of your professors.  Students experiencing certain documented temporary conditions, such as post-concussive symptoms, may also qualify for temporary academic accommodations and adjustments. As early as possible in the semester, set up an appointment to meet with me, the instructor, to discuss the academic adjustments specified in your accommodations letter as they pertain to my class.


Class Cancelation

Any non-emergency class cancelation will be announced via email at least a two hours before class time, in addition to signage posted by Department Administrative Assistants. Any makeup work will be announced to insure all intended course content is covered.


Religious Observations

The College is willing to accommodate individual religious beliefs and practices. It is your responsibility to meet with the class instructor in advance to request accommodation related to your religious observances that may conflict with this class, and to make appropriate plans to make up any missed work.


Academic Honesty

Elizabethtown College Pledge of Integrity: "Elizabethtown College is a community engaged in a living and learning experience, the foundation of which is mutual trust and respect. Therefore, we will strive to behave toward one another with respect for the rights of others, and we promise to represent as our work only that which is indeed our own, refraining from all forms of lying, plagiarizing, and cheating."  See the 2016-17 Elizabethtown College Catalog, “Standards of Academic Integrity” (Academic Integrity at Elizabethtown College, 11th ed. (https://www.etown.edu/offices/dean-of-students/files/academic-integrity-handbook.pdf).

Learning Outcomes






A bound collection of reading packets is a required purchase from the bookstore, and will contain these files which are also available in my pulic folder, and on my Computer Engineering page HERE:



PACKET 1 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 1 Supercomputer Fundamentals

PACKET 2 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 2 Part 1 Parallel Processing Fundamentals

PACKET 3 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 2 Part 2 Interconnect Architectures

PACKET 4 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 3 Part 1 Memory and Cache

PACKET 5 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 3 Part 2 Virtual Memory

PACKET 6 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 4 RISC vs CISC, Performance


PACKET 8 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 6 Dr W  IBM Supercomputer Verification Paper (and Talk, and User Manual)

PACKET 9 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 7 Dr W  Machine Intelligence History (Part of draft book chapter)

PACKET 10 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 8 CALCULUS for Machine Learning

PACKET 11 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 9 Dr W  Machine Learning Hardware Book Chapter

PACKET 12 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 10 2017 Supercomputer Paper

PACKET 13 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 11 2018 Neural Network Paper with Rectified Linear Unit Transfer Function

PACKET 14 BOOKSTORE 433   Lecture 12 SC-16H Computer Design by Glen G Langdon

PACKET 15 BOOKSTORE 433   Lab_0_2020

PACKET 16 BOOKSTORE 433   Chips_PSU_Trainer Lab Manual v1.2


PACKET 18 BOOKSTORE 433   2019 MANUAL Relays

PACKET 19 BOOKSTORE 433   NanoLC Manual


PACKET 21 BOOKSTORE 433   2019 MANUAL 8051Microcontroller Simulator

PACKET 22 BOOKSTORE 433   2019 MANUAL Raspberry Pi v.2


 Which includes excerpts from: 

[1]    H. El-Rewini and M. Abd-El-Barr, “Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing,” Wiley-Interscience , January 18, 2005. (ISBN: 0471467405)

[2]    Jim Hoskins and Bob Frank, “Exploring IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 Servers,” 8th edition, Maximum Press, January 28, 2003. (ISBN: 1885068913)

[3]    John Paul Shen, “Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors,  Waveland Press, Inc, 1st Edition, July 30, 2013. (ISBN: 1478607831)

[4]    K. Hwang, " Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability," Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 1992. (ISBN: 0070316228)

[5]    Arijit Saha and Nilotpal Manna, “Digital Principles and Logic Design,” 1st edition, January 28, 2009, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, (ISBN: 978076377373). This is the text used for prerequisite course EGR/CS332


and contains our custom lab manuals:

   (written by students, often edited by J. Wunderlich)

·         2018 IC's, Circuit Trainer, and Power Supply

·         2019 FPGA (2018B, 2018A, 2013, pre-2013)

·         2019 Relays

·         2019 NanoLC

·         2019 Advanced PLC (Phoenix Contact “Axiocontroller”)

·         2020 Advanced PLC (Phoenix Contact “PLCnext”) coming soon

·         2019 Intel 8051 Microcontroller (2015, 2014, Pre-2013)

·         2019 Rasberry Pi and ARM Microcontroller


Course Outline

(subject to change throughout the semester)






Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)


Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)




Hardware vs. Software Parallelism

Superscaler pipelines

Multiprocessor systems

Multicomputer systems






Scalability (and Probability of performance as connectivity increased)



Cache Design




Spatial and Temporal Locality of Reference

Probability of finding the most likely needed replacement data after a Cache Miss

Cache Block Size Design

Probability of optimizing Hit-Miss Ratio

Replacement policy after a Cache Miss

Probabilistic, Least Recently Used, etc.

Virtual Memory

Translation look-aside Buffer



Calculus Review

Performance Metrics



Addressing Modes

Comparison of Instruction Sets (IBM S/390, MC 680XX, PowerPC, Intel 8051, 80251, 8088, And PIC)

CISC (Complex Instruction-Set Computing)

RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Computing)

Instruction-Format Design



Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)

IBM S/390

Vector-Register Machines


IBM S/390 Vector-Register Unit and Instruction-Set

Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)

IBM Power-ParallelDeep-Blue”


Top-Down Architecture

Bottom-Up Architecture



Probability theory (IBM Research)



              Out of Order Execution





IF LABS ARE BUILT (AND POSSIBLY REBUILT), BUT DON'T FULLY FUNCTION: For demonstrations and reports, deduct depends on how adequately you identify problems. For example, make test set-ups to verify functionality of isolated simulation sub-parts, chips, circuit trainer elements, software, relays, other electronics, motors or other higher-voltage circuits and devices. PROVE THAT NO EASY FIX OR SUBSTITUTION WAS POSSIBLE or EASILY IDENTIFIABLE AT THE TIME. Discuss (1) How you identified problems, and (2) How you tried to fix them. Include evidence that you fully understand and have properly connected all pins on a given chip (including considering floating-pins, powering the chip, needed pull-up resistors, proper voltage levels, etc.), and that you have exhausted much time attempted to solve all problems.



Alternate team members demonstrate lab to me (partners must be present). We do this for previous week’s assignment while you begin the next assignment.



For both demonstrations and reports, a 92 is for everything done very well and professional; to get more points, enhance things in creative ways


REPORTS must include:




·    Title Page with lab number, name of lab, your names, Majors, Year (e.g., Junior), who is demonstrating, and who is the designated TEAM LEADER


·    Sections numbered and tilted as follows (always list all of these, and simply put “NA” if not applicable):

1.     “Assignment” (An exact copy of everything in this document -- exactly how it looks here)

2.     “Equipment Used” (A list of hardware and software) INCLUDE PHOTO’S OF ALL EQUIPMENT

3.     “Methodology” (including all design steps, analysis, DECISIONS MADE, etc.) INCLUDE PHOTO’S OF ALL CIRCUITS BUILT

4.     “Options” (if applicable, a comparison of each method used)

5.     “Problems Encountered” (including any debugging methodology) INCLUDE PHOTO’S OF ANY TEST-CIRCUITS BUILT

6.     Testing Methodology” (including timing traces, test-vectors, and RATIONALE FOR HOW YOUR METHODOLOGY ASSURES QUALITY) including estimated   

   probability of satisfactory coverage by chosen test vectors

7.     “References” (in standard IEEE format)

8.     “Appendices” (for spec sheets, etc.)


·       ALL DESIGN PROCESS STEPS MUST BE INCLUDED for Digital Logic designs (NUMBERED as in EGR/CS 332). If design step not done, list as “N.A. 

For Combinational Digital Logic Design:

Step 1: Define problem

Step 2: Encode variables

Step 3: Create truth table

Step 4: Find simplified function(s)

Step 5: Draw logic circuit

Step 6: Convert to NAND’s

Step 7: Check assumptions

Step 8: Chip circuit diagram

For Sequential  Digital Logic Design::

Step 1: Define problem

Step 2: Create state diagram

Step 3: Encode variables

Step 4: Minimize machine

Step 5: Create state table

Step 6: Append flip-flop inputs

Step 7: Find simplified function(s)

Step 8: Draw logic circuit

Step 9: Convert to NAND’s

Step 10: Analyze any unused states

Step 11: Revise state diagram

Step 12: Check Assumptions

Step 13: Chip circuit diagram


·       COLOR-CODED LOGIC DIAGRAMS are required for any digital circuit (Breadboard, FPGA, etc.)


·       COLOR-CODED CIRCUIT SCHEMATICS are required for any circuit implemented (Breadboard, PLC, ladder logic, etc.), color is a must, hand-colored is ok


·       FLOW CHART is required for any program




·       TEAM LEADER has responsibility of coordinating all equipment problems and acquisition of needed parts. Try to stick with same person for this role.




Sample Lab (intro)



ASSIGNMENT:    LAB #0  Test Functionality of all Hardware and Software

          COURSE:   EGR/CS433 “Advanced Computer Engineering Lecture & Lab”  

       SYLLABUS:   http://users.etown.edu/w/wunderjt/syllabi/CS433%20Wunderlich,Joseph.htm

  INSTRUCTOR:   J T Wunderlich PhD

LATE PENALTY:   Minus 33.3% per class period for each late item




Read all of our existing custom Lab Manuals (This is all testable material):

·  2018 IC's, Circuit Trainer, and Power Supply

·  2019 FPGA (2018B, 2018A, 2013, pre-2013)

·  2019 Relays

·  2019 NanoLC

·  2019 Advanced PLC (Axiocontroller)

·  2019 Intel 8051 Microcontroller (2015, 2014, Pre-2013)

·  2019 Rasberry Pi and ARM Microcontroller



This first lab does not require any report, it is simply a way for you to get your group organized, and to test most of  the hardware and software that we will use throughout the semester; and for you to clearly label on a piece of masking tape your group number on all of your equipment, tools, and workspace so that we can keep track of what you have taken temporary ownership of. In addition to each of the pieces of equipment listed below for which you should demonstrate on the due date a test of your own choosing to prove that the equipment is functioning, also label and organize a toolbox of tools, label a cabinet or area near your workstation where are you will keep everything, and test that your computer is fully functioning with all needed software.




    (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                Demonstrate PAD-234 Circuit Trainer circuits [primarily for 5 volt TTL chips]

·         One simple Combinational, and one simple Sequential Circuit

                                                None                       Demonstrate Old Circuit Trainer circuits [primarily for 5 volt TTL chips]:                                             

                                                None                       Demonstrate RadioShack Circuit Trainer circuits [primarily for ~3 volt CMOS chips]                        

    (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                Demonstrate Logisim Circuit simulations

·         One simple Combinational, and one simple Sequential Circuit

    (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                Demonstrate Phoenix Contact NanoLC PLC simulations                                                 

    (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                Demonstrate Phoenix Contact NanoLC PLC real-time systems                                                                       

    (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                Demonstrate Phoenix Contact Advanced PLC (Axiocontroller)                                                

         No Demo, but see Below                            Demonstrate Phoenix Contact Advanced PLC (PLCnext)                                                

    (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                Demonstrate Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) simulations

   (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                 Demonstrate Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) real-time systems                                                                                                         

                                                None                       Demonstrate INTEL 8051/80251 or ARM microcontroller simulations                                                                                            

                                                None                       Demonstrate INTEL 8051/80251 or ARM microcontroller real-time systems                                   

    (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                Demonstrate Raspberry Pi real-time systems                                                                     

    (10%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                Demonstrate Arduino real-time systems                                                                           

                                                None                       Demonstrate Basic-Stamp real-time systems                                                                     

                                                None                       Demonstrate Direct PC-port real-time systems                                                                                  

                                                None                       Demonstrate Remote mobile-device real-time systems                                                                    

                                                None                       Demonstrate LabView real-time systems                                                                                                                                           

                                                None                       Demonstrate Isolated high-voltage bench-test (with low Voltage electronics disconnected)             


     (3%) Wednesday 1/22/20                                        -  Participate in PLCnext Webinar from Germany on Wednesday, January 22 at:

                                                                                                          3:00am EST which is 9:00am CET (Central European Time)

                                                                                                     or 9:00am EST which is 3:00pm CET (Central European Time)

      (7%) MONDAY 1/27/20 AT 3:30PM                      -  Show clearly labeled and stored equipment, parts, and tools at your station                                                                

                                                None                       Written Report:                                                                                                         

                                                None                       PowerPoint, Poster, or Video: